Civil war Era Button


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Feb 28, 2005
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Here is a button I dug a few weeks back. It was very interesting so I thought I would post it. It was made by the scovill mf'g co waterbury. It is about the size of a quarter and is domed shaped like the general service eagle buttons. At the top it has the letters N.G. In the middle it has 2 riffles crossing one another like an x in the middle of the button. Below that has the letters N.J. I did some research and the button was made between 1850-1865. I think it is a national guard button from new jersey. I wasn't able to find much on civil war items from new jersey. It made me then realize that the button may be somewhat rare. If anyone out there has a good button reference book and could tell me a value and rarity would be great. If not could someone maybe back me up on what this button may actually be if I was wrong. Thanks again to all HH Jeremy.


  • Army Button.webp
    Army Button.webp
    2.7 KB · Views: 189
according to Alberts book you have a New Jersey National Guard button.He also has it in his back mark as 1850-1865,but If you look at the same backmark in McGuuinn&Bazelon's book which is more in depth on backmarks it also has it listed as witht he rmdc and impressed,on many different US and state militia buttons c1850-1860;impressed small lettered backmark's date c1850-1870;large lettered backmark date's c1870 on.The rarity is very low at rv1 according to ALberts.meanig there are so many meda its not a rare find.Hope this helps you out bud.

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Thanks alot Daniel for the quick response. I just basically wanted a backup of what I already knew. I wanted to know if my research was correct. Wasn't sure about the rarity so I decided to ask. If it's a common button than I won't do anything with it but add it to all the other common millitary buttons I have. Thanks alot for clearing this one up for me. I didn't want to have a rare button just lieing around with minimal protection for it. Thanks again Take care Jeremy.

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no problem.I kinda laughed at alberts book,because for NJ he has Revolutionary buttons then post Rev...Just kinda funny.Its unfortunate that scovill has so many b/m's,and in most cases on-line you find what the moajority is.But with McGuin and Bazelon's book that helps out alot better,and Im glad to have help'd you out.

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Thanks guys. Yeah I thought it was still a neat button I didn't see every day. With living in pittsburgh P.A. I wasn't sure how that one ended up here. Still had a good bit of gilt on it to. Was lucky it cleaned nice. It was found on the surface about 2 weeks ago in a park that dates back to the late 1800's. Right before I found the button I dug a 1931 class ring from a high school.

Good Luck Guys Jeremy.

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