Coin Roll Hunters/ Verses Banks...


Jr. Member
Nov 29, 2005
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I seem to wonder is it really a big deal that we bring in large sums of rolled coins they get angry. Now im not just saying like kiddingly angry but almost furious.. i mean its got to be bad enough that they make you roll and box them for them, and that they dont have counters for coins "which really throughs me off". but even after being told you cant get change for a hundred unless you have an account and that that account which is a savings has to have 300-500 in it at all times..

I mean come on now whats the deal with banks am i just getting old here or does it seem that they truly are worthless as far as their need in the whole scheem of things.. If you go into a bank and ask for a loan they say sure if you give me 300$ and pay me 1200$ ill give you a loan for 800$ but you cant touch it for 2 yrs.. "and yes this is the same bank and ill be happy to devulge the name if so asked for it" ..

Im sure that i speak for a lot of people when i say i dont necessarly need a bank to tell me yeah youve got 5000 in cash put it in m bank and ill give you 5000.. i mean come on now not to mention theyre charging you 10% or more while only giving you 4-5% interest on whats in the bank.. whats the deal it didnt use to be that way...

Yes i know im on a rant of sorts, but im really almost totally fed up with this one bank in perticular, and other then that the fact that the banking system in itself anymore is totally out for itself..

Funny how when joining a credit union they said we dont do this for other people, but for our "Familly" we might not charge fees on certain things.. wouldnt that be like ... umm ummm .. Hitler style?

Sounds silly but it fits now adays.. Anyone else have anything they would like to add? Whats the best way to handle them being angry about you putting your money into their bank? makes ya wonder if theres lawyers out there for this such thing..

Only thing i have left to say at this point is ive called and spoken with about every bank in my area to get a feel as what services they have ,and what they can do for me "their possible customer" . And i get the feeling that Banks are just Crazy anymore..

Thanks for listening, and hopefully you might shed some light on this.

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One they do want you money to loan out, two they dont want to do the extra work of looking for the currency you have and three half the time they half to ask the manager to ok it before they can give requested funds out. try asking for a bundle of 2$ bills its funny when they ask back "a whole bundle???" and it still took them 4 hours but they called me when the manager finaly showed up since for some reason they had to be the one to get the money out of the vault...

But to help them "the bank in question" out, i use another bank to get the change or bills from. the only thing im using them for is a place to store my money and to make bills out of. I figure putting atleast half into my savings in that bank would make it eisier for them to exept my Coin, but they seem to be getting mad that i bring them coin at all.

You are not alone Stryperstalker. Bank service is in the toilet and there are no signs of it getting any better. Maybe we remind the tellers of their ex husbands or something like that.

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