dr no.webp
"Not to worry. Mr. Scott(Bond), Soon, all of your worries will be eliminated!"

"Please choose your favorite evil laugh from the following...."

Yeah, Lots of school work ahead.

Where's my books?



"Guess I like 'em all, if you get into them movies and such, mmmm hunh..."

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The night is here,
The storm is near,
Come close to me,
Yeah, Come close to me.

I am here
Always near,
Come close to me...

A song I'm writin' tonight as thunder rumbles outside my door in Georgia....



"Yeah. Like I should be studyin' or something else right now instead.... HA"

Thunder crashes, raindrops fall....

Some words...Inspiration?

"Ready For The Rain"

Early in the morning, before the daylight
I hear the sound of thunder, comin' through in the night
I lie awake and I wonder , where my life is goin'
Am I on a road leadin' nowhere, there's no way of knowin'
'Cause I've seen the lightning
And I'm ready for the rain to fall

Now I'm standin' on a mountain, lookin' into the sky
I see the clouds come rollin' in, water fills my eyes
I don't know what's in the future, no one can say
Don't wanna think about the past, I've gotta live for today
'Cause I've seen the lightnin' now
I need to find my own way, while I've still got time

And I'm ready for the rain to fall
'Cause I've heard the thunder
And I'm ready for the rain to fall
I'm ready, ready for the rain
I've got to rise above it all
And get ready for the rain to fall

Did you ever know someone, who had lost their way
Built their own little kingdom, and just blew it all away
I'm not ashamed to admit it, that someone was me
I'm gonna look to the future now, 'cause I've set myself free
And I've seen the lightnin'
I'm gonna set myself free, while I've still got time

Get ready for the rain to fall
'Cause I've heard the thunder
And I'm ready for the rain to fall
I'm ready, ready for the rain
I've got to rise above it all
And get ready for the rain to fall, while I've still got time....
[Repeat chorus]

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Oh my gosh in my almost sleep state my wife mumbled" look for an RV trailer" I said " WHAT?" " you mean to pull with my new truck?" " wait pinch me......she slapped me....said one to sleep all the grand kids" I then fell asleep with a smile.......

Scott, probably not much help but your last bunch of posts the only one I didn't see was the one OV pointed out.

TGF- Buy a smaller RV for you and the missus and nice new tents for the kiddos- yeah right! Big bad mean ol papa here said that's what he was going to do, I'd a been better off buying me a new tent. We camp alot and they all still sleep in the 5th wheel with us. Kinda fun one big slumber party! Funny, when I was a kid I couldn't set my tent up far enough from the adults.
Somewhat serious on the size tho, if you stay under 30' for a 5th wheel, and 26' or so on a tongue pull there isn't a campground in the US you can't pull into. We had a bigger one for awhile, it was a pain in the butt. The extra room wasn't worth it, love the size of the 28.5 we have now. Out here with the mountains roads and steep grades a fifth wheel is the way to go. Down your way a trailer is nice because you keep the use of your truck bed. Also buy one from up north if possible, they are beefed up and extra insulated straight from the manufacturer.

Last bit of labs and pre-op today, hopefully no more delays and the surgery is a go Monday, I wanna get this done and get back to livin.

Scott, probably not much help but your last bunch of posts the only one I didn't see was the one OV pointed out.

TGF- Buy a smaller RV for you and the missus and nice new tents for the kiddos- yeah right! Big bad mean ol papa here said that's what he was going to do, I'd a been better off buying me a new tent. We camp alot and they all still sleep in the 5th wheel with us. Kinda fun one big slumber party! Funny, when I was a kid I couldn't set my tent up far enough from the adults.
Somewhat serious on the size tho, if you stay under 30' for a 5th wheel, and 26' or so on a tongue pull there isn't a campground in the US you can't pull into. We had a bigger one for awhile, it was a pain in the butt. The extra room wasn't worth it, love the size of the 28.5 we have now. Out here with the mountains roads and steep grades a fifth wheel is the way to go. Down your way a trailer is nice because you keep the use of your truck bed. Also buy one from up north if possible, they are beefed up and extra insulated straight from the manufacturer.

Last bit of labs and pre-op today, hopefully no more delays and the surgery is a go Monday, I wanna get this done and get back to livin.

Good luck with the surgery. Always best to move past sickness!

Guys here's what she wants. We are just a couple of retired folks. We don't make much. She wants me to look at purchasing a camper that sleeps 6-8 so we can pull it to Virginia and leave it on her families property so we can always have a place for our crew dogs to sleep. Her family is getting up in age. They have all the toys the side by sides the 4x4's the Razors. We don't have to purchase the toys. So if we had a place to always stay we can go up there and cruise the mountains during the summers before our boys get too old ! Maybe buy an aver ourselves like a hunting cabin deal. We can't afford another house. See how she's thinking ? What do you think of that fowledup ? I love that idea.....god bless her she's trying..

Best of luck on that surgery. My fishing buddy is having surgery Monday too. Tonsils, adenoids, removed..... Bless you both.

