Cob, Shoe Buckle Pieces, Calligraphy Pen, Lead Piece and Ornate Brass Plate Piece


Full Member
Nov 29, 2015
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All Treasure Hunting
Went back to a Early 1700s French site and had some nice digs, need some help on dates and determining if these are colonial.
The First pic is a Phillip V 1/2 Real cob, and a Strange lead item beside it. Looks like a dotted triangle, any ideas.:icon_scratch:
Second Pic is what looks to be 2 shoe buckle pieces, a possible calligraphy pen:icon_scratch:, and a strange item with detailed designs that kind of looks like a piece of a plate of some sort:dontknow:.
Any ideas on these finds and possible dates?
Im really curious about the shoe buckle pieces, the lead, the plate looking item, and the pen. Looks like a pen, but could be something else.
Adding more photos of the supposed buckles and plate like item.

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Nice digs, good luck on the id

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Thats a beauty. Some cool looking relics too. Not able to help ID but interested in finding out what the items are. Keep pounding. Surely another will show itself.

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That calligraphy pen appears to instead be the end of a set of ramrod guides. I think it's the one that would be closest to the hammer. Google pics and you'll see.

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Nice digs, good luck on the id
Thanks Showtime.
Thats a beauty. Some cool looking relics too. Not able to help ID but interested in finding out what the items are. Keep pounding. Surely another will show itself.
Thanks GW. Defintely going back.
That calligraphy pen appears to instead be the end of a set of ramrod guides. I think it's the one that would be closest to the hammer. Google pics and you'll see.
Thanks JW. I think you might be right. It looked like something I have seen before somewhere, but the only thing I could think of was a calligraphy pen.
Any idea of the age. I couldn't find many similar items in my internet search.

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Thanks Showtime.

Thanks GW. Defintely going back.

Thanks JW. I think you might be right. It looked like something I have seen before somewhere, but the only thing I could think of was a calligraphy pen.
Any idea of the age. I couldn't find many similar items in my internet search.

Well yours looks pretty ornate and heavy duty. Much like the ones we find at the 1830s river camps. So I've been told they are Kentucky long rifles. I'd say early 1800s, heck it even be a 1700s gun they used them for a long time.

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Well yours looks pretty ornate and heavy duty. Much like the ones we find at the 1830s river camps. So I've been told they are Kentucky long rifles. I'd say early 1800s, heck it even be a 1700s gun they used them for a long time.
Thanks Jwarner. Spent a little time looking at images online and I found a pic from a supposed Model 1774 Charleville musket that has a similar looking lower ramrod guide. Was hoping to find something a little older to correspond with other finds, but this is all I could come up with for now.
1774 charleville .jpg

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Congrats on the cob and the ramrod guide. The plate looking item is unusual, not sure what that is.

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Some interesting finds there. That one piece is definitely a ramrod guide as others have said, but not sure about the others. Those 2 buckle pieces are hard to figure out as well and I'm not sure if either one is from a shoe buckle.

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Thanks Jwarner. Spent a little time looking at images online and I found a pic from a supposed Model 1774 Charleville musket that has a similar looking lower ramrod guide. Was hoping to find something a little older to correspond with other finds, but this is all I could come up with for now.
View attachment 1241554

That looks right! And 1700s stuff!? You easterners are lucky, 1830-40s Is the oldest we have in the western U.S. great finds though.

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Congrats on the cob and the ramrod guide. The plate looking item is unusual, not sure what that is.
Thanks Steve. Wish I had the whole plate, or whatever it is. It kind of reminds me of an oval buckle. Looks like it had a neat design, but I cant make it out. I just added a few more pics.
Some interesting finds there. That one piece is definitely a ramrod guide as others have said, but not sure about the others. Those 2 buckle pieces are hard to figure out as well and I'm not sure if either one is from a shoe buckle.
Thanks Bill. I added some more pics of the supposed buckles. I just said shoe buckles because theyre small and ive dug a few from this site. Im pretty certain the square'ish piece was some type of buckle, and I kind of think the other more curved L shaped piece was from another buckle of some type.
That looks right! And 1700s stuff!? You easterners are lucky, 1830-40s Is the oldest we have in the western U.S. great finds though.
Thanks J. I was just hoping to find a pic of an earlier rifle with that design ramrod guide, to help verify a date
Really hoping to get a date on these finds, as im thinking about making a display from this site, and I kind of wanted all of the displayed finds to be from the same era.

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Awesome hunt there.
Welcome to tnet.
What great first post...
Looking forward to seeing more from you.

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Thanks Steve. Wish I had the whole plate, or whatever it is. It kind of reminds me of an oval buckle. Looks like it had a neat design, but I cant make it out. I just added a few more pics.

Thanks Bill. I added some more pics of the supposed buckles. I just said shoe buckles because theyre small and ive dug a few from this site. Im pretty certain the square'ish piece was some type of buckle, and I kind of think the other more curved L shaped piece was from another buckle of some type.

Thanks J. I was just hoping to find a pic of an earlier rifle with that design ramrod guide, to help verify a date
Really hoping to get a date on these finds, as im thinking about making a display from this site, and I kind of wanted all of the displayed finds to be from the same era.

I get that. Either way its really cool. And yanno they passed those guns down until they couldn't be used anymore then they'd scrap them. Who knows how old that guide really could be.

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Welcome to Treasurenet. I'm thinking the small ornate relic may be a piece of a hand guard from an early 18th C hunting sword or "small sword". At least that's the first thing that came to my mind. Nice digs!



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Awesome hunt there.
Welcome to tnet.
What great first post...
Looking forward to seeing more from you.
Thanks for the warm welcome Vino.
Was a good day. Really liking this web-site. Tons of nice people here that are really helpful and knowledgeable.
Thanks for bumping this back up to the top for me, I was really hoping more people would chime in with id's, but I didn't want to be the one to bump it.
I get that. Either way its really cool. And yanno they passed those guns down until they couldn't be used anymore then they'd scrap them. Who knows how old that guide really could be.
Thanks J. I didn't want to sound ungrateful if the gun part isn't from that era, but there is a high probability it could be.
Welcome to Tnet, excellent collection of early relics from that site. Hard to beat Spanish silver :thumbsup:
Thanks for the welcome VMI. Im really excited about the potential of this area.
Just wish I was better at id'ing the old stuff.
Spanish Silver :notworthy:
Welcome to Treasurenet. I'm thinking the small ornate relic may be a piece of a hand guard from an early 18th C hunting sword or "small sword". At least that's the first thing that came to my mind. Nice digs!
Thanks for the welcome DC. The hunting sword hand guard thought never crossed my mind.
How cool would that be. It does kind of look similar to the one you showed in your photo.
I have dug over 60 musket balls in the area.
Wish I had the whole thing, and not just a piece of it, but I cant complain, as I still had a great day.
Im really hoping it is part of a sword now. Part of a rifle and a sword in the same day. Wow.

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EDIT: Whoops... accidently posted twice.

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60 musket balls! Just curious if any of the balls are "pulled"? If it was a long-term camp they would have unloaded muskets and tossed the balls. I hope to see some period buttons coming out of there soon as well!

Keep in mind that people back then had a keen eye for good campsites. And if it was a good site in 1700 it was likely still a good one in 1800 & 1900 and maybe even today. So I'd expect to find relics from multiple era's.


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I am fairly sure that the lead triangle is a trade weight... seen one just like it here on Tnet before.

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I am fairly sure that the lead triangle is a trade weight... seen one just like it here on Tnet before.
Thanks for Responding Bit. I just weighed it and it is 4.2 grams.
There is a thick raised triangle on one side, and a thin raised triangle on the other side.

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