Tom I assure you I would have not searched for the gold bars unless I knew for a fact 2 were found and I spent years on that one. I'm not the gold fever type. It's just a interesting hobby.
And so too have I been told of goodies founds (tips of icebergs) that turn out to have more plausible explanations. Consider this one:
And how about this one ? The emigrant who got me looped in for cache hunting in Mexico, had old coins to show me. They'd been found in his hometown in the Sierra Madres. Either individuals (so they suspected more) or his part of a cache, or .... some such story. And ... like your bars (if in fact you saw gold bars), I could not deny. The fellow was holding them right there for me to handle and feel. Wow. So a detector should make child's play of finding more like this, eh ?
After 3 weeks down there, hunting more and more old ruins, I began to question some of the stories that had preceded our departure from CA. For example: Could he please tell me more about the coins he'd shown me, that had come from a cache. After some wrangling and effort, I was finally introduced to the friend of his who was a part of this story. And ... guess what ? The friend (who'd passed these on to my friend) didn't really see the recovery himself. But ...
not to worry, he got it on good authority from So & so. So... we track down THAT person. And ... guess what ? They didn't actually see the treasure or recovery with their own eyes either.
But not to worry, they got it on good authority from so & so. Are you starting to see the permanent regression ?
And do you see in my link above how even supposed "eye-witnesses" can get funky when it comes to origins of treasure they hold or heard about, etc... And no matter how many persons this goes through , it's always spoken of in first-person present tense singular. I began to suspect that the coins I'd seen, were simply numismatic pieces that get passed person to person (sold?) with the story developing that they were a "part of a treasure". Or something you could buy off ebay, or whatever.