🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Class ring owner or is it!!!!What do you think!!!!!!!

Tommy, do whatever you feel is right. The fact that you pulled a gold ring out of the frozen Michigan tundra this early in the year can only mean that you will have a banner year! Can't wait to see what you find next!

send it back Registered Mail so you have a record she Signed for it.
let us know when it is Returned.

I would Prefer a Pic of her with it, or a Thank you letter from Her.
But Yes. either way. since there is a picture of the ring here.
Honorable Mention if you send it to her .
Im just going to send it to her . It seems impossible it would have been stolen in Cali and end up here I didnt here that story until I contacted her well the school did and gave her my number. I will post once its in the mail if it makes her happy then its better off with her anyway Im and going to think real hard about returning rings from now on,not that I dont want to but what a mess.... she seems nice and Im doing what I think is best Ill post on monday once its sent Thanks for all the posts and opinions!!!! Tommy

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I agree, do what your heart tells you to. And thanks for being an honorable person. Many would never have gone this far to try and return this ring. It brings honor to our hobby.

Im just going to send it to her . It seems impossible it would have been stolen in Cali and end up here I didnt here that story until I contacted her well the school fif and gave her my number. I will ost once its in the mail if it makes her happy then its better off with her anyway Im and going to think real hard about returning rings from now on,not that I dont want to but what a mess.... she seems nice and Im doing what I think is best Ill post on monday once its sent Thanks for all the posts and opinions!!!! Tommy
i'm sure your doing the right thing..send it to her, if some one else says it's theres.. just give her the address of whom you sent it to.
me, myself , and i would do the same..karma will get her if she's lying..
hope it works out well..
that is a nice find.
congrats on the recovery..

Im just going to send it to her . It seems impossible it would have been stolen in Cali and end up here I didnt here that story until I contacted her well the school did and gave her my number. I will post once its in the mail if it makes her happy then its better off with her anyway Im and going to think real hard about returning rings from now on,not that I dont want to but what a mess.... she seems nice and Im doing what I think is best Ill post on monday once its sent Thanks for all the posts and opinions!!!! Tommy

one thing you can Count on is (if she never failed a year)at 61/62 years old, She grew up in an era where there were
0 Internet Scammers :laughing7:

let us know :icon_thumright:

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here's another thought to consider..
you will be doing a great jester to all of us detector people.
people like you is what keeps us going.

Seriously, a class ring is forgotten within a week of losing it. If not lost it winds up in a drawer because they are too tacky to wear past graduation. I see your next water heater. Personally, there's no way this woman is the owner. It would be bad karma to give it to her after hearing her story.

do not let this one episode set what you will do in the future
your doing what is right no matter what is in the other persons heart
continue to be the person that you are.....

AMEN. What Trapperart said should be gospel. We all need to do what we feel is right. I have friends that respect my decision to return rings, I respect theirs to be pirates. As long as NOBODY tries to cram their views down anyone's throat this is how we get along. My thoughts immediately would be scrap. They haven['t missed it for years and it is broke, they would never know it was found.

BUT, you do what you feel is right and don't look back. I have returned golkd rings and haven't even so much as to get a thank you. I returned a silver bracelet a guy was given when he was 16 from his parents in 1944 and got a letter with a 100.00 bill in it. It is how you feel about the situation. Do what you feel you should do and live your life. No matter what the outcome, you did what you believed was right and so be it.

Now keep away from my gold in Michigan!

He asked for advice

He asked for advice

You are absolutely right. And he got people on both sides of the fence. The same thing would happen if he went to a political message board and asked who to vote for.

Unfortunately giving advice trying to cram your point of view down someones throat has a very fine line separating it (Not yours personally)

A better example is someone coming here and asking what detector to buy. NO right answer however some people instead of giving the pro's and con's of their machine will praise it up one side and down the other and try to convince the poster that they have the only machine out there that is worth anything.

I was just trying to say. Look at the advice and decide what fits in your life and situation. Make your own decision and be happy with it. Don't let anyone make you think you made the wrong choice because really there is no wrong choice. The worst that can happen is you are out a few dollars you found. Big deal. I have given back a few thousand and even though I have had some bad experiences I will do it again.

I think at this point just send it to her. You already have her hopes up and even if it was not hers, you will be removed from the situation. Lesson learned for the next time maybe. It didn't look that valuable and you're not out anything really. It will always be a weird story to tell years down the line. Sorry your good deed turned out so messy.

Don't think you have proof to ship it anywhere:BangHead:

There is a 50/50 chance that you found the owner. The fact that she said it was her ring should count for something as well.

Is the value of the ring enough for you not to return it, hers or not? The evidence is there that she is the owner.

In my time I've seen too much of this greed and selfishness in the hobby.

Do the right thing! She says it's hers yet you argue. You were right when you said you wished it had been unmarked. Seems as if you had no intentions to return the ring at all? Why ask what we think?

Edit: Looks like I jumped the gun. I see where you are returning the ring. You have a good heart and in my way of thinking you're doing the right thing.


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You never can tell where a stolen item can show up (2000 miles from home, across the country, I helped someone with a flat tire, who turned out to live 7 miles from where I was from) I, for one, would not have filed a theft report, either. That said, you are obviously struggling with this - go with your gut.


Or you can go back and bury it where u found it

Do what you think is right, it's all you can do. Its always a good idea to hold back a little info on the item and make the "owner" fill in the blanks, size, color, karat, design, etc. You might asked what the inscription says, when there's not one, or give a slightly different color for the stone, because the real, owner would will know the details of the item.

I returned a ring to a woman that was the owner, she knew all the details of the ring. She said she had accidently left the ring on a bench in town and lost it. Years later It turned up 20 miles south in a park in another city. She had replaced the ring shortly after losing it.
I asked twice for a picture of her with the returned ring, never got one. Now i wonder if she thought i had found her ring all those years ago on the bench and kept it till now.
....a wise person told me to not be in such a hurry to return a found ring, take a little time to enjoy the find. That's what i will do next time.

Sent from my VS810PP using Tapatalk

A2, sending it back is a good thing. It may not be hers, but baby might need a new pair of shoes. Who knows. Should be good for at least 5 Karmic Points, you may need to cash in later.

one thing you can Count on is (if she never failed a year)at 61/62 years old, She grew up in an era where there were
0 Internet Scammers :laughing7:

let us know :icon_thumright:
[h=2]Class ring sent back!!! No registerd mail for H>M just wanted to get done with it[/h]
If you followed my original thread I got a little worried about this bieng stolen..Thanks for all the great advice thats why I love this site!!!!@!!!!! I didnt send it registered mail , or want to meet just because it got a little wierd!!!!!,I contacted the school which is 15 mins from here they gave the person with the initials my number. She is in Mi also she has never heard of the park I found the ring in!!! She did describe initials and stone color, and did go to that school here in michigan in 1973 Though she is sure it was stolen along with her wedding ring by her baby sitter in California. I called the school to see if anyone else had these initials twice no reply but this lady says there was another person with the same initials and she will try to find her,if its not hers but she says she thinks it is and described it well. I sent her the ring I was hoping it would be an easy deal and not so messy!!! I think this ring is stolen property if it is hers I guess that could be with any ring. I will return rings if I can just because I would want the same from someone else. I dont want to see names or initials either JUST ME< I will think harder about returning rings from now on and try to find a better approach to it!!!!!!@@!!!!!!​

Well Tommy, at least it is gone on its' way and you no long need to worry about it. This one is in the Honorable mention column. You did what you needed to do and now you can get your detector and the rest ready for the next trip out and find new stuff and enjoy the hunt. Time to pass on to the whatever is waiting to be found next!

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