classic ll vs surfmaster ll land sea


Silver Member
May 7, 2008
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Golden Thread
lakelinden mi
Detector(s) used
MXTdeepscan 8by14dd, bulls eye 2, 5900diprosl Maxima1500, Master Hunter cx plus Treasure Hound, surf
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
classic ll vs surf masterll

Went to a road, I was after crusher copper took the classic ll wanted to learn the detector some more from last year. turn the discretion up to full It would spit and sputter knocking out the smaller pieces of copper on the surface and below.

If you went slow it would hit hard on a piece about the size of a nickle and bigger, and if it was smaller but on the surface it would hit hard. but the road was wet and muddy the coppers green wasn't noticeable you had to use a pin pointer to find.

The county crushes the old mine rock piles to make the gravel that's were the copper is coming from. If the detector hit hard at a slow swing speed, I would dig, the deeper I would dig normally the bigger the piece. some time I would have to go in all metal mode to find the piece because of the lost hallow effect and the piece would be smaller. up to an inch and a have more dept in all metal. with time the classic ll found a lot of copper pieces three in a halve pounds...

The surf master was a different story, well it should of it cost more. turn the discretion up all the way and went over the same spot the classic ll did the day before. no more spiting and sputtering at least not as bad did find one or two nuggets the classic ll mist and every target after that was a piece of copper well worth the time to dig for...

found far more copper nuggets in less time with the surf master ll than the classic ll the surf master has a faster swing speed so you can cover more ground and has a better discrimination pattern to knock out the smaller ones and a slow swing speed to zero in on the target. the surf master is a really light detector and easy to use and is well worth the money I spent on it. I paid 300.00 used. so I wouldn't take the mxt in them muddy condition and in the mist before the rain. I all ways wanted to do a head too head comparison and I figured it was time and the condition were there.

So all in all the Coin Master classic ll is a good detector you just have to take your time, it's light, can be hip mounted it takes three 9 volt batteries. it has a pin point - all metal mode. 8 inch coil, it has a nice Beep when it found some then your looking for.

the surf master has a better discretion, lighter, bigger coil, you can hip mount it, it takes 3 nine volt batteries all so. faster sweep speed, some time you have to turn your discretion down to find your target because of the lost hallow effect. the only thing is the head phones are hard wired because it's a water detector and there put on with a certain way and tighten only so tight. so they don't leak, there is no external speaker. and can find silver dollar size target down to about 8 to 10 inches that I notices.......


Thats an ancient Classic II if its using the nine volt batteries. The range was improved in all respects years ago and they switched to using the XLT slide in battery pack. Other than that the two machines (Classic and Surfmaster) use the same circuit board so performance should be similar if coil sizes were matched though the Classic was never intended to be used anywhere near maximum discrimination.

The Classic III with its extra controls, larger coil etc should beat the Surfmasters performance and be even better with Mr.Bills or the the Dixie modifications and still come in at a lower price.

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