Hey, Southfork got a better way to chew up clay if interested. For larger operations than a shovel pit to high banker like I was doing with post hole digger that only has 2 feet of blade... Learned augers chew up clay fast from Fred Dodge while working at his shop inside Madden Steel, Inc(MSI) in Brighton, co. That was '05 I think. Bought a water auger 6foot long and 6inch diameter from farm supply store, look on internet. The one to transfer water from one ditch to another. Welded 1 inch blades onto leading edge of auger, at a 45 degree angle, that forced clay into sides of housing and was further disintegrated by aggregate mix being fed up to sluice through auger. Got to mix your pay dirt with clay to work, like trommels do but so much smaller. Blades were from 1 inch angle iron cut 1 inch long and have to have gap about 1/4 inch from side of housing to keep from locking up on the small rocks that pass through screen of trough. Again the feed trough needs finger bars at bottom to break up large pieces of clay. If you are not set up for fabrication call Rocky, his brother, at MSI and they can knock out a clay auger for you and ship most anywhere. I believe the bearings had to be upgraded for the increased weight after running awhile, get waterproof for sure. Can be powered by plug in hammer drill cinched down to top shaft extending out housing. Think it was a 3/4 inch chuck. Or cordless drill, the hammer adds to break up. Tie handle to housing to stop spin of drill. You can use hammer drills to vibrate dry wash boxes instead of offset weight clunky mechanism, run by heavy motor cycle or car battery, by JB welding skate board wheel to bottom of dry wash sluice and attaching hammer drill to axle. Tie handle to a leg and change cordless batteries as needed. Cordless leaf blower will replace any air system too.
Happy Trails.