bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Here you go bro something a bit more uplifting......
Keb Mo - A better man....
Here you go bro something a bit more uplifting......
Keb Mo - A better man....
Dear Mr. Crispin,
I seriously question whether you are really a doctor. I have never met one as immature as you; airing personal grievances in a public forum, espousing the virtues of drinking to excess and reliving poor performance from your high school past only substantiates my point. Your poor command of the English language and inappropriate use of the correct verb tense exemplifies a lack of education and as for your supposed knowledge; I have found it word exact from Wikipedia. While I enjoy the comments of the others in these threads, it is easy to see why you are banned from other sites. I haven't yet begun to explain your violations of Hippa; if you were truly a doctor you would know this. You speak of moral high ground, yet you continually take the low road. I refuse to be duped by you and intend to report these actions. Your presence is a degradation to this wonderful site.
Tawanda Jackson
I hear you googleing it
About your new sign off 98.7% of the time. Does that have anything to do with the average human body temp being 98.6 degrees?
Jeff, I believe the number is 99.7%no, it's one of Rush's lines about how he's always right ( I may have the exact number wrong)
Jeff, I believe the number is 99.7%
I listen as much as I can. I have been waiting Rush's return from vacation. The guest hosts are just not the same...
I know, Rush will be back soon...I cannot stand the replacements. It's like a bad imitation
Oh! Well! I for one will surely be waiting for that event! Sorry guys!:banghead::banghead::what::banghead:
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I know your talking about Rush, just not sure what you meant.Talking about rush!
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