Choosing a Detector....HELP!!!

in reading through this thread someone stated the Equinox 600 is the same as the equinox 800 it is not the only thing that is the same between the Nox 600 and 800 is they run the same frequencies and are multi frequencies the difference in the 600 and the nox 800 is the more finer adjustments that can be made on the 800 that the 600 cannot do like the prospecting or true Gold mode the 600 is not capable of that the OP already made his decision on which detector he chose to go with I just hope his decision was not based on false statements made by someone, the Legend and the Nox 800 are closer to being more alike alike then the nox 600 and nox 800

Also to the OP for future reference, I would steer clear of purchasing any detector on Amazon or Flea-bay because there are a lot of fakes on both sites if the deal seems to good to be true generally it is to good to be true, stick with trusted dealers, that can get you through warranty issues if they arise

just me .02 cents
Agree but the Nox 800 and 600 do not run the same exact frequencies.
The 800 runs on 5(5,10,15,20,40khz)
The 600 runs on 3(5,10,15khz)
Also there have been fake Equinoxes but not Legends from what I understand

I agree with oldkoot on using a trusted dealer for your purchases Amazon has had knock off, Chinese look a likes for sale before. we have a trusted vendors list on this site . I bought a new machine from one of them and it arrived broken , the dealer sent me another machine the day I called him , before the broken one was even sent back .
that's service you won't get from Amazon . you can see if yours is authentic by the serial number
You even have to be careful of dealers
There is one Big dealer out there that has been screwing people.
I ordered something and received it completely damaged and useless
I called right away and first he said he would send a new one out then he never did and it would have to go through manufacture warranty department first as he was a small dealer and couldn’t afford to send out a new one(BS)
He never did anything and i still have a worthless piece of plastic. Had to eventually buy another from another dealer. Totally blatantly screwed me and there have been others who came forward as they knew exactly who it was when they hears my story.
He is a BIG dealer with a brick and mortar store in one state and a warehouse in another and advertises all over the internet ( no small dealer) just a shady one.

It was a suggestion for the OP

Certainly you are plugging (JMO) the "The NM legend" and there's nothing wrong with that.
Though why limit one's choices just because of a warranty card.
If the machine stands up to what the Manufacturer totes then that warranty card isn't ever required.

To put that into perspective:
I sent the Deus 1 in for a cuff repair on the headphones/ a slight shadow print that was on the screen/and a firm update.

Sent in the CTX 3030 for a warranty fix.

This was twice in owning machines for over 50yrs
(Can't say that about any vehicle I've ever bought new.)

So the warranty claim isn't a game stopper in buying a near new unit.
Nor does there a long waiting period of waiting for a unit to come up for sale.
Suggestion: There's the "Want to buy" forum also.

But sure the mid range units/with a warranty card can be bought today from any of the sponsors that advertise on TNet.
They all work-they all find little treasures the make the operator smile.
No not plugging anything.
His choices were limited by a budget i simply gave my opinion that it was better to buy new in the price range and get a manufacturer warranty.
I wasn’t plugging sellers on the forum
He made his choice, be happy why didn’t you chime in to help before instead of criticizing after jmo

You even have to be careful of dealers
There is one Big dealer out there that has been screwing people.
I ordered something and received it completely damaged and useless
I called right away and first he said he would send a new one out then he never did and it would have to go through manufacture warranty department first as he was a small dealer and couldn’t afford to send out a new one(BS)
He never did anything and i still have a worthless piece of plastic. Had to eventually buy another from another dealer. Totally blatantly screwed me and there have been others who came forward as they knew exactly who it was when they hears my story.
He is a BIG dealer with a brick and mortar store in one state and a warehouse in another and advertises all over the internet ( no small dealer) just a shady one.
That sucks regardless.
If bought on a CCard may have protection policies to protect the card holder.
Online honest reviews also help "sometimes", but with the proliferation of fake reviews it's getting watered down

You even have to be careful of dealers
There is one Big dealer out there that has been screwing people.
I ordered something and received it completely damaged and useless
I called right away and first he said he would send a new one out then he never did and it would have to go through manufacture warranty department first as he was a small dealer and couldn’t afford to send out a new one(BS)
He never did anything and i still have a worthless piece of plastic. Had to eventually buy another from another dealer. Totally blatantly screwed me and there have been others who came forward as they knew exactly who it was when they hears my story.
He is a BIG dealer with a brick and mortar store in one state and a warehouse in another and advertises all over the internet ( no small dealer) just a shady one.
I'd like to know the name so I don't get robbed too.

