Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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It is those with imagination that change the world, those who say what if,or (could you imagine if)so I ask you to (imagine) what if Edison, or Tesla, or any of the pioneers of man,what if they didn't imagine, .....

Sure. And I'll add another example: "What if Mel Fisher had never dreamed or pursued ? We'd had never have had the awesome Atocha story , the awesome museum, etc..."

But there is one logical flaw with these examples: In the examples given, of inventors or searchers who dreamed, & then came up with stuff that changed the world and history books: All those things (light bulbs, electricity, Atocha, etc...) were true things that WERE true. And COULD be found. And COULD be invented.

The fact of some dreamers & searchers in the past got fulfilled, does NOT lend automatic credibility to all future dreamers and seekers. It could be very well be that some current inventor or dreamer is utterly on the wrong track, seeking something that doesn't exist.

I could try to invent a peddle power vehicle that can take a man to the moon. And no amount of examples I could give, of Tesla, Edison, or Mel Fisher, is going to change the fact that peddle power won't do that.

Why? Is it because it makes them feel important to point out others faults?

No. I/we CRINGE to have to point this out. It's an embarrassment to the hobby.

Besides, don't forget, this isn't a "fault" in the first place. Why would you phrase it that way ? He's found a treasure after all. Hence no "fault" here on Finders-keeper's end. Only with the skeptic's end. It's all going to be revealed on 5/15. Right ? ( oh wait, we got breaking news that maybe that's not going to happen now.)

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I glad we have you here to point it out for all those who can't think on their own.

I can think on my own. No gold has been found.

I'm glad Sam that you don't need someone else working so hard pointing out others faults. You can figure it out on your own. We gain nothing but bad karma gloating about it. Perhaps Dennis gets so wound up about his searches he tells a few tall tales. Then again perhaps not. Only Dennis knows the answer to that. I know he dug some empty holes. Hell I dug a few myself. That is the hobby! All all were all one big happy family here on TNet. We all are dreamers here. Some dream more than others. When we lose touch with reality the hunt gets complicated. People here in the Superstitions sometimes pay for that loss with their lives. You should hear some of the stories out here. But I hope I'm a big enough person to overlook those tall tales. Nothing is gained by throwing it in their face over and over. I just don't have that in me. But that's me.

Sure. And I'll add another example: "What if Mel Fisher had never dreamed or pursued ? We'd had never have had the awesome Atocha story , the awesome museum, etc..."

But there is one logical flaw with these examples: In the examples given, of inventors or searchers who dreamed, & then came up with stuff that changed the world and history books: All those things (light bulbs, electricity, Atocha, etc...) were true things that WERE true. And COULD be found. And COULD be invented.

The fact of some dreamers & searchers in the past got fulfilled, does NOT lend automatic credibility to all future dreamers and seekers. It could be very well be that some current inventor or dreamer is utterly on the wrong track, seeking something that doesn't exist.

I could try to invent a peddle power vehicle that can take a man to the moon. And no amount of examples I could give, of Tesla, Edison, or Mel Fisher, is going to change the fact that peddle power won't do that.

Agreed, but I for one always encourage (open mindedness) for nothing in this world is absolute, and not I, nor you know for certain that this story is based on fairytales, you chose to be sceptical, based on what you believe, and your logic system, and I can see that view,I on the other hand see things differently, my logic tells me that (I don't know) so I chose to be open to the possibility that it may have something to it,for no other reason than the fact that I simply have no information otherwise, so UNTIL the story is disproven, how can I ,or anyone simply state that it is fanciful when that would be based on belief ,not facts,reality is all those on both sides are reacting on their own beliefs,rather then facts, I am not saying that I am a believer, my point is ,I don't know one way or the other, and I chose to remain open to the possibility, and it's my opinion that healthy debate must begin with the understanding that belief must be tossed ,belief for it,or belief against, when the facts are unknown, and until they are is it not (logical) to remain neutral, for anything is possible, just saying folks,I don't know, and nor does anyone else, let's give them the fair shake anyone of us would want

I said this not too long ago and I'll say it again. The biggest issue some folks on this forum have is that some members have been getting on here for years with fantastical stories about just being moments away from the treasure, and then months, and now even years later, there is reason after reason for why it hasn't been recovered yet. I've been frequenting this site since about 2005, and since then someone is just about to find the Beale Treasure, KGC gold, etc. For me personally that is 13 years worth of seeing 'All will be revealed soon' statements. I don't think a single person wouldn't want to see a found treasure and I'd pretty much guarantee that no one wishes for someone not to find it. But people have grown weary of the 'one month more' phrases. On top of that you now have shows inundating TV about treasure hunts, and those are treasure hunts without bona fide evidence/facts backing their existence.

