Don’t really know where to post this but thought I’d share what I observed on the sea floor near Bishop Rock while looking for lobsters during scuba dive.
I was on a chartered scuba diving boat at Cortes Banks less than 10 and observed what I believe was the end or barrel end of a cannon. I was searching the sea floor for structure where lobsters seek protection and noticed what I thought was a medium sized rock structure maybe 6-7’ tall or so?
I looked underneath and sure enough there was a lobster there.
Lobsters love back door escape holes so I left him alone to check for openings I could plug with a rock or?
While rising up from having my head buried beneath the structure I observed a distinct sloping elevation upwards for a distance of at least 30’ or more.
Seemed odd but not as odd as what I noticed next. I observed a long 4-5’ or so rounded object protruding in an upward angle from this structure like all by itself.
When I observed the end away from the structure I immediately thought I’m looking at the end of a cannon. Without a doubt, it was the end of a cannon. My dive partner was with me so I pointed out this grown over object to him as well. Since things get really distorted looking with all the accumulative growth down there I pointed out the longer barrel looking shape first. After that I showed him the barrel end.
I used my finger to show him the outer ring that may have been 10” or so with growth included then I pointed to the center showing him a distinct inner circle also filled in with growth of like 6” or so

It was dang interesting and to this day I wished I had a camera with me.
Upon reaching the surface I pulled the regulator of my mouth and said did you see that thing?
He exclaimed that he noticed something like encrusted spokes or something like that near the opening of that structure area where the lobster was hiding.
When I said something about the cannon he says is that what I was trying to show him. I said absolutely! As we talked more he too noticed the sloping flat looking area that angled away and up from the structure or “Cannon Area”.
He saved the GPS coordinates to his devise once we got back on the dive boat while still anchored.
We mentioned it to the dive boat folks and they kinda said that was cool and then noting more.
As we talked more we kinda figured the flat sloping area may have been the deck of the ship? I
I never noticed the spokes but we thought it probably had something to do with the cannon and that it was probably attached to the deck.
Like I said, with so much encrusted stuff growing on everything it’s easy to miss the details. Long addition here but I know what we observed and I’ve always wanted to return for that cannon.