confederate insignia???????


May 4, 2008
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Golden Thread


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    insig 001.webp
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hmm.. can you out it in context for us? What else did you find with it?? Known camp?? I double check my material tonight.. I don't have any Confederate.. I do have the remaisnof on one union one!! I look....


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i have seen confederate insignia that looks similiar but im not 100% sure i do know i am between several confederate forts and when ft anderson was over run they only had 1 rd to come down and that was the road that goes off into my neighborhood now down the road alittle ways there were several i mean several flat non descript buttons and several union navy buttons found when they came down and took over 3 old small plantation houses when i found this i was actually ankel deep in a creek with my cz-5 fisher and i found some flat buttons with it but nothing else i dont know if the swamp i was in rose and covered what was left of a camp or not but i apologize for the blurry picture the 1 picture is very clear but i cant get the pics small enough with my camera even when i turn it down to 2.3 meg pixels some come out and fit and some come out over 600 kb which wont fit as you know you can see a couple of the flat buttons i found with this a few names down in the todays find i have looked on the waterberry conn site that makes replicas for renactments and i saw a picture that matched this almost to a t i have several button books and price books for just about everything but like another person said i couldnt find it either but even in the blurry pic you can see the clip on the left hand side there was 1 on the right hand side to but it broke and i lost it on the way home but the clips are clearly there to hook into uniform slits i could be very wrong but im positive thats its some type of uniform decor

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Im not real sure on if it is insignia or not but to make your pictures smaller open them with paint then go to stretch/skew and in the first two boxes put 50 leave the bottom ones alone and then it will fit nicely! ;D hh

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Hope this helps a bit.


  • trey1.webp
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  • trey2.webp
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How big is it? Can you tell what it's made of? Monty

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I have a similar thick leather bar which is about 2 inches wide X 8 inches long with a brass button at each end. Its obviously US Calvary but not sure of vintage.

Civil War era is always the first thing everybody touts...but mounted Calvary extended to just prior to WWII...and is still outfitted as a part of the Marine Color Guards.

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Being an Aussie I know squat about Confederate militaria but to me it looks like the top of a harmonica. As Monty said - how big is it as the size could definately rule out my WAG

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this is about 2 1/2 inches long maybe 3 if you look on the back you can see the clip on the left hand edge there was one that went on the right also but i lost it on the way home i fond 2 flat buttons with it when ft anderson was taken over the confederate troops only had 1 way to go thats right down the rd i live off of the reason they couldnt go anywhere else was ft anderson covered the beach it was at the mouth of the cape fear river and the ocean the river runs in a straight line all the way back to where i found these the union followed them and only a few 100 yrds from my house there were 3 small plantation houses that the union took up quarters in because we were pulling union navy buttons out of the ground by the pocket


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shoulder scales their called .

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I agree that it's most likely not CW military. I wonder however, if we may be looking at something from the colonial period? I've seen that same braided design on assundry colonial British items such as box trimming, furniture trim, tags, etc.

What state were they found in?


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Looks like a book clasp :icon_study:

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i know what they are they are shoulder scales found them researching but not popular they gave rank away to sharpshooters


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yep wearing those "rank bars " near a front line was like yelling to enemy snipers " hey shoot me , I'm an officer" only a real rear echolen type officer would be be fool enough to wear em.(and not for long-- bang.) most guys threw em away needless to say -- they were a highly unpopular item.

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trey525 said:
i know what they are they are shoulder scales found them researching but not popular they gave rank away to sharpshooters


Trey - please show a pic or give us the reference to your research so I can learn more. I've only seen different shoulder scales, the one's I've dug are very different. :icon_study:

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