People never doubted the Atocha and its treasure was real. They may have doubted Mel Fisher finding it, but he wasn't spending thousands upon thousands on a treasure that was doubtful to exist. I've never hunted for an alleged treasure out there, but in reading about them since I was a boy, the one thing that sticks out most is that the most successful treasure hunters never reveal they've found anything. So when people post about their almost got it treasures and then try to sell you a book, CD, or TV show, people can't help but call bunk or be highly skeptical. If there were government records or contemporary newspaper accounts of a payroll being lost, that would be one thing, but there isn't. Add to it there is a possible TV show to document this effort, it just sounds off bells and whistles this is yet another marketing ploy (Billion Dollar Treasure, Curse of Oak Island and now Civil War Gold).

I would love for you to find a lost gold payroll st Dent's Run. I frequent this site to see what great things people find, not to be a negative Nancy/doubter/skeptic. I just haven't seen anything on here posted by anyone that proves the payroll ever existed to begin with. I truly want the mods to allow you to post pics of you holding gold bars with Honest Samuel's, Tom in CA, mine or any other skeptics name taped on them while you are flipping us the bird, but I just don't see that happening. Prove us all wrong like we want, but just remember, you have to expect healthy skepticism if you post stuff online, and especially in the world where information has never been easier and quicker to access.

I only talk about what I've found not what I might find and I'm not going to do a show about what I might find, nobody wants to waste time watching some made up stuff if they actually go looking to find treasure. HH

Nothing like beating a dead horse. Think I'll wait until new news arrives if ever. Good luck Dennis. Perhaps I'll be watching the reality show soon. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Remember everyone there is no such thing as reality on reality TV. If you expect more you will be disappointed. Enjoy it for what it is. Entertainment.

I said this not too long ago and I'll say it again. The biggest issue some folks on this forum have is that some members have been getting on here for years with fantastical stories about just being moments away from the treasure, and then months, and now even years later, there is reason after reason for why it hasn't been recovered yet. I've been frequenting this site since about 2005, and since then someone is just about to find the Beale Treasure, KGC gold, etc. For me personally that is 13 years worth of seeing 'All will be revealed soon' statements. I don't think a single person wouldn't want to see a found treasure and I'd pretty much guarantee that no one wishes for someone not to find it. But people have grown weary of the 'one month more' phrases. On top of that you now have shows inundating TV about treasure hunts, and those are treasure hunts without bona fide evidence/facts backing their existence.

People never doubted the Atocha and its treasure was real. They may have doubted Mel Fisher finding it, but he wasn't spending thousands upon thousands on a treasure that was doubtful to exist. I've never hunted for an alleged treasure out there, but in reading about them since I was a boy, the one thing that sticks out most is that the most successful treasure hunters never reveal they've found anything. So when people post about their almost got it treasures and then try to sell you a book, CD, or TV show, people can't help but call bunk or be highly skeptical. If there were government records or contemporary newspaper accounts of a payroll being lost, that would be one thing, but there isn't. Add to it there is a possible TV show to document this effort, it just sounds off bells and whistles this is yet another marketing ploy (Billion Dollar Treasure, Curse of Oak Island and now Civil War Gold).

I would love for you to find a lost gold payroll st Dent's Run. I frequent this site to see what great things people find, not to be a negative Nancy/doubter/skeptic. I just haven't seen anything on here posted by anyone that proves the payroll ever existed to begin with. I truly want the mods to allow you to post pics of you holding gold bars with Honest Samuel's, Tom in CA, mine or any other skeptics name taped on them while you are flipping us the bird, but I just don't see that happening. Prove us all wrong like we want, but just remember, you have to expect healthy skepticism if you post stuff online, and especially in the world where information has never been easier and quicker to access.

