Agree but the Nox 800 and 600 do not run the same exact reading through this thread someone stated the Equinox 600 is the same as the equinox 800 it is not the only thing that is the same between the Nox 600 and 800 is they run the same frequencies and are multi frequencies the difference in the 600 and the nox 800 is the more finer adjustments that can be made on the 800 that the 600 cannot do like the prospecting or true Gold mode the 600 is not capable of that the OP already made his decision on which detector he chose to go with I just hope his decision was not based on false statements made by someone, the Legend and the Nox 800 are closer to being more alike alike then the nox 600 and nox 800
Also to the OP for future reference, I would steer clear of purchasing any detector on Amazon or Flea-bay because there are a lot of fakes on both sites if the deal seems to good to be true generally it is to good to be true, stick with trusted dealers, that can get you through warranty issues if they arise
just me .02 cents
The 800 runs on 5(5,10,15,20,40khz)
The 600 runs on 3(5,10,15khz)
Also there have been fake Equinoxes but not Legends from what I understand