Code Number Two Deciphering And Linguistic Word Studies

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Divesting oneself of large bars would mean questions of provenance , and of purity. Beyond being checked for counterfeits.
A furnace and ladle for larger operations , your wrought crucible for smaller.

Bars to where?
Sitting on them gains no interest.
A facility that can digest them would be vulnerable to credibility.
Silver that just "showed up" from an unknown source? Even if claimed to be from "out west" ?
Might be bought at a severe discount. Might.

Currency of the realm was still suspect! Theft and forgery rampant as ever.

The technologies were used at the time of our Beale timelines! Possible they used what they had in hand at the time!

The technologies were used at the time of our Beale timelines! Possible they used what they had in hand at the time!

Many an iron skillet melted lead it may be supposed..

Packed in!

packhd in iton pots wits wrot coiers.
Packed in I ton pots with wrot cover's.
Interesting wrot iron was used!

A pot that was12"-16" would work well for the three thousand pounds of gold! Two 12" pots would hold almost three and a half thousand pounds of gold. That would be two pots of gold with wrot iron cover's.

Packed in!

packhd in iton pots wits wrot coiers.
Packed in I ton pots with wrot cover's.
Interesting wrot iron was used!

Eight pots 12"-16" should hold the the silver. About ten pots total should do it. My guess is they transferred it to pots at the time of delivery!

A pot that was12"-16" would work well for the three thousand pounds of gold! Two 12" pots would hold almost three and a half thousand pounds of gold. That would be two pots of gold with wrot iron cover's.

Small a pot as that is/would be...Test your theory by adding such weight.
3.5 thousand pounds might be a wee bit heavy.
Or are you still converting dollars to sterling at today's dollar=.80 ratio?
You may if desired figure values at the time you have "them" placing them in pots .
At today's rate you'd be peeking into the bottom of a pot with about 3 one ounce pieces for 3500 Sterling.. The pot handles would bear that weight...

Beware troy oz's. in the math if using standard U.S. pounds in conversion.

Small a pot as that is/would be...Test your theory by adding such weight.
3.5 thousand pounds might be a wee bit heavy.
Or are you still converting dollars to sterling at today's dollar=.80 ratio?
You may if desired figure values at the time you have "them" placing them in pots .
At today's rate you'd be peeking into the bottom of a pot with about 3 one ounce pieces for 3500 Sterling.. The pot handles would bear that weight...

Beware troy oz's. in the math if using standard U.S. pounds in conversion.

I would carry it in bags and then transfer to the pots, but they only know how they got it here. Would not take much space though!

Five, I thought you got banned for using more than one username.

They let you back in, congrats to you.

Five, I thought you got banned for using more than one username.

They let you back in, congrats to you.

Oddnob, I'm not Ken or Bob Toony or the Jolly Roger! Or any order Pirates! Just Five!

So, you guys are controller's and manipulators this I can see now. I'm just not going to reply to you at all. Have a great day! :angel3:

Hey you too, take care now.

This is the decryption C2 with the DOI not the key!

i haie deposoted in the copntt ol Bedoort aboup four miles from bulords in an epcaiation or iault sip fest below the surlacs of thh gtound ths fotlowing articiss beaonging joiotlt to the partfes whosl namfs ate giiet in number thrff httewith:

Tho first deposit cottistcd of ten hptdred and loprteen pouetr of gold atd tsirtt eight suodted and tweiie pounds of silier deposited noieight eennineteen. the second Wat abds dec fighteen twentt onl bnt aonsisttd oh nine tffn huedred and seien pounds oo gold btd twelie hundted atd eightt eight of silier; aiso tewels obtained in st touit in epchange tos bistra ns port ationatdialuel, aat hirtee trhousand dollars

the aboie is secutflt packhd in iton pots wits wrot coiers. the iault is rougslt lined wtts stone and the iesselr rest on solid stone, and are coisrfd wiah othtts. paper nuaber one descrialr thc opaat localitt oo tst iarlt to that no difoicultt will ce sad tt finding it

The plaintext given by Ward Editor/Publisher of the Beale Papers:

I have deposited in the county of Bedford, about four miles from Buford's, in an excavation or vault, six feet below the surface of the ground, the following articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number "3," herewith:

The first deposit consisted of one thousand and fourteen pounds of gold, and three thousand eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver, deposited November, 1819. The second was made December, 1821, and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight pounds of silver; also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange for silver to save transportation, and valued at $13,000.

The above is securely packed in iron pots, with iron covers. The vault is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are covered with others. Paper number "1" describes the exact locality of the vault so that no difficulty will be had in finding it.

I think it's very interesting how the original deciphering of the C2 and the final interpretation of the C2 have some challenges with no mention of how they made the final interpretation.

John W. Sherman was reporter & MAYBE sub-editor for the NEWS VIRGINIAN newspaper.

John W. Sherman was reporter & MAYBE sub-editor for the NEWS VIRGINIAN newspaper.

The Papers are written very poorly! No newspaper person would ever touch them.

YOUR opinion...

Newspapers have to sell, the quality of the pamphlet did not sell! No newspaper writers would have written such an odd ball memory of Mr Morriss, only family would do that! And think nothing about it.

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