Cob, Shoe Buckle Pieces, Calligraphy Pen, Lead Piece and Ornate Brass Plate Piece


Full Member
Nov 29, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Went back to a Early 1700s French site and had some nice digs, need some help on dates and determining if these are colonial.
The First pic is a Phillip V 1/2 Real cob, and a Strange lead item beside it. Looks like a dotted triangle, any ideas.:icon_scratch:
Second Pic is what looks to be 2 shoe buckle pieces, a possible calligraphy pen:icon_scratch:, and a strange item with detailed designs that kind of looks like a piece of a plate of some sort:dontknow:.
Any ideas on these finds and possible dates?
Im really curious about the shoe buckle pieces, the lead, the plate looking item, and the pen. Looks like a pen, but could be something else.
Adding more photos of the supposed buckles and plate like item.

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I found your small sword guard. The guy on the sword forum says "late 17th C."

Pretty cool!
Get the F!!!!! out of here. That really looks like it. Wow :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Can you PM me the link......?
Man, that is one cool lookin sword guard.
Im speechless. Wish I had the whole thing, but even a piece of it is amazing.
I knew that item looked special, but had no idea what it was.
I really, really, really appreciate all of your help. You Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any idea what that image is supposed to depict??
Im seeing the lower half of an animal "horse or fish", the upper body of a man, and the face of a demon or animal. CRAZY!!
I just inverted the pic.

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That's an incredible ID and I know you're stunned at that find. Its shape and design (clamshell) is slightly similar to one I found last spring at the home of a Rev War privateer captain. Yours looks a bit earlier than mine, which is probably mid-to-late 18th century. Looks like your site keeps revealing some mind-blowing finds, and I hope we'll be seeing more posted soon.

sword guard restored3.jpg

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That's an incredible ID and I know you're stunned at that find. Its shape and design (clamshell) is slightly similar to one I found last spring at the home of a Rev War privateer captain. Yours looks a bit earlier than mine, which is probably mid-to-late 18th century. Looks like your site keeps revealing some mind-blowing finds, and I hope we'll be seeing more posted soon.
Thanks Bill. Youre right, im so excited right now. I wish I could find the rest of it and have it restored.
I hope to get back there soon and dig some more great stuff.
I think the mystery item has been NAILED!!
I think so too. I never would have thought it was what it is. Unbelievable ID and find.
This site, and the people here are amazing. Now to find the rest of it.

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