Colombia fights U.S. diver for treasure

The thing here is that in 1979 Colombia signed a deal with Sea Search giving them exclusive right to the San Jose and 50% of the findings and in 1982 when the new president came in they changed that contract to 5% for Sea Search....The truth of the matter is that Colombia knows where must of their wrecks are but they have no salvage laws and right now they are not accepting any contracts from the private sector......

Here is an article that Burt Webber send me a few days ago....

Attached Message
From: Ernie Richards
To: Jack Haskins ; Dave Crooks ; Bobfrogfoot
Subject: See? From out of the woodwork they come!!!
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 17:02:12 -0400

Washington Post:
Colombian court to settle dispute with U.S. diver over 18th century, gold-filled shipwreck
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) _ The Spanish galleon San Jose was trying to outrun a fleet of British warships off Colombia's coast on June 8, 1708, when a mysterious explosion sent it to the bottom of the sea with gold, silver and emeralds now valued at more than $2 billion.
¶ Three centuries later, a bitter legal and political dispute over the San Jose is still raging, with the Colombian Supreme Court expected to rule this week on rival claims by the government and a group of U.S. investors to what is reputed to be the world's richest shipwreck.
¶ Anxiously awaiting the decision is Jack Harbeston, managing director of the Cayman Islands-registered commercial salvage company Sea Search Armada, who has taken on seven Colombian administrations over two decades in a legal fight to claim half the sunken hulk's riches.
¶ "If I had known it was going to take this long, I wouldn't have gotten involved in the first place," said Harbeston, 75, who lives in Bellevue, Wash.
¶ In 1982, Sea Search announced to the world it had found the San Jose's resting place 700 feet below the water's surface, a few miles from the historic Caribbean port of Cartagena. Under well-established maritime law, whoever locates a shipwreck gets the rights to recover it in a kind of finder-keepers arrangement meant to offset the huge costs of speculative exploration.
¶ Harbeston claims he and a group of 100 U.S. investors _ among them the late actor Michael Landon and convicted Nixon White House adviser John Ehrlichman _ have invested more than $12 million since a deal was signed with Colombia in 1979 giving Sea Search exclusive rights to search for the San Jose and 50 percent of whatever they find.
¶ But all that changed in 1984, when then-Colombian President Belisario Betancur signed a decree reducing Sea Search's share from 50 percent to a 5 percent "finder's fee."
¶ Current President Alvaro Uribe's office declined to discuss the impending court decision, which is expected by Wednesday. But over the years successive governments have argued that Colombia's maritime agency never had the authority to award exploration contracts to Sea Search because the wreck is part of the country's cultural patrimony.
¶ The government may also be motivated by dollar signs. Harbeston believes that if sold skillfully to collectors and museums, the San Jose's treasure could fetch as much $10 billion _ more than a third of Colombia's foreign debt.
¶ The real value is impossible to calculate because the ship's manifests have disappeared. But the San Jose is known to have been part of Spain's only royal convoy to try to bring colonial bullion home to King Philip V during the War of Spanish Succession with England from 1701-1714.
¶ "Without a doubt the San Jose is the Holy Grail of treasure shipwrecks," said Robert Cembrola, director of the Naval War College Museum in Newport, R.I.
¶ The San Jose has become a national obsession among Colombians, for whom the "gringos" are the latest in a long line of foreign plunderers dating back to the Spanish conquerors. But that has not prevented three lower courts from ruling that Sea Search is entitled to half the treasure.
¶ Several U.S. congressmen and the State Department also took up the cause, warning in letters to successive Colombian presidents that what they considered a de-facto expropriation could jeopardize unilateral trade privileges.
¶ Luis Felipe Barrios, a former government attorney on the case, said pressure from Washington was so intense that in the late 1990s he received a fax from former Sen. Jesse Helms, then-chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, threatening to revoke his visa.
¶ Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., one of the most active campaigners on Sea Search's behalf, did not return calls or e-mails seeking comment. Most of the dozen other congressmen who took part in the letter-writing campaign have since retired.
¶ Adding to this modern-day pirate drama is a mystery: Some question whether the ship has even been found.
¶ In 1994, Colombia hired treasure hunter Tommy Thompson to verify Sea Search's coordinates. Thompson, an American who has since disappeared allegedly with millions in investors' loot from a previous deep-sea find, turned up nothing.
¶ Another oceanographer, Mike Costin, who worked on a commercial submarine brought in by Sea Search for one of the company's early, booze-filled expeditions, also has his doubts.
¶ "We found something, but I don't think it was the San Jose," he said.
¶ An underwater video taken of the alleged wreck in 1982 show what looks like a corral reef-covered woodpile.
¶ "But drink a glass of wine and it can look like almost anything," said Tony Dyakowski, a treasure hunter based in Vancouver, Canada. Dyakowski claims to have uncovered sea logs that put the San Jose miles closer to the mainland.
¶ Harbeston shrugs off his detractors, saying, "If everyone's so sure it's not down there, then why don't they let us finish what we've started?"
¶ Wherever the hulk lies, marine archaeologists say advances in diving, sonar and metal-detection make it possible to find almost any underwater wreck today. The problem is fending off rivals for whom the glint of gold is too powerful to resist.
¶ "It's like when you light a lantern in the forest and you discover all these insects you didn't know were there before are now descending on you," said Peter Hess, a Delaware lawyer who represents salvage companies.
¶ Besides Sea Search, rival salvage companies and the Colombian government, Spain has also actively defended its sovereign rights over sunken ships that flew its flag. Last week, Spain filed claims in a U.S. federal court seeking up to $500 million in colonial treasure a Florida firm estimates it found recently in a shipwreck in the Atlantic Ocean.
¶ Archeologists also have voiced concern, pointing to a 2001 UNESCO convention _ backed by Spain but not signed by Colombia or the United States _ that outlaws commercial exploitation of sunken cultural heritage.
¶ "People forget the San Jose is an underwater grave of 600 men," said Carla Rahn Phillips, a University of Minnesota historian and author of the new book "The Treasure of the San Jose." "The wreck deserves to be treated with respect, and most salvors I know only pay lip service to its historical importance."
¶ The Colombian court ruling will also affect other commercial salvage companies eager to dive for more than 1,000 galleons and merchant ships believed to have sunk along Colombia's corral reefs during more than three centuries of colonial rule. Almost none have been recovered due to the legal limbo in the San Jose case.
¶ Daniel de Narvaez, a scuba-diving businessman hoping to salvage a wreck near the Caribbean island of San Andres, said that given the long, tortuous battle, he expects the decision could go either way.
¶ "After such a laughable and tragic ordeal, nothing surprises me anymore," he said.

