Coopers Treasures

Last week's episode I found it moment they are finding nuggets and gold dust, and talking about "We need to really hit this spot hard", and suddenly they decide to ignore it and are off in the sub on the cliff.

A mixup in the post-production editing? Or did government minder step in and say "HANDS OFF!!!"

Also, when they found the area where the nuggets/dust were....I swear I was seeing raw jewels. Looked like a solid patch of little colored bits of glass.

I am the very first to admit, I am not expert. Just an armchair guy who wants people to find great treasure and live out their dreams while people like me go "WOW LOOKIT WHAT DEM PEEPS FINDED!!!" :o.

I also was confused when they showed money-man the cannon in the container on the deck...if they had a permit that says "look but do not touch" they have broken that permit many, many times on this show, so
I would suspect the Bahamian government is being very lenient with them, or else their permit is NOT a "look but don't touch" permit.

The "alien" thing is sort of ridiculous.

If nothing else, I would be thinking more along the lines of lost civilizations, much like the ruins found at great depths west of Cuba that were laid out like a large city, rather than jumping immediately to the "OMG IT GOTS TUH BE ALIEN BEINGS, SCREEEEEH!!!" routine. That made me notice the stuff about "Miklos and Co. hoping to renew a third season" bit. I suspect it is just stirring up publicity to try to get renewed.

I hope they would be renewed for a third season if there is much more stuff to be found (which I am sure there must be).

I also am happy to find a situation where they are well-funded, with LOTS of fantastic gear.

The great Big Picture thing is, it just gets more people fascinated with our hobby in general. I wonder how many people have signed up here at Tnet after watching some treasure hunting program and thinking "I would like to find out more about this stuff", leading to them buying a metal detector, and becoming long-time enthusiasts. That part of it is a great positive for treasure hunting in general.

One thing is for sure....while we are WATCHING....Miklos is out there DOING. I very much envy him for the fact he is actually getting out there and searching for this stuff with the finances and gear he has. :)

Oh well. Season finale is on now. Hope they find some great stuff.

Cheers, everybody! 8-)

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Interesting. I froze frame it when they showed the document at the end...just a document relinquishing possession of the coins, basically.

No mention whatsoever of alien spacecraft, etc.

Oh well.

Hope they get a third season. Don't see why they would not.

Salvor6...didnt you say that they do not have permission to recover anything, only search? Seems like they are bringing up all kinds of things. :icon_scratch:

Salvor6...didnt you say that they do not have permission to recover anything, only search? Seems like they are bringing up all kinds of things. :icon_scratch:

That's right. The Bahamian govt. has not issued a permit to anyone. I don't know how they get away with it. Did you notice at the end of last weeks show they handed the two gold coins to a Bahamian official?

Interesting. I froze frame it when they showed the document at the end...just a document relinquishing possession of the coins, basically.

No mention whatsoever of alien spacecraft, etc.

Oh well.

Hope they get a third season. Don't see why they would not.

Interesting...I never looked closely at that document. Did it mention the cannon?


Maybe they aren't really in the Bahamas ...

That's right. The Bahamian govt. has not issued a permit to anyone. I don't know how they get away with it. Did you notice at the end of last weeks show they handed the two gold coins to a Bahamian official?

I dont see them marking any locations, taking any photos, or even conserving the stuff on deck in tubs of water. If they did locate a site, how would they ever find it again?

They did show conservation efforts on the show, & while they didn't show them marking sites, it was implied by the graphics, & watching people do paperwork is typically not very cinematic.

They did show conservation efforts on the show, & while they didn't show them marking sites, it was implied by the graphics, & watching people do paperwork is typically not very cinematic.

You mark the location of each item on the bottom. GPS topdeck means nothing, the bottom surface is always moving. You find gold nuggets and dust on the bottom, and dont mark it with a spike? They could go back the next day, different vis or lighting, and never find the location. Whenever I do anything on the bottom, I mark it with a fletched metal 30 penny nail, different colors are coded depending on a find or search extents, that way you either find it again, or dont search that area again. Even then, they can be difficult to find.
Nothing I saw they did made it seem they would ever go back. Since they werent allowed to recovery anything, did they just document it and toss it over the side?

After all, they could not locate a large modern steel wreck from the mag hit.

