Creepy crawlies!


Gold Member
Mar 5, 2010
Southwest Georgia
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XP Deus, White's DFX
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All Treasure Hunting
Here are some I have taken pictures of around my house. The copperhead in the last picture was just inside the door to my lawn mower room about a week ago. I removed it to the woods next to my property. The "dead" snake was pretty cool. As soon as I walked away it came to life and high tailed it out of Dodge! Feel free to post yours here.


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The 'dead' snake is a hognose snake. They are so cool! i've only seen two in the wild.

I don't know why the pictures in the post above were out of order. Anyway, here are a few more. The dragonfly making a meal out of a butterfly was something I hadn't seen before.


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A few more and I'm done for tonight.


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Nice pics! What a variety of snakes. All kinds of surprises to walk into or step on. Thanks for showing those.

You got the snakes! We've been looking at houses in NE Georgia (Rabun Co.). I hope there are less snakes up there than in your area. That last one is a water moccasin, right? Yikes! Gary

You got the snakes! We've been looking at houses in NE Georgia (Rabun Co.). I hope there are less snakes up there than in your area. That last one is a water moccasin, right? Yikes! Gary

#2, 4 & 5 are the same water moccasin. I had three different ones this year in the drainage ditch that runs across the back of my yard and one just outside my lawn mower room. The first one was removed by local authorities to a wildlife preserve and the other two got away before I could capture them. Once they get out of sight in tall grass I let them alone! I like the tiny brown one myself. They are rarely seen as they live below the leaf litter and grass. There are a lot less snakes in north Georgia. I also like this shot of a bug on one of my fruit trees. Definitely different.


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Saw this hunting artifacts. It was maybe 4 millimeters in length.


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It's one type of jumping spider I've seen around here. These I've mostly seen on the sparsely vegetated arid terrain, but these other smaller jumping spiders that I've seen have a brownish black coloration found mostly on buildings. This guy that almost looks a little furry isn't a city slicker.

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