Congressman Jones: Obama must be Impeached for Breaching Executive Powers

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Congressman Jones: Obama must be Impeached for Breaching Executive Powers

Says Obama would face impeachment articles if Syrian strikes occur without congressional approval
Sept. 19, 2013

Yesterday, North Carolina Republican Walter Jones joined Alex to discuss the mass awakening taking place in the halls of Congress, where each day more lawmakers are realizing they may have to file articles of impeachment against Obama.

Jones said he is still willing to file for Obama’s impeachment “for bypassing the Constitution and bypassing Congress to bomb another country,” but that in the short term Russia has helped stall the president from waging another unnecessary, unaffordable war.

He also said that a strike on Syria without Congressional approval would cause both parties to file articles of impeachment against Obama.

“There are many in both parties… that are very concerned that as this moves forward that we might wake up one day and we’ve been dropping missiles in Syria,” the Rep. stated, adding that because of the Syrian opposition’s known-affiliations with Al-Qaeda linked terror groups, that we may be aiding the wrong people.

If the U.S. were to move forward with a strike on Syria without Congress’s approval, as Secretary of State John Kerry said would happen, Jones says Obama would face multiple articles of impeachment from both sides.

Jones was proud to reveal that, of the over 500 phone calls and over 1,000 emails he received from constituents, 95 percent said no to military action in Syria.

According to Jones, many members of Congress are also “sick and tired of America thinking we can borrow money from foreign governments.”

“There’s got to be some sanity to these foreign policies of any administration and particularly this one now,” Jones stated, explaining that the United States, in its current fiscal insolvency, cannot afford to be the police of the world. “We can’t pay our own bills, we can’t police our own borders,” he said.

“I mean, look at [Afghan President Hamid] Karzai. His family is in the drug business and we’re sending him roughly six to seven billion dollars a month to prop him up? And here we’re going to have a vote tomorrow to cut food stamps for the American people, particularly those who need it? I know there’s abuse in a lot of federal programs but there’s no abuse in funding Karzai, and he’s a crook.”

“We are a debtor nation. We cannot even pay our bills without raising the debt ceiling of America so we can borrow money to pay last year’s bills. This whole place up here is out of control and when you come to foreign policy, as Ron Paul would say, let’s wake up, let’s rebuild America and the hell with the rest of the world.”

Jones also slammed Obamacare, saying it is one of the worst pieces of legislation he’s seen since the Bush administration’s No Child Left Behind. “I can tell you Obamacare, in my opinion, would just bankrupt America.”

Of the Navy Yard shooting and the subsequent attacks on the Second Amendment Jones held the level-headed approach that “If a person is going to commit mayhem, they will get whatever they need. I hate to say that but it is true. You cannot punish the law-abiding citizen who is following his constitutional rights, because it is not going to stop those who want to commit crime.”

This article was posted: Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 12:41 pm

“There’s got to be some sanity to these foreign policies of any administration and particularly this one now,” Jones stated, explaining that the United States, in its current fiscal insolvency, cannot afford to be the police of the world. “We can’t pay our own bills, we can’t police our own borders,” he said.

“I mean, look at [Afghan President Hamid] Karzai. His family is in the drug business and we’re sending him roughly six to seven billion dollars a month to prop him up? And here we’re going to have a vote tomorrow to cut food stamps for the American people, particularly those who need it? I know there’s abuse in a lot of federal programs but there’s no abuse in funding Karzai, and he’s a crook.”
Seems folks, we may have a contenda! :laughing7:
I think we have someone who stands and speaks for the average American person. It's YOUR tax money Americans!

I guess O may rethink, signing that UN Treaty next week. I mean, he could be hauled in to Hague world criminal court, if not careful.....
seems I remember a man named Milosovic, thought he had a sovereign nation, also....... all he had was a route for oil.

If we wake up and he has launched a strike on Syria we should impeach him with out a doubt, we should include Kerry as well...... BO does not believe in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or the 3 branches of government, he only believes in one, he believes he has the right to do what ever he wants with out any oversight or consequences just like a 2 bit dictator.......


quote"Constitutional Text. The text, structure and history of the Constitution establish that the Founders entrusted the President with the primary responsibility, and therefore the power, to use military force in situations of emergency. Article II, Section 2 states that the "President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States." U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 1. He is further vested with all of "the executive Power" and the duty to execute the laws. U.S. Const. art. II, § 1. These powers give the President broad constitutional authority to use military force in response to threats to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. (3) During the period leading up to the Constitution's ratification, the power to initiate hostilities and to control the escalation of conflict had been long understood to rest in the hands of the executive branch. (4)"unquote

If we are attacked, an attack on Syria would not be considered an emergency, it would not be a threat to National security and it is not in our national interest or foreign policy.....

As much as I would like to see him impeached for crimes against the constitution, I would not want to see innocent people in Syria die just so we could....

Nice try but no cigar.....

hey..i don't make this stuff up...this is the legal justification for gwbush attacking Iraq...

guess it proves a point after all.
waste the money an impeach him...
anything for the party of no to bring the nation to a dead stop...

In case you have not noticed, Bush is not Preisdent any longer......