If your gonna park it and leave it, go with a big fifth wheel. You can always have AAA tow it there for ya. I don't know why this is, but fifth wheels are cheaper. I can buy twice the 5th wheel for a third less cost than a regular travel trailer. Maybe because it's a smaller user group that can pull them, I don't know. Nice thing about a fifth wheel is they are more comfy and you guys get a seperate bedroom! Also check around we are seeing a ton of "park" models flooding the market out here. They would be perfect for your situation. Many of them were trailers that were contracted by FEMA for Katrina but never used. The difference with them is they are not self contained, meaning you have to supply a propane source and an external dump tank. An okie RV septic system made from a couple of barrels is a piece of cake and a better deal for a park and leave set up. Hope this gives you some good ideas and keep the questions coming, happy to help.

Hey TGF and all, tripping through and hope all is well.....
Me, the Mr, his sister & BIL, we all went in on a camper trailer, drag behind, sleep 8, slide out. We took it over to the west coast, fishing, Belle glade black gold jubilee, (the mr actually eye-balled a huge 14K bracelet, we're never NOT treasure hunting, lol), we had fun, a lot!
Only problem, we were all working at the time, the thing sat in Sis's driveway, more than we used it, few repairs had to be done, etc.....
We were all happy when we sold it, too! :laughing7: Money back in our pocket. We figured we'd get another, once the Mr retires, and we're all cool with that. We all get along great!

I'd say, best time to buy is either, when the snowbirds are leaving, like in right now. Or, after they are gone, and couldn't get shed of that big camper of their's, check the holding yards, storage facilities, they probably got a few they are wanting to sale. We got ours of a guy that advsertised outta West Palm. Steve I think his name was. He buys, repairs, resells, it was a fair deal, we felt and we did even make our money back.
Also think about, finding something maybe already up in VA (if you can), and planting it on the land. You may not realize what issues can come, till you start rolling one (especially an older one, that has sit) down the road. Or up the road, like on a long haul, to VA.

I got land in Ga on a river, I'd like to do that with, but more so, I'd like to trade my Ga land for some Peace river land. It's closer and we would actually go there more, as Ga, is just way too far.

Great adventure ya'll can have. I wouldn't have traded mine (adventure) for anything. Good luck and I'll try to come around more, with less words, LOL! Great to see ya'll's!

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Sounds like a good idea TGF, I'd go for a fifth wheel any day over a tag along. They toe wayyyy better. I would pass on anything except aluminum framed. The wood framed ones rot really quick if a leak develops and is not stopped...immediately! Be very careful to steer clear of rotten trailers. That cancer will hide behind walls and you'll have no idea until the wall just becomes like jello. Be very careful....

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Did I say you all ROCK???? Who needs mountains when I can come here for a mountain of knowledge!!! Haha thanks everybody! Welcome back Pat Cat !

Well I think I have found another boat. A 19' Larson. I believe I'll buy it on Saturday, the owner is holding it for me. It's faded. Bad but it will polish out.

Let's see just how far I can grow my original $130 investment!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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You Da Man Bro!!!!!!!!


Nice to see you drop in and glad all is well.

Regards + HH


Sounds like a good idea TGF, I'd go for a fifth wheel any day over a tag along. They toe wayyyy better. I would pass on anything except aluminum framed. The wood framed ones rot really quick if a leak develops and is not stopped...immediately! Be very careful to steer clear of rotten trailers. That cancer will hide behind walls and you'll have no idea until the wall just becomes like jello. Be very careful....

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I suggest doing an inspection yourself if you know what to look for.

If not, certainly you know a trusted and knowledgeable Friend to help....
Other than that, I'd talk to your local RV center to see if they do inspections. That way, you get them on the hook if something goes wrong that they should have seen.

Of course, this is assuming that you don't get the rig FROM a dealer....

Patience may be a virtue: Scan Craig's List and other sites in your area of individuals selling rigs.

Personally, I DO know about RV's and would consider a fixer-upper..

As was mentioned earlier, stay away from wood because if you will have it parked and unattended for extended periods of time, a leak can develop and then you're left with tryin' to make chicken salad out of chicken s.....I better stop....

Be patient, Friend.

You'll know it when you see it!



Well I think I have found another boat. A 19' Larson. I believe I'll buy it on Saturday, the owner is holding it for me. It's faded. Bad but it will polish out.

Let's see just how far I can grow my original $130 investment!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Pics or it didn't happen! :laughing7:

Good Luck!




I posted this pic this morning in a different way.

It appears for me OK.

How 'bout Y'all?

Let's just say,

For Grins and Giggles, that this shall be the procedure to use....

Until someone has problems seeing my posted pictures,





"It seem's that we have breaking news....Scott is working on the second set of clues. We are told that they shall be forthcoming soon!"

Please let me know if you have any problems with my pictures using this procedure.

Thanks! :notworthy:

Best of Wishes to All!


Absolutely!! Will have pics tomorrow.

So.....The Wifey only left you $130 from the last flip?


"No, No, Son! You're, I say, you're doin' it all wrong!" :tongue3:



Or perhaps that was the investment of the previous boat and Wifey DIDN'T want all of the profits.....


"Mo' money makes Mo' money, Dig?"


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