No not plugging anything.
His choices were limited by a budget i simply gave my opinion that it was better to buy new in the price range and get a manufacturer warranty.
I wasn’t plugging sellers on the forum
He made his choice, be happy why didn’t you chime in to help before instead of criticizing after jmo
You're the one that quoted my post with some criticism.
So I responded.
I just suggested that he gleam the forum Ads, or the dealers that advertise here.
On the other hand You're trying to out a dealer that did you wrong.

That sucks regardless.
If bought on a CCard may have protection policies to protect the card holder.
Online honest reviews also help "sometimes", but with the proliferation of fake reviews it's getting watered down
Pepperj he is a big sponsor on these forums so you never know

You're the one that quoted my post with some criticism.
So I responded.
I just suggested that he gleam the forum Ads, or the dealers that advertise here.
On the other hand You're trying to out a dealer that did you wrong.
Well wouldn’t you want to know if a dealer is screwing people ? Isnt that a good thing to warn others ?
Unless you have an interest in such dealers.
Im just trying to to be as fair as possible continuously plugging sales limited to this forum is not jmo
Funny most wanted me to call them out as it was in everyones best interest
I would think that if you we’re getting ready to say invest money or buy something you would have wanted to be warned if someone lost money due to unethical practices

Well wouldn’t you want to know if a dealer is screwing people ? Isnt that a good thing to warn others ?
Unless you have an interest in such dealers.
Im just trying to to be as fair as possible continuously plugging sales limited to this forum is not jmo
Funny most wanted me to call them out as it was in everyones best interest
I would think that if you we’re getting ready to say invest money or buy something you would have wanted to be warned if someone lost money due to unethical practices
I think you are thinking something entirely different from what I am saying.
If a "Big Dealer" screwed you over that's wrong.
You can't say Jack $hit if they're a member on this forum.
(Putting a name to the dealer)
Just the rules
But you referred to the dealer as this or that.
Which means nothing to me or many others.
One would have to know the dealer in the first place.
Since most that advertisers on the forum are bigger dealers what does mean?
" Paint them all with the same brush"?
Hell no!
So the pussy footing around, throwing senseless clues out are basically useless.

I think you are thinking something entirely different from what I am saying.
If a "Big Dealer" screwed you over that's wrong.
You can't say Jack $hit if they're a member on this forum.
(Putting a name to the dealer)
Just the rules
But you referred to the dealer as this or that.
Which means nothing to me or many others.
One would have to know the dealer in the first place.
Since most that advertisers on the forum are bigger dealers what does mean?
" Paint them all with the same brush"?
Hell no!
So the pussy footing around, throwing senseless clues out are basically useless.
Insee what your saying again many have asked and even wanted me to report them to admin.
I was the one who said admin is not going to cut off a big advertising client lets be real.
But hear is the thing most say well i never had any issues, sure if all is well but its how you handle business when something goes wrong is what matters.
Not painting all with a big brush that is not my intention but if someone is concerned they cam ask me and i will tel them. If i can hep someone else from getting screwed then i did the right thing. By all means throw your money at whatever you want heck invest your life savings in crypto with FTX if you so choose
Just trying to hep fellow hobbyist again i was asked by fellow hobbyist to hep the rest by making aware of bad practices.
I would think its only natural to be upset for one bit also warn others especially when you find out you weren’t the only one.
I think it would actually be worse to withhold the information and let it happen to others.
Again not in any way saying all dealers are bad unfortunately there is not anywhere on here reviews can be read like you would elsewhere before making a decision
Maybe thats something the mods should set up