You mark the location of each item on the bottom. GPS topdeck means nothing, the bottom surface is always moving. You find gold nuggets and dust on the bottom, and dont mark it with a spike? They could go back the next day, different vis or lighting, and never find the location. Whenever I do anything on the bottom, I mark it with a fletched metal 30 penny nail, different colors are coded depending on a find or search extents, that way you either find it again, or dont search that area again. Even then, they can be difficult to find.
Nothing I saw they did made it seem they would ever go back. Since they werent allowed to recovery anything, did they just document it and toss it over the side?

After all, they could not locate a large modern steel wreck from the mag hit.

I did not see anyone on the show go to the bathroom. Ever. Not once. Does that mean they did not go?

Seeing divers sticking nails in the sand would make for such exciting cinema.

Shucks, I think it would practically guarantee another season.

What I saw was them pick up items and keep going. You would place a marker where you found it, plain and simple. With every piece found, it would show up now and then, even with editing.

You don't think it was important when showing the gold nuggets, and dust, to place a marker saying we need to come back here? That would have meant they thought it was important, and an indication something bigger could be there, No, they got that, and simply moved on. Given the filler they usually show, marking a potential find would seem a bit entertaining?

So you think that they were actually marking sites for return, when they cant even find a 70 foot long steel mag hit, really? They are remarkable, as they did find a deck prism with a metal detector hit.

I like the last one"biggest mag hit I have ever seen", leading people to believe they had found something. Why splash, when a 50 foot steel wreck is in 30 feet of water? You cant see it from the boat???

Actually, what are you trying to say?

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Salvor6...didnt you say that they do not have permission to recover anything, only search? Seems like they are bringing up all kinds of things. :icon_scratch:

Maybe they do have an agreement with the Bahamian Government...:icon_scratch:

So they don't do things the way you do so they're doing it wrong?

With your posts you're going to think Eric and his family & crew are treasure finding gods because they went to the same spot for 3 years and recovered over $1 million over those three seasons and I do not recall them ever saying they put a spike on the spot!

He did say it was next to a sheepshead, so maybe they just looked for the sheepshead when they went back year after year!

LOL! You all watched every week right? The show raked in the REAL treasure - advertising dollars!:skullflag:

I watched the final episode because I heard that they found gold... (Also read article about Alien spacecraft" Discovery Channel treasure hunter says he?s found evidence of alien visit | Daily Mail Online ")

It seems that this was just "spin" to boost ratings or something.. Two old "possible" gold coins from a group of wrecks that "probably" have been dived hundreds of times before seem to be their only find. The divers were near land in only a few feet of water.. It would be difficult to believe this site has not been pretty extensively searched before.

They find two (possible) gold coins and then pack up and go home. Telling us they will be back to look for the mother load next year. RIGHT! SURE!

That place seems like it would not be to hard to identify by someone who knows the area. If they really thought there was a "Solid Gold Table" etc they would not simply have packed up and gone home. For when they come back the "Table" will be well and truly gone....

Do they think the audience are stupid... So much for Coopers Treasure from space......

The first thing I did was get out my Bahamas charts. It looks like they were at Aklins Island.

It's a TV show get a grip people.

CT did exactly what they wanted. Got you watching it, got you talking about it, now got you arguing about it. CT, Season 3, stay tuned.........

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Sure.. It is a TV show.. However they present it as a serious treasure search show.. I only watched the first episode of season one and then that final episode. It was pretty poor attempt at treasure hunting and finding from what I saw. I certainly will not be tuning in for season 3.....

Sure.. It is a TV show.. However they present it as a serious treasure search show.. I only watched the first episode of season one and then that final episode. It was pretty poor attempt at treasure hunting and finding from what I saw. I certainly will not be tuning in for season 3.....
I'd be willing to be they take it as a serious treasure search. You have to remember it's tv, so scripting is involved and LOTS of editing. When I was an archaeologist, if a show was filmed about my digs it without scripting and heavy editing, people would be bored to death. I enjoy watching them because they are doing something I would love to be able to do. Do I think they are going to find a solid gold table? Not a snowballs chance, but I do get to see them diving, using cool gadgets, and subs. It's no different than Oak Island or that CW Gold one...pure entertainment for something most of us will never do. I do, however, feel that at least with this show, they are finding things (even if they are forbidden from keeping them).

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