Gotta watch some Fords. Not mine fortunately ,yet..sigh.....
Ford Spark Plug Blowout

Worst Fords to buy are the 6.0 and 6.4 diesels. Many, many guys have been burned by these trucks, some guys have just had to let the bank repo a broken truck. When engine damage occurs it can be in excess of $15000!!!! That totals a used truck!!
Never ever buy one of these!!! Ask me how I know!!! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


When I say that it's, "clean," I'm talking of aesthetics.

The engine was replaced in 2011 I think....

To me, this is a possible "not clean."

How much of a purist are you?

How many miles on this replaced engine? Who did the work?

Like I said, this Fellow runs a National Car Repair Franchise.

"As Allen GrayCloud would say,"

"'Nuff Said."



I'll certainly get all information possible before she is mine....

But, I like the way this is looking....



I'm betting she's a deal...especially at that price!! To me a replaced engine if done properly vastly enhances the value. Sounds like you've found a good one!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

All this talk of vehicles....

Saw a truck today that I'm liking pretty good.....
My truck is day to day at this point.

It's really my fault...I haven't taken care of it properly since I've owned it.

Sure, I've replaced brakes a few times, a clutch job once or three times, but,
Change oil? Nah. Not this month. Or next.....maybe after that....

Coolant? Nah.
Plugs? Once or twice, maybe 3 times....
Hell, I've NEVER washed it!

8 years is probably the most I could have hoped for on a '99 S-10....under those conditions....

Yeah, and I delivered pizzas in this truck for a coupla years when I started back to College 5-6 years ago!

Guess I'll have to get my hands dirty a bit more often than I did.....



The process of "selling off" has begun.....

Speaking of delivering pizzas when I started back to College,
My Manager at one of the two stores that I scheduled College around attended my Graduation and she and her husband took photos and I just got them.
3-4 are worthy of further posting.

How about one for now?


Quick story....

Dr Jeff Marker was one of my favorite past Professors of Film.

We shared many moments after class discussing various movies, film direction and other aspects of cinematography.
If I'm not mistaken, he has written Film Reviews for the New York Times....:icon_scratch:

Any who,

When I stood before him and he looked at the name on the card that he was to read, he looked up at me with a quizzical look in his eye, and I gave him the "Rodney" look!


Here's another pic for my friends!


Best Wishes,



Still waitin' on the Diploma.

In the mail, of course....

[TABLE="class: tableblue-full tablesorter tablesaw tablesaw-stack"]
[TD]Jeff Marker[/TD]
[TD]Dept Chair/Head AC[/TD]
[TD] jeff.marker
[TD]Nesbitt Academic 4 4230, Gainesville [/TD]

Here's something about twit, or some chirp thing....^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

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An additional thought about the truck I'm thinkin of....

Can I trust it to take me home, 800 miles away?

And back again to where I call home today?

Certainly something that I'll consider....



Hopefully you'll get it sorted out....take it slow and hopefully you'll get over the pain without tons of meds.

Regards + HH


Thank you Bill, fortunately I guess in one way, I won't take the pain meds as they make me sicker than heck. The downside is I may get a tad grumpy from time to time when things start to hurt. But hey it beats the alternative right?

Worst Fords to buy are the 6.0 and 6.4 diesels. Many, many guys have been burned by these trucks, some guys have just had to let the bank repo a broken truck. When engine damage occurs it can be in excess of $15000!!!! That totals a used truck!!
Never ever buy one of these!!! Ask me how I know!!! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
One of my brothers has that $15k t-shirt, brand new, financed and had to fix. He pretty much gave it away.

Scott I'm glad you said the truck has the manual 4 speed. I had one with the automatic and it was a lemon had nothin but transmission problems. At work we ran them as fleet service trucks and had little to no issues with the manuals. The autos not so much, they were also gutless in comparison to the manuals with the overdrives. Good luck man I hope you can get it!