Insee what your saying again many have asked and even wanted me to report them to admin.
I was the one who said admin is not going to cut off a big advertising client lets be real.
But hear is the thing most say well i never had any issues, sure if all is well but its how you handle business when something goes wrong is what matters.
Not painting all with a big brush that is not my intention but if someone is concerned they cam ask me and i will tel them. If i can hep someone else from getting screwed then i did the right thing. By all means throw your money at whatever you want heck invest your life savings in crypto with FTX if you so choose
Just trying to hep fellow hobbyist again i was asked by fellow hobbyist to hep the rest by making aware of bad practices.
I would think its only natural to be upset for one bit also warn others especially when you find out you weren’t the only one.
I think it would actually be worse to withhold the information and let it happen to others.
Again not in any way saying all dealers are bad unfortunately there is not anywhere on here reviews can be read like you would elsewhere before making a decision
Maybe thats something the mods should set up
Oh I hear you-let the choir know about a bad egg.
Then let the chips fall as they say.

Each persons decisions are their own-but if there's a pattern to the seller it should be well known to all if it hurts folks financially.
Most that detect have very limited source of income after paying out for everything.
It hurts bad to get bit in life regardless of who does it-and for how much-it's simple principle of the whole thing.

When writing the you/your is pointed to a certain person-nobody else.

So take for example: "By all means throw your money at whatever you want heck invest your life savings in crypto with FTX if you so choose"
I take this as being directed at me-so I will respond.

I wasn't born yesterday sir, and if you think that I invest in a harebrained "Air investment"
I guess you have the wrong person.:laughing7:
Hell buying online can be counted on one hand.
Nope old school-Want to see the white's of their eyes-or know the bricks and mortar of the business.

Good folks got hurt by FTX-(pensions)and the folks that pushed the buy button should be held accountable.

But back to the dealer giving you the screw over.
Post up a bad review on other review sites.
Make sure it's written well, facts only.

I wrote one about a hardwood floor-they paid me $500.00 to take the review down-honestly I tried and failed and they realized that and sent me the $$$ still.
The point is the squeaky wheel gets greased first.

Best of luck on getting compensated on the bought plastic.

Well wouldn’t you want to know if a dealer is screwing people ? Isnt that a good thing to warn others ?
Unless you have an interest in such dealers.
Im just trying to to be as fair as possible continuously plugging sales limited to this forum is not jmo
Funny most wanted me to call them out as it was in everyones best interest
I would think that if you we’re getting ready to say invest money or buy something you would have wanted to be warned if someone lost money due to unethical practices
DigDog201: I have responded to you on another forum about your warning of a bad dealer you have beat a dead horse to death, you are unwilling to name the dealer so that dealer can respond and give his side of the story like I have stated to you on the other forum there are two sides to every story, so all we have is your side.

I am not defending the dealer, but I am saying again give the dealers name so they can defend them selves or prove you rite or wrong that is just my opinion, it sucks if you did in fact get screwed over but it also sucks that you are unwilling to throw out a name

can you tell all of us just what good you think it does to throw up a warning about a dealer but never say who that dealer is

Like I also stated on the other forum if someone screws me over be it a dealer or a individual the whole world is going to know who it is, fortunately I myself have had nothing but pleasant transactions with people on a lot of different forums, I have had a few bad experiences on flea bay and Amazon but none on metal detecting forums or other forums i venture into

Oh I hear you-let the choir know about a bad egg.
Then let the chips fall as they say.

Each persons decisions are their own-but if there's a pattern to the seller it should be well known to all if it hurts folks financially.
Most that detect have very limited source of income after paying out for everything.
It hurts bad to get bit in life regardless of who does it-and for how much-it's simple principle of the whole thing.

When writing the you/your is pointed to a certain person-nobody else.

So take for example: "By all means throw your money at whatever you want heck invest your life savings in crypto with FTX if you so choose"
I take this as being directed at me-so I will respond.

I wasn't born yesterday sir, and if you think that I invest in a harebrained "Air investment"
I guess you have the wrong person.:laughing7:
Hell buying online can be counted on one hand.
Nope old school-Want to see the white's of their eyes-or know the bricks and mortar of the business.

Good folks got hurt by FTX-(pensions)and the folks that pushed the buy button should be held accountable.

But back to the dealer giving you the screw over.
Post up a bad review on other review sites.
Make sure it's written well, facts only.

