COOLPIX 9 - is a great person to do business with. Recommended!

Re: F/S - 72 Rings, mostly .925, $315 shipped, that's $4.38 ea.

maybe if you set your standards a little lower. you might sell them. less than 50 posts??? thats absurd. your getting paid first. waiting till everything is cleared. its not like your sending the item and waiting for the money. this isnt ebay. its a family oriented forum.. a member with 1 post is as good as you are. believe it or not!!

Re: F/S - 72 Rings, mostly .925, $315 shipped, that's $4.38 ea.

maybe if you set your standards a little lower. you might sell them. less than 50 posts??? thats absurd. your getting paid first. waiting till everything is cleared. its not like your sending the item and waiting for the money. this isnt ebay. its a family oriented forum.. a member with 1 post is as good as you are. believe it or not!!

I agree!

Re: F/S - 72 Rings, mostly .925, $315 shipped, that's $4.38 ea.

Hey Shooter, would you entertain a swap for some 40% halves ? WE can work out the details in Private if you like. I would be happy to send them to you and you can send me the rings. Thanks, Jim Porter

I have done deals with at least 10 on the forum for referrals. LJ,GPURS,ugotit22,cherryman68,piercesdad,and more if you like.
And I would never forget RSC, Thanks Gayle

Re: F/S - 72 Rings, mostly .925, $315 shipped, that's $4.38 ea.

Coolpix is a great guy to deal with...... Even if he did not include me on his list...... HH Gayle

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

In regards to "less than 50 posts", I think this is a valid point. If you want to deal with someone with 1 post, go ahead. I might, but that is up to me to make the decision, generally I would do some research on the poster first.
I was just dealing with someone on here a few months ago that ran me through the ringer and had their spouse get involved in our transaction when it was none of her business. Paypal tied up my money and almost gave it back to the buyer because they filed a claim when this guys wife got me mixed up with another person.
There is a well known coin website that has this 50 post "policy" before you can buy or sell on their site. It's quite effective in keeping out the scammers and rip-off artists. I figure if it is good for them, it's good for me.
Believe it or not, TNET has them too. They are here lurking to take advantage of folks who just don't know any better.
Why do you think there is a huge disclaimer at the top of the Classifieds section?
By the time someone sticks around this site for at least 50 posts, most people can get a sense of whether they are for real or not.
Obviously you are either one trusting sole, or you haven't sold alot of stuff on-line like I have.
Believe me, you definetly DO get burned every once in a while. I am cautious, thats for sure. When you are dealing in hundreds of $$$'s worth of materials, are you just going to send your stuff to a 1 -10 poster without any way of verifying he is for real or not? If you were making a deal for a ring you wanted to sell that was worth $300, would you just send it to someone with minimal posting time? Go for it. I won't, because I've been there. I bought some gold specimens from a guy once. Paid him a few hundred $$$$$'s of money I worked hard for by detecting and digging it up. He ripped me off. Finally after months of hassling this guy I got my $$ back because what he sent was not what he advertised, but in the process, I learned to be careful on the internet. You seem insulted. Go ahead and jump first and think later. I've already learned that lesson. BTW, if you want to question my practices in the future, send me a PM. It's not polite internet ettiquite to do what you two did.
You are right, this is NOT ebay. I believe that the rings are priced right, but if you want to sell yours cheaper, just let me know. Many of these rings would go for at least $8 apiece and many would go for $15-20 each. I found them, I can ask whatever I feel they are worth. As you can see, I made a deal that I, (and the other party) believe was fair and acceptable to both of us.

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

so because of one mixup. everyone is no good

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

In coinshooter's defense you have to be careful even on TN, as a buyer I personally will not buy from some one who only has a couple posts with out a lot of information from them first, name, address, home number, and what ever else it takes for me to feel comforable so I can check them out, even then it may be a no go. No offense to any new members, but when hundreds of dollars are involved I personally have to be 100% comfortable with no hesitation on my part at.

We see a lot of people who sign up on TN just to sell a single detector and then never see them again. Seen people get ripped off not just here but on other boards as well. Someone who has been here awhile has a reputation they usually try to protect, you can also find people who will vouch for them.... I have bought 8 used detectors so far since starting, every deal was good, no bad detectors and no money problems. Caution speaks volumes when it comes to dealing with money...

Again no insults meant towards any new members, and this is just my personal opinions.........

