City Park with a very old unmarked cemetary. What would you do?

Sounds juet like a movie I ones saw.

You doubt they would build swings, slides, bbqs and picnic tables on a grave?? That's funny! People don't care, especially the ones that run towns and cities. Where I live we have a cemetery that's about 6 blocks by 4 blocks. You know what's on top of it? Houses, apartments, and a hotel. Its just like the Poltergeist movie. They move the headstones but not graves. There a big empty lot on the main corner, a busy intersection. On that lot someone wanted to buy it and build condos. Once they were told there's bodies there that would have to be dug up and reburied somewhere else they backed out.

One of the home owners found a sinkhole in his front yard. He though maybe he had a leaking pipe that was causing the ground to sink so he started digging. What he found was a coffin with a little girl's skeleton and next to her he found a coffin with an old man's skeleton. Nice find huh. He was never told about the cemetery when he bought the house. They were moved to another cemetery and the guy built a shrine in his front yard for them. That cemetery was full and closed in I believe 1907.

One more! Downtown used to be a cemetery, full of people. Towns people, soldiers from the old cavalry days, fighting Indians. Like the old John Wayne cowboy Indian movies. Did they move the graves? No! Headstones? Yes. What did they put on top? A parking lot! And a lot of cars. Well one day they decided to tear up the parking lot and build a building for the county. What did they find? Bodies! Lots and lots of bodies. So many that it cost the city over a million dollars to dig everyone up and rebury them.

So I don't know how they do it where your from but that's how these morons do it here in Arizona.

Stupid city governments!
Just like it.

That's for sure! A permit system only gives THEM more control. It doesn't help you a bit.

Look, I'm not trying to give you moral advice here but you were told not to do detect in an area by a Law Enforcement Officer. Rule number one of the Metal Detecting Code Of Ethics says don't go detecting in places where you don't have permission, and according to him, you don't. Until you get this sorted out with city hall/parks and rec, you need to stay out of the park, it's that simple. If the guy was a pain the first time around, imagine what a pain he'd be the second time dealing with you, not to mention detectorists in the future. Don't give the guy any ammunition.

For many situations I would agree with this. I firmly believe that most of the time the best way to "win" a fight is to just simply avoid the fight. However, there definitely is a time to stand your ground and I believe this is one of them. Law Enforcement Officers are supposed to do exactly that - enforce the law. They do not get to decide what is law and what isn't. That would be like the local officer in my hometown telling me that if he catches me doing 35 MPH in a 35 MPH zone he is going to write me a ticket for speeding.

If this park is not on the illegal to metal detect list, then I would have at it whenever I wished. However, keep in mind that should this particular park officer press the issue, this park will most likely quickly find its way onto the "protected" list. These type things are usually decided by a city council or something similar. Unless one of the council members just happens to be a detectorist, its very unlikely that they will ever rule in favor ot the detectorist.

The smart play would be to just try and avoid this particular officer.

Some folks just roll out of bed doing things wrong. They always have a good reason for it. You know right from wrong, just do it. You wanna dress bright and run through the park yelling boom baby, you gonna get all kinds of attention. Not the kind you want either. I dont understand why folks are so afraid of being in a park like its a crime, its your park too. The guy policing the area has a tough job, so you gonna be Mr. Right. You are a extra set of eyes for that park too, work with the community. Some folks on here dont have rules, that will bite ya someday right in the you know where. Dont tell the noobs bad stuff, heck they already doing bad stuff now. I see one more guy holding a discovery detector out there a foot off the ground, at a dead run and Im gonna start making videos for AFV. This post makes me laugh, I dont know why I even respond to it. You did good getting a permit. Your choice to hunt was good too, you made it. I dont hunt cemetarys at all, you guys can have em all. You dig grandma's teeth up and we are gonna fight. I always ask, please post videos of the cemetery hunt.

Some folks just roll out of bed doing things wrong. They always have a good reason for it. You know right from wrong, just do it. You wanna dress bright and run through the park yelling boom baby, you gonna get all kinds of attention. Not the kind you want either. I dont understand why folks are so afraid of being in a park like its a crime, its your park too. The guy policing the area has a tough job, so you gonna be Mr. Right. You are a extra set of eyes for that park too, work with the community. Some folks on here dont have rules, that will bite ya someday right in the you know where. Dont tell the noobs bad stuff, heck they already doing bad stuff now. I see one more guy holding a discovery detector out there a foot off the ground, at a dead run and Im gonna start making videos , for AFV. This post makes me laugh, I dont know why I even respond to it. You did good getting a permit. Your choice to hunt was good too, you made it. I dont hunt cemetarys at all, you guys can have em all. You dig grandma's teeth up and we are gonna fight. I always ask, please post videos of the cemetery hunt.

Wow! Casca, long time no see! About 15 minutes to be exact. Lol!

Hi Jerome, I am in research mode. Translated loosely that means I hurt myself again, so for the next few days you will see more and more of me.

Hi Jerome, I am in research mode. Translated loosely that means I hurt myself again, so for the next few days you will see more and more of me.

I was just reading your post on the SS forum when I got a text from TN about the park cemetery and it was a response from you. Just thought that was interesting!

I am a LEO and from the sounds of it..your side of the story anyway... sounds like you have a overzealous my badge makes me better than you local officer. He questioned you and when you provided the proper items for what you were doing he got butt hurt and had to play big boy, what sets off the alarms big time to me was that he never called you back. IF he was questioning himself about if you can be there he would have asked his boss, or the Parks and Recreation office about the park and got back to you. Hell its 2013 I am sure he could have got on his phone, or radio and found out. Sounds alot like he was just flexing his badge. Seems these days way to many police officers especially local, are over the top wanna be tough guys out to get everyone and everything they can(revenge for being the little guy in HS)...harass and menace..... not protect and serve.

Check with the Parks and Recreation office about that park specifically before going back.

I think this is what happened also. But you've already got a permit from Parks (who he answers to) so Use It.

First he asked for ID. I DO have a problem with that. You were doing nothing illegal and he had no cause. I know it's no longer PC to assert Constitutional rights in public, but what this shows is LEO's are getting more and more emboldened in their power to violate them. Obviously your refusal to produce the ID would have led to escalation of force so what you did was prudent...but when you said you had no problem with his asking for your ID (no, it was certainly an order, not a request), I winced. I believe you should have a problem with it as a free American.

Second, regarding going to city hall to seek clarification, words I live by: You can pretty much do anything you want...until you ask permission.

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Id go to the cemetary ..sounds like its too old to remember.. Im sure noone from today remembers any family members of the grave site with no tomb stones. There might be very old stuff there.( the surrounding area )

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Id go to the cemetary ..sounds like its too old to remember.. Im sure noone from today remembers any family members of the grave site with no tomb stones. There might be very old stuff there.

Whether there is or not you don't dig up graves. In his case I would search the park but leave the grave area alone.

Oh no i meant the surrounding area lol. Yah i definatley agree with you there.

I wonder if you could outline the cemetery with a 2 box. Then you would at least have a better idea of where it is. Surely there is enough metal even in a wooden casket. You could even tell the city (or not).

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