Where does it mention "A Grant of 889 Large Gold Bricks" from the Bank of England in this newspaper article in which you were interviewed, Franklin?
You are aware of the 14th Amendement,Section 4 "neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States" due to the debts owed to companies in Great Britain by the Confederacy.
These debts were incurred because the "loans" were based on shipments of cotton and tobacco, which the Union blockade curtailed.
There is NO record of A "Grant" of gold from Great Britain to the CSA.
Also the United States sued Great Britain for damages caused by breach if the aforementioned neutrality law, by suppling the commerce raider ships , ALABAMA, FLORIDA and SHENDOAH, and the US was awarded damages if $15,500,000, September 14,1872 by the GENEVA TRIBUNAL.
"The thirteen millions of treasure with which Jeff Davis was to corrupt our armies and buy his escape, swindled down to the contents of a hand valise"- US General William T Sherman
Legend and lore combined with tales concerning the KGC have grossly expanded the remaining assets of the Confederate treasury after the fall of Richmond and the Flight from the Union.
I am only giving you the facts, not speculation based on legend and lore.