I'd like to talk a little about Fonts and Symbolism when using Cemeteries and Researching The Deceased as a Tombstone Tourist.
I've said this before, but the 1st thing to keep in mind is ANYONE CAN PUT ANYTHING ON A TOMBSTONE...ANYTHING AT ALL....ANY NAME, ANY DATES, ANY SYMBOLS....ANYTHING. It's Perfectly Legal, even if not correct, and For Whatever Reason, Sometimes Folks Have and Do Misrepresent...Sometimes folks aren't even really buried under a tombstone with their name on it and you will find out after researching them they have multiple monuments.
WOW and Similar Type Monuments Are Not Indicitive of Belonging To Any Secret Society, Nor are the Symbols on those beautiful monuments always an affirmation or a clue to membership or affiliation to any select or secret organization. Even Freemason and other Fraternal Organization symbols do not mean 100% the person was a Freemason. The Temple in DC does have membership records that anyone can utilize with just a phone call.
I'm going to list the Top 3 Font Styles for Tombstones....All 3 of these have many variations. I keep font style lists and symbolism lists from several different sites on my phone because I really like touring cemeteries and it's helpful to understand the different fonts that can look like they are something else. Same with Symbols. STARS with different amounts of points are popular on tombstones. A lot of times the Surname Initial of the Deceased will be in the center of the Star.
After this post I will put up a more detailed symbol list along with meanings that most monument makers have used in the past and still use to this day. You can design your own too. It won't be tonight. lol!
Years ago folks a lot of times bought and designed their Monuments or Mausoleums decades before death. Lifespans were shorter, multiple marriages, children sometimes died in infancy and childhood more often and people didn't always move around after becoming established. Sometimes they wanted to be buried or interred where they Didn't Live. There are a myriad of reasons this can happen...So depending on the type of monument and if it looks like an Egyptian Revival period monument for instance, but dated much later, that could be that it was created for them much earlier when that style was more popular.
Okay, The Top 3 Fonts For Tombstones Are: Roman, Old English and Italic.
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Here are examples of each...Pay Particular Attention To The Old English (sometimes referred to as Gothic). Many, Many Small Variations.
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SEVERAL ITALIC Fonts and Several Other Fonts:
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There has been some discussion on here regarding these two monuments pictured below. One is kin of mine so I'm going to use them for quick reference for those looking at tombstones. It's easy with these Fonts to think it's something other than what it really is due to the type of font.
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This man Really Was A Mason as the Upper Symbol Indicates....The Letter 'E' In The Square below Is A Version of the Old English Font...The Letter 'E' is the First Letter of their Last Name. There is Not a Crescent Moon, It's Not KGC...It's just a style that particular font uses on some of it's letters. It looks more like an F, but it is an E as shown on the Font Charts.
On the monument below is the Letter 'T' in the Old English Font Style, Also Looking Like a Crescent Moon on the left, it's not, but The 'T' Is Engraved inside the Star of Lakshmi...Its an 8 pointed Star symbolizing 8 forms of Wealth....Typically they are, Prosperity, Knowledge, Strength, Power, Health, Intelligence, Happiness and Virtuous Offspring.
Lakshmi is a a Hindu Goddess...However you'll find the two square symbol on Irish, Italian, French, English and other ethnic tombstones too. It's Not Specific To Any One Religion or Ethnicity.
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Some of the Italic fonts are difficult to determine which letter they are as well depending on which variation is used...I'll post a pic or two of those next time.
I hope this helps a little and saves some time if you see this writing and symbolism on Tombstones.