cool old spot.....but a big no-no for my area

private property......tied up through a acquisition.....left to rot....posted....
i only dream............i think it has a pond....big and itsy in the big one, ? knows what in the itsy bitsy one......oh did i mention area was developed between 20's and 40's.............ah geeeeee.......wish i had gonads

you know you can't damn shame too --find out who owns it at this time and hell just ask em nicely can't do any worse since its a no go now.---the smart use of "stones" not the dumb use of them ,is the differance between those in jail and those out of jail.--if a guy attacks with a ship robbing and looting and taking a town by force hes called an outlaw pirate , however if he attacks with a fleet of ships he is called an admerial...Ivan

I agree with Ivan...find out who has it tied up. Never know. It could net you that first great find !!!!!
Do it for the rest of us dreamers.

That's right just ask the guy who owns the property. You never know.

Just the other day, my partner and I were researching a site. We stopped and asked a fellow about the site and he told us to go see the guy who owned the property. We did just that, man are we happy we did!!!

The guy talked to us for over an hour, gave us permission to hunt anywhere on any of his properties. He owns over 300 acres, in just one location and he also gave us permission to hunt a Indian Relic Site. He said we are the only ones he has given permission to hunt this site. Wow, you never know, all you have to do is have the guts to walk up to a person and ask for PERMISSION.!!!! It also might take a little leg work on your part to find that person, but in your case it will definitely be worth it.

HH, Ringfinder

ooh, that looks good. when was it built? if it's not fenced, i would just hit it at night. but that's just me.

sorry dad, um, i mean montana jim. keep obeying all the rules society has put in place, and i'll keep finding gobs of old coins.
no one would ever know if he hit that site at night, as long as he filled his holes. it's an ABANDONED SCHOOL!! have you completely lost your appetite for adventure, montana jim??

oknorom said:
sorry dad, um, i mean montana jim. keep obeying all the rules society has put in place, and i'll keep finding gobs of old coins.
no one would ever know if he hit that site at night, as long as he filled his holes. it's an ABANDONED SCHOOL!! have you completely lost your appetite for adventure, montana jim??

Nope... I nail the heck outta schools... and still have plenty of appetite for adventure! I just read that part about it being posted... and posted mean posted... so I'm not inclined to agree thats it's okay this time. Also, it's not an abandoned school - it's private property now.

Please understand - I also would not be wondering and dreaming about it, I'd ask and find out! If it's "no" then I'd be on to the next thing with no regrets and not always wondering "if".

Maybe it's my 24 years in law enforcement... maybe I did turn into "Dad"... maybe I don't want someone to screw it up for me down the road 'cause he jumped a fence since nobody was home type of thing. It's not a heavy thing... and I did say "But that's just me". ;)

i understand what you're saying, jim. i would not hop a fence. but if it were me, and that place was not fenced, i would discreetly hit it at night, even if it was posted private property. don't get me wrong, i'm a law-abiding, contributing member of society. but, if i were to ask whoever owned that school if i could detect there, they would most probably say NO. now you tell me: what's the harm in discreetly hitting that place after dark for a couple of hours to see what's in the ground?

oknorom said:
i understand what you're saying, jim. i would not hop a fence. but if it were me, and that place was not fenced, i would discreetly hit it at night, even if it was posted private property. don't get me wrong, i'm a law-abiding, contributing member of society. but, if i were to ask whoever owned that school if i could detect there, they would most probably say NO. now you tell me: what's the harm in discreetly hitting that place after dark for a couple of hours to see what's in the ground?

The harm?

I already stated my opinion, as did you. Lets agree to disagree...

You would discreetly trespass, after being told "no", on posted private property... and get gobs of coins.

I would not... and miss out on the adventure.

oh you forgot only one thing in the adventure story line ---the part when the cop car shows up and you get arrested for tresspassing and hauled to jail and you have to call people to PAY MONEY to bail you out in the middle of the night and where you have to PAY MONEY to a lawyer and go to court and PAY MONEY for fines and where you get a CRIMiNAL RECORD-- lets see thats 3 pay moneys and 1 criminal record--yep sounds like loads of fun and a grand adventure. true most likely that wouldn't happen but if you roll the dice often enough any gambler knows that you'll crap out sooner or later. just do it legal or forgetaboutit 8) Ivan


you forgot 2 other points

(1) They would probably confiscate your detector. Thats bad enough but

(2) When everyone reads it in the paper that would be one more strike against M.D.ers and too many strikes everyone will be saying NO...

Sounds like a nice place. Just ask, you never know. Maybe ask when the transfer is going to take place or maybe ask the realtor or the purchasing party. Dont limit your choices. One of them would say yes and if they did I am sure the other would not mind. Just a thought. :)

Good luck to you.

hh twister

oknorom said:
ooh, that looks good. when was it built? if it's not fenced, i would just hit it at night. but that's just me.

hang on let me get some popcorn :o

If you are a law abiding citizen as you state you wouldn't trespass on posted private property ! I know the temptation though .

oknorom said:
i would discreetly hit it at night, even if it was posted private property. don't get me wrong, i'm a law-abiding, contributing member of society.


Websters Dictionary


1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Open mouth...insert foot.


I have a partner that hit a empty house that was for rent without permission. someone called police and he got cited for tresspass.

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