Colorado Prospecting. South Platte, Clear Creek and Denver.

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Wow you have some serious gear! My wife gives me trouble over one backpack of stuff and my one bazooka :laughing7:. Where do you use all that heavy duty stuff here in Colorado?

Wow you have some serious gear! My wife gives me trouble over one backpack of stuff and my one bazooka :laughing7:. Where do you use all that heavy duty stuff here in Colorado?

The newest editions are the Bazooka's (30" Sniper and 48" Miner). Before that my main sluice was the Le Trap (still use it if I cannot get the water flow for the Bazooka's). Before that, I brought the Wolf Trap because I felt I was loosing too much fine gold with the A52 (since moved to the recirc circuit). But the Wolf Trap needs more water than the Le Trap, so the Le Trap was my main sluice until I bought the BGT's. The small backpacker Angus MacKirk was included in part of a deal when I purchased another sluice (actually a type of Miller table), since given to a friend. Also I had extra sluices, pans, etc., for nephews and friends to use if they went with me.

The Gold Cube is a great clean up device while it can be used on the creek with a battery, I have not used it except in the garage. The various pans I have accumulated over the last 35 years. And the dredge is an old Keene 2" one with yellow pontoons that used to be nice to have, but most of the close dredging areas are gone now, though I occasionally use it on the GPOC's claims.

Metro Denver nugget! Great work!

Congrats on your first picker shofs! Wasn't that sumthin seeing it smiling back at you? If memory serves, it goes like this....

:smileinbox: You're like WTF??? No WAY! Is it??? IT IS! :love4: And it sounds like a rock when you drop it in the pan? Sigh

Found a really nice spot to dig on the creek today. I took my wife along with me and I think she's good luck because I got my first picker!! I couldn't believe it when I saw it in shining in my pan :icon_thumright: Great cleanout with 18 (-30) mesh flakes and a total weight of about .38g. Woot!
View attachment 1319266
View attachment 1319267

Was that in "our" creek or elsewhere? If our creek, welcome to the club! Dave and I each have Denver Nuggets from that creek but yours is the heaviest!![emoji106][emoji3]

Nice digging! I'll be digging all winter down there, so I'm sure we will rip it up!

There is some darn nice gold coming out of Colorado! Keep the finds and the pictures coming!

- Brian

Was that in "our" creek or elsewhere? If our creek, welcome to the club! Dave and I each have Denver Nuggets from that creek but yours is the heaviest!![emoji106][emoji3]
It was indeed at the creek! I did some historical mapping to see where the creek had been swaying and "overlapping" with past bends from as far back as the 30's. I love it when research pays off, I can't stop smiling :laughing7::blackbeard::laughing7:

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I got a new scale today. Got a more accurate weight on my nugget at .038g! Nice!

If you look to the left below the dime. Just need to line up the pieces a little better. And there Orions belt.

Last night I got off work early and it was still light out so I got a quick 30 minute dig in on the way home. Also got to go out this morning for about an hour or so. I'm pretty happy with the spot I'm digging right now! 5 pieces of +(-30) and lots of +(-60) size. I put both the cleanouts together on my new scale's dish to dry and I'll get the weight hopefully by tonight when its done.
***edit*** weight 0.12g :icon_thumright:

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Yesterday I decided to move some rocks and dig under where a dam once was. I built a new "U" shaped dam to let some water flow in and clear out the murky water from my hole which made digging around the clay a lot easier. Did really good!
16 +(-30) mesh pieces. Weight at a solid 0.15g

Nice! The several dams just downstream of there, I dug out the inside bend side of but not the outside bend half. So I suppose you could finish those but I bet you'll find better gold elsewhere :)

Nice! The several dams just downstream of there, I dug out the inside bend side of but not the outside bend half. So I suppose you could finish those but I bet you'll find better gold elsewhere :)
There is a spot upstream of your past dig sites where I got one of my best cleanouts from, and that we both haven't dug yet. I'm saving it for the next time you're in town. The creek is wide enough that we could set up side by side bazookas and the gold doesn't seem to favor a side but lays across the entire bed, perfect for a duel dig. We just need to build a dam. The gold in this spot is about as rich as the original straw bench drop.

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Yesterday also marked my 16th time out with the bazooka sniper sluice. It has been great in the field and deserves a good review. Its is a little worn and its grizzlies are beginning to bend inwards but I have put it through a lot the short time I've owned it. Here are the collective results with a divided average of 0.1g per outing and per hour. :icon_thumright:

Last few definitely better than the first few so you're doing something right!!

I expect to be in town the first week of July, I'll definitely bring a sluice and reach out to you!!

Last few definitely better than the first few so you're doing something right!!

I expect to be in town the first week of July, I'll definitely bring a sluice and reach out to you!!

BYOB - Bring Your Own Bazooka

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