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

in everyones else defense. he wasnt buying anything. he was selling. and he stated everything must clear before shipment.. his listing was ignorant to say the least. if you dont want to sell to just anyone, become a charter member . and post it there only. just because someone only has a few posts. doesnt mean their money is no good.. how do you think that makes people feel? it probably makes you feel good! grow up. this is the treasure net. not wall street. when i have to fill out a credit report to pay cash for something. thats when i will climb a clock tower and speak my piece!!!!

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

you didnt even read the post, did you? or your having trouble seeing where he stated checks must clear first!!!! :help: :help: :help:

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

na. im ok. i just dont like to see good people treated that way. i and i believe 99 percent of treasure net are good people. if your buying and a guy is new, sure, get a name, address, phone number. but when your selling and getting the money first, and holding onto it untill it clears.. its demeaning to treat good people that way. i have always felt everyone deserves a chance. thats what makes this great country what it is today. . sorry if i was a little persistant. thats just the way i am. jeff goldner

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

No problem, that's why this is America. We can agree to disagree. You don't have to buy anything.
If you don't like it, move on. Don't berate me because I protect my assets.
It's standard practice all over the place to hold onto a check to make sure it clears before delivering
I just bought something on here recently where the person who sold it to me has held the
merchandise until MY check clears.
The difference is I TRUST that he will send the item. He has a right to hold my $$$ before I receive
the merchandise.
I still haven't rec'd the item, but I know it's coming because I did the research to make sure he was
good for it.
Sorry if I am not as trusting as you. One day you may learn a hard lesson in trust. Hopefully it won't
cost you much. :headbang:

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

coinshooter said:
No problem, that's why this is America. We can agree to disagree. You don't have to buy anything.
If you don't like it, move on. Don't berate me because I protect my assets.
It's standard practice all over the place to hold onto a check to make sure it clears before delivering
I just bought something on here recently where the person who sold it to me but has held the
merchandise until MY check clears.
The difference is I TRUST that he will send the item. He has a right to hold my $$$ before I receive
the merchandise.
I still haven't rec'd the item, but I know it's coming because I did the research to make sure he was
good for it.
Sorry if I am not as trusting as you. One day you may learn a hard lesson in trust. Hopefully it won't
cost you much. :headbang:

If I am selling something on TN and they are paying with a personal check for couple hundred bucks, unless they are either a longtime member here, I know them, or I have dealt with them in the past, I also would wait till the check clears. Nothing against them, it is just being safe. If I am the buyer and someone says they will hold my check till it clears I am not offended, they are just being cautious. If I wanted it right away, I could have paid with bank or postal money order or even wired the money if they didn't want to use paypal.........

Good hunting to all......... :icon_thumright:

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

coinshooter said:
In regards to "less than 50 posts", I think this is a valid point. If you want to deal with someone with 1 post, go ahead. I might, but that is up to me to make the decision, generally I would do some research on the poster first.
I was just dealing with someone on here a few months ago that ran me through the ringer and had their spouse get involved in our transaction when it was none of her business. Paypal tied up my money and almost gave it back to the buyer because they filed a claim when this guys wife got me mixed up with another person.
There is a well known coin website that has this 50 post "policy" before you can buy or sell on their site. It's quite effective in keeping out the scammers and rip-off artists. I figure if it is good for them, it's good for me.
Believe it or not, TNET has them too. They are here lurking to take advantage of folks who just don't know any better.
Why do you think there is a huge disclaimer at the top of the Classifieds section?
By the time someone sticks around this site for at least 50 posts, most people can get a sense of whether they are for real or not.
Obviously you are either one trusting sole, or you haven't sold alot of stuff on-line like I have.
Believe me, you definetly DO get burned every once in a while. I am cautious, thats for sure. When you are dealing in hundreds of $$$'s worth of materials, are you just going to send your stuff to a 1 -10 poster without any way of verifying he is for real or not? If you were making a deal for a ring you wanted to sell that was worth $300, would you just send it to someone with minimal posting time? Go for it. I won't, because I've been there. I bought some gold specimens from a guy once. Paid him a few hundred $$$$$'s of money I worked hard for by detecting and digging it up. He ripped me off. Finally after months of hassling this guy I got my $$ back because what he sent was not what he advertised, but in the process, I learned to be careful on the internet. You seem insulted. Go ahead and jump first and think later. I've already learned that lesson. BTW, if you want to question my practices in the future, send me a PM. It's not polite internet ettiquite to do what you two did.
You are right, this is NOT ebay. I believe that the rings are priced right, but if you want to sell yours cheaper, just let me know. Many of these rings would go for at least $8 apiece and many would go for $15-20 each. I found them, I can ask whatever I feel they are worth. As you can see, I made a deal that I, (and the other party) believe was fair and acceptable to both of us.