I know exactly what ya mean about the differed maintenance. I used to love wrenching, use to do alot of side work for folks and spent a good portion of my spare time wrenching on my own. But for the last 8-10 yrs I've been kinda burned out and just wanted to drive. Although lately I find myself missing it and garnering new interest. Needless to say I'm having to put a lot of dough into my truck to bring it back to where she should be. Luckily I baby her to begin with so it isn't anything major, just a ton of nickel dime stuff that sure adds up when it all comes at once. Two worst things are the fuel pump (major pain to replace) and when I was doing the transmission filter change I noticed a small crack in the right side exhaust manifold. Oh and at some point during the coolant flush/change and replacing the spark plugs and wires I jacked up the schrader valve (actually on mine its a port with check valve) on the high side A/C line- that may end up costing me some bucks if the check valve o ring got flipped into the line and I have to replace the line, evac and do a complete recharge. So much for the money I saved doing my own work, right?

What oil do you guys run in your vehicles? In this truck I have used nothing but Mobil 1 synthetic from day one. I'll be honest and say I haven't been all that consistant about the oil changes. That being said, I'm amazed because the truck just hit 170k (I drive a lot), the compression is excellent, it purrs like a kitten, still has excellent power, and the oil always looks fresh and feels good when I do get around to changing it. I don't usually give product plugs but I believe it's a little extra money well spent that's made a real difference.

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And now, I find myself reminiscing of a favorite song of my first wife...
From about the '70's?

She learned how to ride my cycle while I was a few hundred miles away....
(on 'Business.')

And I had just re-bored that puppy and added new over-sized pistons and rings....

Less than 100 miles on the tear down.....

DAMN! She blew it up being stupid. Or so I heard later....
Reason for divorce? Yeah, certainly we'll talk about it....


We all have memories of the past.....

Hope Y'all's are good! :thumbsup:



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I got a commercial about my truck.

But, her name isn't 'Brad.'

It's "Susie Q."



Don't vehicles develop a personality?
(ala Stephen King's, "Christine?")

Do you not name and "Personify" your vehicles?

Doan lie to ole Scotty, now, I got a direct "pipe-line" to Santa Claus........8-)

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The previous physical concerns that I experienced have abated and have thus reduced the urgency to change the oil.
Or the the plugs.

This month? Nah......
I certainly don't like how the VA does things and I'm afraid of going off on somebody and it's not their fault.
(especially if there is some "gig" found)

To walk a fine line...To understand and yet be hold your own feelings "close to the vest...."

Comes to one who has experienced many of the circumstances of life.....


Yeah, Why not?


Do you feel?
Like I do?


Here Ya go.....




It's late once again....

"What paper do I have to write? Which Chapter's test do I have to study for?"

"Tell me now before I burst all over you with my energy, Doc!"


"Yeah. Pencils for all! On me. Well, I mean I'll pay..."

"I'd sure like to tame her shrew...." :laughing7:



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I see that you are awake in the middle of the night. Again....

Like me.

Let's play again, shall we?


(Notice the windmill. There is certainly correlation to tornadoes that are somewhat latent....Most times.)
Sleep well.....I never do....Unless in my Mountains.

"Y'all come Visit, hear?"

Yeah. Who gives a frog's as..pect about windmills and such when ole "Leatherface" has you in his sight?


"Revolution Calling"

For a price I'd do about anything
Except pull the trigger
For that I'd need a pretty good cause
Then I heard of Dr. X
The man with the cure
Just watch the television
Yeah, you'll see there's something going on

Got no love for politicians
Or that crazy scene in D.C.
It's just a power mad town
But the time is ripe for changes
There's a growing feeling
That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due

I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I've seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
(There's a) Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

I'm tired of all this bullshit
They keep selling me on T.V.
About the communist plan
And all the shady preachers
Begging for my cash
Swiss bank accounts while giving their
Secretaries the slam

They're all in Penthouse now
Or Playboy magazine, million dollar stories to tell
I guess Warhol wasn't wrong
Fame fifteen minutes long
Everyone's using everybody, making the sale

I used to think
That only America's way, way was right
But now the holy dollar rules everybody's lives
Gotta make a million doesn't matter who dies

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
(There's a) Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I've seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?

Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
(There's a) Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through

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One of my brothers has that $15k t-shirt, brand new, financed and had to fix. He pretty much gave it away.

Scott I'm glad you said the truck has the manual 4 speed. I had one with the automatic and it was a lemon had nothin but transmission problems. At work we ran them as fleet service trucks and had little to no issues with the manuals. The autos not so much, they were also gutless in comparison to the manuals with the overdrives. Good luck man I hope you can get it!

I know exactly what ya mean about the differed maintenance. I used to love wrenching, use to do alot of side work for folks and spent a good portion of my spare time wrenching on my own. But for the last 8-10 yrs I've been kinda burned out and just wanted to drive. Although lately I find myself missing it and garnering new interest. Needless to say I'm having to put a lot of dough into my truck to bring it back to where she should be. Luckily I baby her to begin with so it isn't anything major, just a ton of nickel dime stuff that sure adds up when it all comes at once. Two worst things are the fuel pump (major pain to replace) and when I was doing the transmission filter change I noticed a small crack in the right side exhaust manifold. Oh and at some point during the coolant flush/change and replacing the spark plugs and wires I jacked up the schrader valve (actually on mine its a port with check valve) on the high side A/C line- that may end up costing me some bucks if the check valve o ring got flipped into the line and I have to replace the line, evac and do a complete recharge. So much for the money I saved doing my own work, right?

What oil do you guys run in your vehicles? In this truck I have used nothing but Mobil 1 synthetic from day one. I'll be honest and say I haven't been all that consistant about the oil changes. That being said, I'm amazed because the truck just hit 170k (I drive a lot), the compression is excellent, it purrs like a kitten, still has excellent power, and the oil always looks fresh and feels good when I do get around to changing it. I don't usually give product plugs but I believe it's a little extra money well spent that's made a real difference.

In my diesel it's been on a steady diet of Rotella 15w-40 since I got it at 298,000 miles at only about five years old. My wrangler gets Mobil 1 at the dealer since new. The Forrester gets synthetic at the dealer. The boat is getting switched to Rotella because other oils have had the zinc removed because of the oppressive Epa...
Tractor is also on Rottella...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Synthetic in my truck too. And in the little tryke.

Ha,ha Scott ..the ol lady blew up your bike!
O.K. not funny if it's your bike.


Hadn't thought about the zinc and rotella in the boat or tractor, that's a good point. Always ran Rotella in our semi trucks. Sadly and I know better, but the tractor and other small engines have been getting whatever is cheap (yeah I know, cheap is only relative to the short term).

Hadn't thought about the zinc and rotella in the boat or tractor, that's a good point. Always ran Rotella in our semi trucks. Sadly and I know better, but the tractor and other small engines have been getting whatever is cheap (yeah I know, cheap is only relative to the short term).

Rotella is awesome stuff! I've been into my truck motor as deep as timing gears and at the time about 345,000 miles I could see no noticeable wear! Not even a wear pattern! I'm not a fan of Delvac or Ursla...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Well got the A/C fixed, been in the high 90's low 100's right up until the A/C quit. Got it fixed now the Delta breeze has kicked in and we are in the high 70's low 80's, I froze my butt off testing the A/C- lol! I feel better it wasn't anything I did, it was a timing quinky dink, the internals of the schrader valve decided it wanted to grenade itself and purge the entire system. Glad it did it when it did as we are supposed to be going on a trip to New Mexico for our daughters wedding. I've done that trip before in July/Aug. driving a Watertender with no A/C, won't be doing that again. Did one other fix (I hope, we'll see tomorrow), my ABS light has been on and driving me nuts, already checked all thee connections and the ground, so figured it had to be in the Brake control module. After careful brain surgery type patience and precision I was able to split the case and resolder the relay points. I'll let ya all know tomorrow if I'm a hero or zero.

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