Yes, I know what he looks like, but, I have to make sure that it is him.

Yes, I know what he looks like, but, I have to make sure that it is him.

Come to the rendezvous, then you'll know exactly what I look like and there won't be any question.

Dirty Dutchman said:
Come to the rendezvous, then you'll know exactly what I look like and there won't be any question.

When are they having the rendevous this year.

Where is this board house at?
Is it a short term for meaning a ( Boarding House, or maybe a term used by some buildings from the mining days that where built with just 1x12s, and had what we call a Fence Wall? ( being built of 1x12s nailed onto 2x4s, so it resembles a picket fence.
If it is even still standing or a foundation is there.


The board house was the ranch house of Matt Cavaness where today's Quarter Circle-U Ranch is located.
This info is from Dr Glover's book part 1


Matthew Cavaness divorced his first wife and remarried. Working from memory here, I believe he built another house east of the "Board House". One wonders if it was also a "board house". Originally she lived there with two children. They sold milk, and I believe the place was called the Milk Ranch.??? I will look it up when I get home.

Good luck,


I would think building a board house would be expensive in that area at the time. A house with rock walls would be cooler in the summer and the material would be free. Though if my wife was involved it would be a board house. Depends on what the wife is use to. Living in a town or a mud hut. Or a half and half like the old house at the CU.


Acording to the Matthew Cavaness memoirs, the reason the house was called the boardhouse was Cavaness hauled a load of Silver King ore over to San Diego to be processed and with the money he made for the job he purchased a load of lumber (boards) and returned to his ranch and built the house. He was married with three children at the time.

cactusjumper is absolutely correct. Cavaness also built the house east of the boardhouse that became known as the Milk ranch. He put his mother in law ( Mrs. Rowe) and her family on that ranch. Later on the Whitlow's bought that ranch acording to Jack Carlson.

G'evening SGT: Don't sell an mud - adobe built house short. The walls on my house are approx. 4 ft thick.

Here is one in Alamos for example


Don Jose de La Mancha


Son Jose just the point I was trying to make. Why build a board house when a solid adobe house could be built.


In those days, a real house was made from wood. The more genteel ladies could not abide dirt walls and floors. They didn't want to hear no logic.

Take care,


Exactly! How you going to invite the Lady's Auxiliary Club out for a mud hut?

The house I am living in right now, around the Superior area, is made of adobe, 18 inches thick.
Cool in the summer, warm in the winter.
But, there are quite a few older homes in Superior that are made of what we call fence walls, or board houses.
In the 1800's, if there was a fire at a house, it was stripped of good parts left and rebuilt.
As a matter of fact, the town of Pinal, was moved to the town of Superior now,.
Board houses and buildings.
Whitlow ranch is around my area.
By Queen Valley.
My last name is Rowe(but the New England Rowe's). Darn it.LOL.

Gentlmen: From time imemorial, most Adobe homes / buildings were plastered inside and out after construction. It was only after years of neglect that they apeared as the one that we see in the westen movies. The floors were also generaly made of fired adobe bricks, nice and clean.

I repeat, check this one out,it is adobe from start to finish. -->

As for plain dirt floors, sheesh, after walking in plain dirt or mud streets etc., in those long skirts, a well swept clean dirt floor would be a luxury - sides remember soap and bathing was just starting to become acceptable back East, not on the Frontier, Most guys & Gals were a bit - errrr - rank, by our present standards.

Speaking from personal experience -- sigh. after a few weeks on the trail, I became a bit indistinguishable from my mule, along with my own personal additives, no wonder the lonely ranch gals showed no further interest after the first sniff or two..

Don Jose de La Mancha <--- the smelly one !

G'mornig RR: NE eh, then you probably have emulsified Adobe constrction, clean with no dust effectively.. An excellent building materiel.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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