Amona said:
Too-deep said
The wreck has not even been located yet, and even if that happens, is well beyond diving limits, so who will enjoy the patrimony?? You can't dive on it, you can't study it...

Too deep, I think you're talking "too-deep", read here about the location of the San Jose
(of course, Colombian's news paper)

Unless you have an atmospheric dive suit, 300 meters (984 feet) is still considered kind of deep for diving...
I stand corrected if the wreck has indeed been found and the location pinpointed; it does not change the fact that is still out of reach of the general public, archeologists, etc., etc.
Colombia cannot use the riches that sit 1000 feet down on the bottom of the ocean either, until somebody brings it up.

Too deep
if you read the link I sent you, read about 9 new colombian deep divers certified to supervise the San Jose salvage.

Colombia, hasta hace poco, no tenía buzos capaces de sumergirse a profundidades tan grandes como las del San José. Pero a fines del año pasado nueve hombres terminaron en la Armada de Estados Unidos, con las mejores notas de su promoción, sus cursos de capacitación para bajar hasta profundidades aún mayores.
Son los nueve colombianos que tendrán la responsabilidad a nombre del país de custodiar la labor de rescate

but you're right, it's pretty deep, deeper than your name "too-deep" :D :D :D



why are you bad mouthing american treasure salvors when you are a american treasure hunter looking and finding treasure from some small island or another country yourself?since you think you know so much about 3rd world countries on what you think they should do with thier percentage of the treasure recovered like feeding the hungry and poor,maybe you should move to colombia get a job with the government there to oversee all the american and canadian treasure salvors recovering thier past history and sure the government there will line your pockets with alot of the treasure.since there is alot of corrupt gov officials there im sure the people of colombia will never see any money from any salvage work.maybe not even any treasure artifacts.

why are you bad mouthing american treasure salvors when you are a american treasure hunter looking and finding treasure from some small island or another country yourself?since you think you know so much about 3rd world countries on what you think they should do with thier percentage of the treasure recovered like feeding the hungry and poor,maybe you should move to colombia get a job with the government there to oversee all the american and canadian treasure salvors recovering thier past history and sure the government there will line your pockets with alot of the treasure.since there is alot of corrupt gov officials there im sure the people of colombia will never see any money from any salvage work.maybe not even any treasure artifacts.