By the way remember, Bush went before Congress to get authorization to invade Iraq and it was given as did his father in the first Iraq war or did you forget that....

Not surprised your support BO......

OK pippen tell me what kind of world we would live in, if everyone say's YES? any legal justification, how ever no longer in effect?

got it.
best get to collection signatures to impeach...good luck...

A foreign emergency is like when Kuwait called the WH crying, "help, we've been overrun, help"!
Syria is overrun with foreign jihadist extremist, 40 to 45%(rebels) are from other countries, not even FROM Syria! Why would Assad want to start killing off his own ppl (Syrians). I mean, I do think the man is shifty, but then, I may just not be reading his body language right(cultural differences, nuances, etc).

I would not put it past our country, to arm the rebels (our al-qaeda buddies like we did in afgan/Russia conflict), even to the point of helping them set up Assad. You wanna trust an extremist not to slash YOUR throat in the middle of the night, with the butter knife he palmed at dinner?

What horse does America have running in a Syrian civil-war/invasion? Let some other countries step up with million dollar bombs! Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Dubai, where are these guys? Yeah, they understand the insanity of bankrupting a nation to play war!

I think they ALL need a big time out! As in cease fire..........

ok pat..what horse did we have in Iraq?

none...a painted pony perhaps

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, or al qaeda....
Syria has weapons of mass destruction, used them, and al qaeda in quantity...


  • th.webp
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ok pat..what horse did we have in Iraq?

none...a painted pony perhaps
Our pony was Kuwait, if I'm not mistaken.
That second go around over there, I dunno, that was a Cheney-Haliburton horse of some sort.
Still resulted in far too many casualties for our side, and there's too, imho. any legal justification, how ever no longer in effect?

got it.
best get to collection signatures to impeach...good luck...

There is no legal justification.......

Personally I would not want any impeachment to begin untill fall of 2014, with the Senate seats up for grabs then...... At the rate BO stinks as a president Rep would only need to gain 7 seats to control the Senate no matter how the traitor McCain votes.... people in Az may just throw him out in 2014 election too....

ok pat..what horse did we have in Iraq?

none...a painted pony perhaps

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, or al qaeda....
Syria has weapons of mass destruction, used them, and al qaeda in quantity...

Hummm what country is on Iraq northern border, wouldnt that be Syria? Syria and Irag had very close ties, now I wonder where Hussein could have moved weapons of mass destruction to to hide before the war?....Humm let me think, still thinking, oh wait, could the answer be Syria, a close ally....?

The Al-qaeda that Syria has is fighting for the rebles, the same side BO wants to help....

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ok pat..what horse did we have in Iraq?

none...a painted pony perhaps

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, or al qaeda....
Syria has weapons of mass destruction, used them, and al qaeda in quantity...

Your attachment may have some truth to it. Didn't Genghis Khan kill a million to enter a city down the road with out a shot. Now that's shock and awe.
If I remember that slogan did not have the flag on it. It was created in Nam. because of frustration with that administration.

Your attachment may have some truth to it. Didn't Genghis Khan kill a million to enter a city down the road with out a shot. Now that's shock and awe.
If I remember that slogan did not have the flag on it. It was created in Nam. because of frustration with that administration.

just like now?

at least I am frustrated...
sorry to interrupt your black panther party...

Hummm what country is on Iraq northern border, wouldnt that be Syria? Syria and Irag had very close ties, now I wonder where Hussein could have moved weapons of mass destruction to to hide before the war?....Humm let me think, still thinking, oh wait, could the answer be Syria, a close ally....?

The Al-qaeda that Syria has is fighting for the rebels, the same side BO wants to help....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

ok pat..what horse did we have in Iraq?

none...a painted pony perhaps

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, or al qaeda....
Syria has weapons of mass destruction, used them, and al qaeda in quantity...

I really do not understand how anyone keeps saying this? You have to be totally in the tank to ignore the truth. And there are a thousand sources that say it is true, even the Clintons! Could be chemical weapons are limited to one chemical? Everything else is just an odoriferous whiff?

Crimes of Saddam Hussein

Chemical Weapons Against Kurds As early as April 1987, the Iraqis used chemical weapons to remove Kurds from their villages in northern Iraq during the Anfal campaign. It is estimated that chemical weapons were used on approximately 40 Kurdish villages, with the largest of these attacks occurring on March 16, 1988 against the Kurdish town of Halabja.
Beginning in the morning on March 16, 1988 and continuing all night, the Iraqis rained down volley after volley of bombs filled with a deadly mixture of mustard gas and nerve agents on Halabja. Immediate effects of the chemicals included blindness, vomiting, blisters, convulsions, and asphyxiation. Approximately 5,000 women, men, and children died within days of the attacks. Long-term effects included permanent blindness, cancer, and birth defects. An estimated 10,000 lived, but live daily with the disfigurement and sicknesses from the chemical weapons.
Saddam Hussein's cousin, Ali Hassan al-Majid was directly in charge of the chemical attacks against the Kurds, earning him the epithet, "Chemical Ali."

Tell me why they stiil refer to him as chemical Ali? Because he made a fine margarita?

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