KGC4Dixie said:
The alleged treasure belongs to the Knights of the Golden Circle, an order who, as the book would have us believe, was ultimately behind the Civil War and who ran the Confederacy as a sort of shadow government. I'm not joking. After the war was all but over, the KGC apparently decided to squirrel away vast amounts of gold in the Arkansas hills in order to finance the next war of secession, which they believed would come relatively soon. And so, we are faced with a book in which a retiree and his wife chase around the woods with Radio Shack metal detectors and unearth Mason jars full of coins. Wheee.
I wonder if this would be accepted had they used minelabs, or White's. Also, what is the point in saying these people were backwoodsmen from the hills?
I'm not saying I believe in the KGC stuff, but it seems the skeptics try too hard to convince. It just smells funny.
Hi Old Silver. If the poster of the original message would have read the book before ridiculing it, he would have known that Bob and Linda Brewer used top-of-the-line Garrett detectors which you will not find in any Radio Shack.
~Texas Jay