Confederate Treasury


Silver Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Golden Thread
Port Richey, Florida
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Aquapulse, J.W. Fisher Proton 3, Pulse Star II, Detector Pro Headhunter, AK-47
Primary Interest:
Beale has not given us an update since last Aug. Whats up Beale? Also I read in the Records of the Rebellion that on April 3, 1865 Lt. William Parker and cadets from the Confederate Naval Academy took the treasure from Richmond to Danville and then southward. Is this accurate? I heard some local treasure hunters say that the treasury was placed aboard a blockade runner in Cedar Keys to take back to France. The vessel sank somewhere in the Gulf with all the gold. What do you think about this????

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There is supposed to be 49 kegs of Mexican silver dollars buried in Danville.

I would like to see a 1860 to 1861 Mexican silver dollar by anyone here?

Total value at the time of burial $196,000 dollars.

The Mexican silver did not make it to Greensboro except for one keg.

Somebody show us an artifact?

There is supposed to be four coins in Richmond at the Conf Mueseum? Anybody scene these?

I'm just confused.Is Jeff deleting all of Todd(?)'s posts or are you having a fistfight all by yourself ?
I keep seeing your shouts and no provocation or response from Todd.
Far as apologies:It's mind over matter.
I don't mind cause you don't matter.
Now you have a nice day.

armchairQB30 said:
There is supposed to be four coins in Richmond at the Conf Mueseum? Anybody scene these?
Albert did . Got pictures and a teeshirt . Posted the pictures ...

If ya all don't mind this yank is wondering...wasn't there a giant post with the title "Confederate Treasury" here a while back?

I know I'm getting old but I was sure youse guys had a big thread going here with this title and all of a sudden it was gone.


Any comments?

SWR said:
The coins you posted are coins. In my opinion, a wild publicity stunt to sell more books.

Come on, When has an author ever done that? Oh, wait, never mind..... :laughing7:


Those photos of the stump are pretty good, but I still prefer the pics of Philippine rocks.

Yours do get extra points for blurriness mind you. :icon_sunny:


beale said:
I borrowed the digital camera from my brother. I had never used one before and it shows. It is kind of hard to take a picture when you have to place your arm inside of stump and you can not see what you are taking a picture of. I was not the first to find coins in the stump. I was alerted by the cemetery workers that saw another man get what amounted to a bag full, throw them in his car and then left. So I decided I was going to check that stump out extra good and I did for a six week period. Strange how coins would not be there one week then there would be two, three and sometimes five more coins. The coins must be carried there by a ground mole, pack-rat or even a crow. I don't know how they keep showing up, that is the reason I did not want to let everyone know but since my credibility was challenged by SWR, I don't really care. I should not care about SWR's post, though 99 percent of the time negative he is about the only one posting. Thanks for your comment. I am kind of getting use to the negative comments, I may get to like them since that is all I can ever get.

Albert, as one who is use to rolling against the flow, I'll tell you to stand for what you believe and know. It doesn't matter who says what, if you know you're right, let them go ahead and be what they are. That is really all we can do anyway. :thumbsup:

quote '' but since my credibility was challenged by SWR, I don't really care'''.....and just what credibility is it you are referring to ?

another'' I am kind of getting use to the negative comments, I may get to like them since that is all I can ever get.''''''..........there might be a very feasible explanation for this....

and'' .... I was alerted by the cemetery workers that saw another man get what amounted to a bag full, throw them in his car and then left.'' ......i feel quite sure one lucky enough to have found coins as you speak of would have freely shown them to public workers there, and i am just as sure that the public workers, who would have been yardmen/grassmowers, make so much on their paychecks so as to be able to just pass along the info to any kook that comes along babbling about hunting his buried treasure in a cemetery..............just my thoughts of course...

one other thing that comes to mind is a recent post of yours i saw that related in one boast about how you were the ''presidente and ceo'' of your very own treasure hunting corporation....why did you leave out the part that you are the only employer, the only employee, and in facto the only person involved in any way with this big company, which was set up for the sole purpose of being able to deduct your hobby's expenses from your taxes ? ....just curious as i would think if one was to be inclined to brag in an effort to impress others he should brag about it all.................

and i still agree with swr on the coins, a simple ploy for the inexperienced in an effort to market things not too marketable....
.............. :thumbsup:

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