Silver Member
Hmmm, ok, good point. Even though the machine belongs to the independent vendor, yet there must be some sort of legal subrogation for the management/franchise of the property to whom it sits on. For example, if the machine jams, guess who comes over to open it up and un-jam it ? A store employee (not the coin-star rep. employee). So that tells me that even though the machine is owned by someone else, yet they've got some sort of legal agreement of usage or staffing or something. Right ?
But even if we deduce that the machine, and the contents anywhere on/in it (the return tray, or wherever) belong to the vendor, not the store, then the problem still remains: You would merely be taking that independent vendor's property, right ? So no matter how you slice it, still not your property ?
the independent vendor did not pay for the coins and in fact rejected them. So why is it their property?