I do not know you but I agree with you 100% You are the seller so you set the rules. You are not forcing anyone to buy from you. If they don't like them they can go elsewhere .02 :icon_thumright:

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

I've been following this thread with interest, for several reasons. I agree with Coinshooter, that he should do what he is comfortable with, and if that is waiting until a check clears, then so be it. Metal detecting is only one of my interests; I am active and well known on several boating/fishing and RV/motorhome forums, but I am new here. I've been metal dectecting, mostly on, but sometimes off, since the 70's. I have been a security specialist, in surveillance and loss-prevention for 37 years here in Delaware, and am licensed and bonded. What I've seen over those years, has made me more cautious and less trusting of others.

Why am I telling you this? I am a stranger here, and although my honesty and integrity are, and always have been intact, you don't know me. I'd like to post some things for sale here, including a new-in-box metal detector that I'd like to sell, but I feel I'd also be shunned, do to low post count.

Some folks are very chatty, and make 25 posts a day. Others, like me, are mostly reading the threads. Sometimes I'll post, but mostly read. It has taken me 5 years to get 600 posts, on a boating forum where I consider myself pretty active ( Capt Bill on ).

I guess I've rambled on enough. Just wanted to bring my thoughts to the table. And now I have one more post to my credit :)

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

Bill - De said:
I've been following this thread with interest, for several reasons. I agree with Coinshooter, that he should do what he is comfortable with, and if that is waiting until a check clears, then so be it. Metal detecting is only one of my interests; I am active and well known on several boating/fishing and RV/motorhome forums, but I am new here. I've been metal dectecting, mostly on, but sometimes off, since the 70's. I have been a security specialist, in surveillance and loss-prevention for 37 years here in Delaware, and am licensed and bonded. What I've seen over those years, has made me more cautious and less trusting of others.

Why am I telling you this? I am a stranger here, and although my honesty and integrity are, and always have been intact, you don't know me. I'd like to post some things for sale here, including a new-in-box metal detector that I'd like to sell, but I feel I'd also be shunned, do to low post count.

Some folks are very chatty, and make 25 posts a day. Others, like me, are mostly reading the threads. Sometimes I'll post, but mostly read. It has taken me 5 years to get 600 posts, on a boating forum where I consider myself pretty active ( Capt Bill on ).

I guess I've rambled on enough. Just wanted to bring my thoughts to the table. And now I have one more post to my credit :)


I do not at all believe you will be shunned, so please feel free to post. The way payments are made for any items sold are between you and the buyer, and what ever it takes for both of you to feel comfortable is good.

Welcome to TreasureNet and look forward to seeing what you post.... :icon_thumright:

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

Bill - De said:
. I'd like to post some things for sale here, including a new-in-box metal detector that I'd like to sell, but I feel I'd also be shunned, do to low post count.

Well, if you're not going to advertise it, at least send me a PM and let me know what's for sale.................. :)

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

OK. I sent you a PM Bill. Maybe I should go ahead and list on the classifieds.

Re: (SOLD) - 72 Rings

Thanks Bill for your candid reply.
I did post and say 50 posts, but that still doesn't mean that if I can
feel some degree of trust or get a good feel for someone on here that has less than 50 posts, that I won't deal with them.
On this trade, the person I traded with was well known and recommended by many on the forum.
I did a search on their posts and found that they had traded and sold before on here, and there were MANY
positive posts towards that person's integrity.
My main point is to make a sale or a trade and feel comfortable that
I won't send something to a person and have that person walk off with it.
I guess I am gun shy because of the HUGE amount of hassle I had before when someone
walked off with $325 of my hard earned detecting $. I was most pissed because I picked up
every dime, nickle, quarter and penny of it with my detector.
It took me months of hassle to get this $$$ back. The guy apologized and said he had fallen on hard times.
So, I gave him a three month no interest loan for free.
So to those who feel more confident to just send your $$ off into oblivion, best of luck to you!

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