I wrote one about a hardwood floor-they paid me $500.00 to take the review down-honestly I tried and failed and they realized that and sent me the $$$ still.
The point is the squeaky wheel gets greased first.

Best of luck on getting compensated on the bought plastic.
Wasn’t directed at you personally i didn’t actually mean “you” as in YOU if that makes sense.
Just trying to explain my point and as you said its the principle not even the money at this point.
I paid double for it as i had to buy one from another dealer i am sure at this point i will never see that money again.
But to my point even the manufacturer was so upset how it was handled they made up for it in other ways. So am i out totally the money not really and i feel better about that but its the principle to me that is most important. How blatantly a “reputable” dealer decides to basically say screw him.
The gall and arrogance and to boot advertises “‘best customer service in the industry”, christian faith based business ( are you F’in kidding me)
Thats real christian like.
You know people like that will never admit to mistakes or say sorry.
The hardest words for people like that to say is “ i was wrong”
The last thing he said was “ i am just a small business” “i know I told you i was sending out a new one but i just can’t now”
Ok so your saying you can’t afford to replace my received damaged beyond use item, I purchased and received directly from you and expect the manufacturer to do it? Well I finally actually did call the manufacturer after i had already purchased it somewhere else because I couldn’t wait any longer needed it for a trip and the manufacturer said that was wrong, the only reason why they decided to help best they could. Couldn’t refund me obviously. But they even lost out.
Are they going to cut off a Big dealer over it, of course not.
The Mods aren’t even going to do anything. On the advice of others as yours i did say something and of course no response. Its all about the money.
That money is gone like the crypto investors money. You know what fortunately its not going to break me its the principle.
But don’t tell me its going to break you to float that small amount when you have a brick and mortar store in one state and a warehouse in another.
He knows who he is, if he called and said, you know sorry how things went down, like to earn your trust and business that would be cool but someone like that doesn’t care.
Take down the “ best customer service in the industry” and christian based business because he’s proven its all fake BS.
Pepprj this is nothing personal towards you please don’t take it as such.

DigDog201: I have responded to you on another forum about your warning of a bad dealer you have beat a dead horse to death, you are unwilling to name the dealer so that dealer can respond and give his side of the story like I have stated to you on the other forum there are two sides to every story, so all we have is your side.

I am not defending the dealer, but I am saying again give the dealers name so they can defend them selves or prove you rite or wrong that is just my opinion, it sucks if you did in fact get screwed over but it also sucks that you are unwilling to throw out a name

can you tell all of us just what good you think it does to throw up a warning about a dealer but never say who that dealer is

Like I also stated on the other forum if someone screws me over be it a dealer or a individual the whole world is going to know who it is, fortunately I myself have had nothing but pleasant transactions with people on a lot of different forums, I have had a few bad experiences on flea bay and Amazon but none on metal detecting forums or other forums i venture into
Per rules you can’t from what everyone says. Ive said it privately and as ive stated if anyone wants to know i will help them.
I have reported it to mods i have told people, the manufacturer what else can i do? Publicly say it and get banned?
This is a small enough community he knows
As i just posted he can call at any time and respond and resolve
This is the first time sharing it in this forum that i recall so not really beating a dead horse, might appear that way to some that use both such as you. But not only is this first time sharing on here but first time in a while. Are you implying im continuously saying this every day everywhere. I’ve brought it up a couple times in past on another site and now mentioned it in here. You just stated if it happened to you, you would let the whole world know

A lot depends on your ability to understand the detector and what it is telling you. some detectors can be a bit to understand. TRY them before you buy them

Ah...Perhaps we could start a separate "Dealer" forum or something fella's? I'm just saying....Well, what ever detector was bought by the member, I am sure it is good, and have at it and enjoy.

I got my Equinox 600 from Amazon yesterday. Registration was successful on Minelab's website so it appears to be genuine. I was also pleasantly surprised to find two sets of headphones in the box, wired and wireless....all for $530! I'm assuming that its a promo or something. The detector already has the newest software version installed too. Also got a Pro-Find 15 pinpointer that I purchased separately. Can't wait for the weekend so I can get to swinging again!!!

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