Comic Strip plate


Silver Member
May 15, 2007
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Southeast Missouri
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E-trac, Explorer II, Xterra30, Whites Prizm IV
This one is driving me CRAZY. Found it last night and have been trying to do a search but my searching ability is about as good as a granite rock....

I have found a plate made of lead at 14-15 inches deep! Yes I am not exagerating it was really that deep.

Can anyone help me out here? If I could find a copy of this I would frame it and give it to the home owner even though this is one of the coolest things I have ever found.

Thanks in advance.


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hey gang,
It seems to me that the find should be quite rare. I mean if " they " ( whoever they are ) make a plate for each strip, and that strip would normally run once ??? Or did they send the plate from paper to paper ??


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That is WAY COOL!

That piece would look good in Any collection. :thumbsup:

Heck, I've never found anything like that.

Well done. 8)


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I'm confused like Pegleg ... don't know how all that printing business took place way back then. But, ME, it appears you and BB have found something very rare and I congratulate you!! Great job!! -Noodle

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Thats the coolest Printers Plate ive seen yet, and I have a few,maybe worth some Bucks great Find

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pegleglooker said:
hey gang,
It seems to me that the find should be quite rare. I mean if " they " ( whoever they are ) make a plate for each strip, and that strip would normally run once ??? Or did they send the plate from paper to paper ??


Every newspaper included in the syndicate (could be every major newspaper in the U.S.) would make a separate plate which would be destroyed after it was printed. Therefore, there would be hundreds of plates printed for each daily and Sunday strip.

The rarity is not the plate but the surviving original artwork.

Depending on the cartoonist, the value may vary considerably.

Usually the original artwork belonged to the syndicate (corporate agent) who in turn, paid the cartoonist based on how many papers bought the strips.

In some rare instances, such as Buford Tune, the cartoonist actually owned and controlled the syndication. This makes the value of a strip's artwork more valuable. Tune's wife, Tibby, and their two sons, own the surviving strips. Buford kept his strips in the trunk of his old 58 T-Bird, many of which, suffered water damage. My guess is that there are about a couple hundred still in existance which makes them extremely valuable.

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That's one unique find, ME :thumbsup: I think I would have it framed in a display box...Congrats!

:wink: RR

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Sorry folks for the delay. I thought I had a line on this item. My father-in-law is good friends with the owners of the local paper and he said he would set up a meeting for me that has never happened. Seems the owners are too busy to mess with it. I am thinking of walking into the paper with it and asking someone there but then I am sure they would WANT the plate and I don't think I want to give it up.

The landowner said he didn't want it so I get to keep it.

Haven't been on here in a while. BB fell down and broke the sidewalk and his XLT so I don't have a partner and I am also trying to get permission to hunt the neighbor's yard where we found the plate.

I'll keep you posted.

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I know he broke his XLT but, the sidewalk? Is there more to this story?

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Mental Granny said:
I know he broke his XLT but, the sidewalk? Is there more to this story?

You've seen BB, you know he is only a few pounds lighter than me. People of our size cannot fall on things without breaking them. Something you wouldn't understand since you aren't any bigger than a minute. :wink: ;D

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Awww! ME Thanks its no wonder why I luv ya! You really know how to give a compliment! :-*

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I actually found a smaller piece of a cartoon printing plate about fifteen minutes before Mastereagle found his! Mine is from a different comic strip, but around the same time as his, judging from the artwork. Mine, as I discovered, is from Salesman Sam comic strip and features "Milly", the office girl and two other characters. I am pretty sure it is from right around 1920. The artwork looks spot on for that time period. I will post some pictures soon.


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Cynangyl said:
sheesh that PBK knows everything! :icon_study:
See PBK,I'm not the only one that think's your "THE MAN"!...i was going to guess SKEEZIX!!! (Very cool find from original post(ER)!!!


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