Ok,....I give up!

Anything that has the UNESCO name on it is bad news. Check out the MOAB project, among others.

They already control large tracts of the United States public property, believe it or not.

the USA is not a member of UNESCO.only 3rd world countries are members thinking that UNESCO is doing something good for sure they will all be in for a big surprise one of these days.

the USA is not a member of UNESCO.only 3rd world countries are members thinking that UNESCO is doing something good for sure they will all be in for a big surprise one of these days.

What will be the surprise? tell it here, now



find out for yourself,do a search on google for UNESCO everything you should take youa few weeks to read it all.then come back an tell us all that the world doesnt need UNESCO.but we all here already know this.

find out for yourself,do a search on google for UNESCO everything you should take youa few weeks to read it all.then come back an tell us all that the world doesnt need UNESCO.but we all here already know this.

Don't tell me such BS. you said

im sure they will all be in for a big surprise one of these days.

show off now. If for you "surprise" means do whatever you want in others countrie's water territory, then we're back on time of 1600's, piracy era.


you are right.
Pirates Rules: "Do whatever you want "why try and be a pirate when you are truly not one.

SWR said:
the USA is not a member of UNESCO.only 3rd world countries are members thinking that UNESCO is doing something good for sure they will all be in for a big surprise one of these days.

"Rejoining UNESCO in October 2003 after a 19-year absence (1984-2002), United States First Lady and UNESCO Honorary Ambassador for the Decade of Literacy, Mrs Laura Bush, made education and literacy the centerpiece of a renewed partnership undertaken in support of human rights, tolerance and learning worldwide."

Odd...the UNESCO website says United States of America is a member.

How can anything that encourages education be a bad thing?

Their education program I know nothing about. They are a conglomeration of countries bent on an enviromental agenda that is out of this world.

One of their ideas is to have a "corridor" running from Alaska clear on down into Mexico, where no man can set foot.

Amona said:
:o :o

You should post this garbage thread when you asked me for the pics!!

YES I asked for photos from EVERYONE on this forum and you provided me with a few and I thanked you BUT that does not change or have anything to do with YOU and your ANTI-AMERICAN TREASURE HUNTING thinking.
This TOPIC has really gotten out of hand so I will not post anything else on this topic.

I understand I'm a tad late here, but comment I will. If the argument is, "the people of Columbia need that money", theres definitely a problem. With the rampant corruption in Columbia's government, the money will not go, and never does, to any part of the population that truly needs it.

the money will not go, and never does, to any part of the population that truly needs it.

well it's theirs money, you do whatever you want with your money, the same way, investor will does with theirs money whatever they wants,....


Perhaps instead of saying "the people of Columbia need that money", be honest and tell it like it is; the government needs that money. It is not for the people of Columbia, it's for the corrupt officials of the government. Sure has a different ring, huh?

it's for the corrupt officials of the government. Sure has a different ring, huh?
Yes of course, they're but still it's theirs money. that's my point. If I would follow that thought " for the corrupt officials of the government " I wouldn't pay taxes here because I don't agree with the Irak war, paying every year taxes to support a war which nothing to do with us.


not to belabor the point, but you're only making an assumption that it is "Their" money. That is what the entire fight is about... Who owns it?

Has the govt and its people made any effort to find or salvage any of the wrecks in their territory? Why should the company that shelled out millions to find the wreck (based on a contract/agreement) now be forced to give up all right, title or interest? If the Columbian Government is so concerned with its "patrimony" why are they not on board with the company bringing up and displaying artifacts and the history (and getting a huge chunk of the change)?

you're making an assumption that it is the Columbian government's money, when there are a lot of things that say it is not (hence the lawsuit). Just to name a few:
salvage laws, theories on abandonment, admiralty claims, etc


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