Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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... If they can't legally divulge any info, then where is the document stating that?

I'm sure they can provide a document (from a LEO agency or their lawyer) stating that. And then, in their mind's eyes: That means the reader of the document will have to conclude it's the smoking gun for the certainty of a treasure.

And you will have been successfully led off on the rabbit trail of wack-a-mole.

This is the documentation and evidence that separates an actual lost treasure like the ATOCHA from legends, lore, and tall tale speculative treasures that never ever produced anything but lost time and money. :thumbsup:

I'm sure they will have a conspiratorial answer for that. Eg.: Mel Fisher's hands were not tied. He could go public. But Dennis, on the other hand, has his hands tied. In legal bureaucracy, red tape, recovery efforts foiled ( a little deeper, a little more to the right, a little more to the left).

But rest assured it's every bit as credible and "found" (past tense) as the Atocha. And just like the media fame, museums, etc... that the Atocha generated, so too will this.

We will all find out on 5/15, right Dennis ? Oh wait: He's hinted at a delay for that date . Durned that red tape after all !

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"If you disagree with another member's post, make your comments in a polite and respectful manner."
"All members are equal, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, education, or experience. Never take a superior tone with, or "talk down" to, anyone."

Sorry, but that's not good enough. If they have nothing official they can display, then they can show the documentation with what they did to find it. If they can't legally divulge any info, then where is the document stating that?

Hey B3, Was mentioned FinderKeeper's not to divulge research on account of a TV show and a map had come into his hands.
The TV network's not going to buy a story with no mystery left.

Your Bud Aurum

Perhaps Dennis gets so wound up about his searches he tells a few tall tales. Then again perhaps not. Only Dennis knows the answer to that. I know he dug some empty holes.

Do you think FK found another Stonehenge in Nova Scotia?

Hey B3, Was mentioned FinderKeeper's not to divulge research on account of a TV show and a map had come into his hands.
The TV network's not going to buy a story with no mystery left.

Your Bud Aurum

So where is written documented proof that there is a show in the works?

You want him to post a contract? You can't do that. It's forbidden in the contract. It's private.

Stormy Daniels had a contract too. :icon_scratch: Didn't keep her quiet

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You want him to post a contract? You can't do that. It's forbidden in the contract. It's private.

Of course! However, if I came out here and made any type of claim, somehow I would back-up my statements just as a courtesy to my fellow forum members.

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You all make it sound so easy to talk but you don't know why we can not talk yet. This is the FBI and this is not just another treasure find its BIGGER. When we tell what we know it should answer all of your questions. This story is not going away quiet as some would think or hope, we will tell what happen as soon as we get word from our lawyer.

You all make it sound so easy to talk but you don't know why we can not talk yet. This is the FBI and this is not just another treasure find its BIGGER. When we tell what we know it should answer all of your questions. This story is not going away quiet as some would think or hope, we will tell what happen as soon as we get word from our lawyer.

Fair enough response. Do you have a time frame?

Fair enough response. Do you have a time frame?

If our lawyer does not get some kind of response back from the FBI by May 15 th we will hold a New Conference in Washington DC with the Network News. I hope they come out before then and tell the story.

There is one fact we can all look at in the case. That was a huge response by the FBI. HUGE! Plus the FBI had a independent company test the site before their response. I would say Dennis had something going there.

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If yes, I hope that he will find the gold and show up pictures to make believers out of us.

Samuel I'm not saying there was gold in that hole. Only test results by by Dennis and the FBI contractor's equipment indicated there was. You don't know until you dig. Apparently the FBI was convinced by the test results. Thus the huge response. They even had the army standing by close to the area to escort the gold out of the area. If the hole was empty the spot has some crazy mineralization.

Best of luck to the FBI in recovering any treasures that may be buried at that location.

Samuel I'm not saying there was gold in that hole. Only test results by by Dennis and the FBI contractor's equipment indicated there was. You don't know until you dig. Apparently the FBI was convinced by the test results. Thus the huge response. They even had the army standing by close to the area to escort the gold out of the area. If the hole was empty the spot has some crazy mineralization.

Oh boy, crow is getting deeper.

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