I definitely see your view, and would like to point to your post as a point of case of (belief) influencing a view ,and your logic is sound, but my point is to make clear that in the absence of fact,documentation, evidence, then one should take a neutral stance and not let our belief's influence how we precieve ,I am long winded tonight only because I enjoy this site,and the story's,finds,and can only hope that maybe some may at least spend the energy to give thought to what I've said, perhaps debates,and conversation may be less abrasive, and go farther into subjects than mere opinion just saying, lots of great people here,it's just hard to have a legit discussion when preconceived beliefs rule,

When we did the TV show for History Channel on American Unearthed #13 it was to be scripted and I did not know it until it was time to film. Well they found out fast I do not do scrip and we will not fake anything. WE don't have to. We have many finds located waiting to be dug up. Scott Wolters wanted to dig up the well site and we had many words, the show almost didn't happen. Greed set in and we made changes to the drilling location so the drill rig did not hit our target. Scott got real pissed but I was paying for the rig and we did it my way. Ya we looked bad but he did not get the TV show he wanted. If I let him dig I would end up in jail. The permit was in my name and the gov. said you can drill but do not dig or remove anything. If we didn't locate anything as many people think , then why did we open a company and get all the mineral rights to the area. It was to stop other people from digging up historical finds. We have been to the site 3 times a year for the last 5yrs. Since then we found many artifacts that tell us whats there. Soon we hope to prove it. Since the FBI thing we had over 26 TV offers so far and the first thing we tell them is no faking or scrip. I am sick of what is going on TV now just like every one is. We turned down Oak Island in the first weeks of filming because we did not know what the show was about. We thought it was about ghost. I will not do a TV show on a hunt we don't think is real. The TV show Curse of Confederate Gold was our TV series first. History Channel had ITV from NY sign us up to do the show for a 1 1/2 yr contract. When the Oak Island TV show ends we would do this show. ITV would not break the contract and held us to it for the full time. We had offers from Discovery Channel to do the Beal Treasure and another show but ITV screwed us. There is a lot we do not talk about so yes I can see why some here think as they do. Well things should change soon.

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To help you to find all the treasures that you have information on, Tom of Ca. and I will join you and of course we entitle to shares. Good hunting and good luck.

... The biggest issue some folks on this forum have is that some members have been getting on here for years with fantastical stories about just being moments away from the treasure, and then months, and now even years later, there is reason after reason for why it hasn't been recovered yet.
I've been frequenting this site since about 2005, and since then someone is just about to find the Beale Treasure, KGC gold, etc...

People never doubted the Atocha and its treasure was real.
They may have doubted Mel Fisher finding it, but he wasn't spending thousands upon thousands on a treasure that was doubtful to exist...
That is a point most take for granted when invoking the Mel Fisher name into a discussion about treasure legends- the Atocha was not a legend, it was a documented lost Spanish treasure galleon, what was unknown was where it went down.

Now these lost Civil War paymaster gold stories, be it Union or Confederate, Dents Run or a I/2 ton of gold in the Everglades, are just that, stories that lack the documentation of a real lost shipment of an army's pay, not withstanding most payments were paid in script, with a small amount of gold coin for officers pay.

I only talk about what I've found not what I might find and I'm not going to do a show about what I might find, nobody wants to waste time watching some made up stuff if they actually go looking to find treasure. HH

If that was true , there would be no treasure hunting shows on TV, if they did shows that only found treasure how many do you think we would see. Ya History Channel fakes things but that's what people want to see. That's OK if they tell us first, but to let us think the finds are real sucks. A TV crew does not want to film a find after its dug up . They want to be on site before its dug up to prove its real. So this is why we have many TV shows that end with no treasure but the hunters did think it was there. There is a lot more to treasure hunting and doing the TV thing than anyone knows until its you on site with a film crew , then it sinks in.

... The TV show Curse of Confederate Gold was our TV series first...
We had offers from Discovery Channel to do the Beal Treasure and another show but ITV screwed us...
I was contacted for a Beale treasure show and a show about the Jefferson Davis portion of the Confederate treasury that made its way to Yulee's plantation in Archer, Florida and that of CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin, CSA Sec of War John C Breckinridge, and CSA Capt John Taylor Woods ( Davis nephew and US President Zachery Taylor's grandson) that passed through Silver Springs/ Ocala, Florida during their stay before escaping the Union, Benjamin to the Bahamas, Breckinridge and Taylor to Cuba.
I declined.

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