🥇 BANNER Clay Pot with Coins Inside!!!!!

BVI Hunter

Bronze Member
Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
ACE 250
AT Pro
Garrett Pro Pointer
Ghost Amphibian Headphones
Vibra Probe 580
Vibra Tector 730
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Back to my pals old property and found had a signal close to this pot.
I had previously picked up lots of surface bottle finds so moved this out of the way to use the pinpointer - but the signal had gone ???

Looked inside and saw what turned out to be coins!!!!:thumbsup:

Will try to clean these up a bit, the soil was packed quite hard inside.

Picture below show the pot (outside and inside) and the coins as found!:thumbsup:

middle ridge etc 017.webpmiddle ridge etc 018.webpmiddle ridge etc 019.webpclay coins 003.webpclay coins 004.webpclay coins 006.webpclay coins 002.webpclay coins 012.webpclay coins 009.webpclay coins 008.webpclay coins 007.webpclay coins 015.webpclay coins 019.webpclay coins 018.webp

Upvote 66
That would make sense. The pot clay or glaze leaching into and maybe reacting with what ever was in the pot surrounding the coins. We find coins in the soil that are strange colors.

Well BVI I'd wish you luck fishing but with the way your luck is going I doubt you need it!
You would probably cast your line and get it caught on one of those pesky sunken treasure Galleons! Then you'd have to haul it all up and take photos of it all and post them on T Net, a lot of hard work....GOOD LUCK!!!! :treasurechest: :3barsgold::skullflag: :laughing7:

I know what you mean AQUA, you turn your back for a minute and "somebody" makes a banner find!:notworthy: :laughing7:


but I only fish 'catch and release' so will have to put that chest back!!:laughing7:

will have a line in the water in a few hours so will be back at the weekend :thumbsup:


but I only fish 'catch and release' so will have to put that chest back!!:laughing7:

will have a line in the water in a few hours so will be back at the weekend :thumbsup:

Hell with your luck Captain, you will probably snag a Pirate Ship (oh, I mean fish)!:skullflag::icon_biggrin:


BVI's Pirate Fish is seen at 1:11 into the clip.


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Just wondering if you can post up and update about coins for those of us on the job day and night .

Kool find and can't read 8 pages of comments . Congrats on the Banner , that's better than watchin' re runs of Dukes of Hazard !

Congrats on the find, the story, the banner.... I'm envious of you, the way you felt during all this... but in a good way ;-)

For what its worth.... In the middle ages, people stored their coins in clay vessels and called them "piggy's"( which us where we get the term piggy banks). If these coins where placed in the clay vessel as storage in the 1700's or early 1800's, then thats just following custom and not out of the ordinary. Very nice find and congratulations

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

never mind , found the post , total of 5 pistereens , great find for sure :hello:

very nice congrats on banner

So, was the...uh hum... "fish", filed with doubloons & pieces of 8, gold bars...? And did you make him give them up before you threw him back? Or at lest pose for a picture? :skullflag: :laughing7:

Fishing a disaster as had issues with the fuel / water filter :BangHead:

Water ,water,everywhere and not a drop to drink.

wow!, ya know i retire in 2yr, and im really starting to like where you live
lets rename the place treasure island,maybe see you soon, keep up the
good luck type of hunting, HH cw

Originally Posted by releventchair

With a plant in it in a flower garden, or anywhere with top edge near the surface it would be easy to recover for who ever squirreled it. You know, like the Mrs.,s card playing money...

there ARE some foundation ruins within 50 yds.......:dontknow:

my thinking too

:notworthy: Congratulations on a fantastic find! Also, :icon_thumleft: on achieving ''banner''.

wow!, ya know i retire in 2yr, and im really starting to like where you live
lets rename the place treasure island,maybe see you soon, keep up the
good luck type of hunting, HH cw

Come on down!
Althoug for pure treasure hunting try the Bahamas

Good Morning! Have you been back to the site and if so did it seem like a one-off?

Good Morning! Have you been back to the site and if so did it seem like a one-off?

Have not been back as yet, but hope to soon!!!
Waiting for the historical record results so we know where to look!

You are the master of finding caches, two in the past year!!!!

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