Chickamauga Battlefield bans Southern battle flag


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Jan 27, 2009
South East Tennessee on Ga, Ala line
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a history teacher taking her class to the battlefield to educate them about the civil war battle without being able to talk about the "rebels" or showing any rebel artifacts (like the flag) ...would be like a math teacher teaching math while only being allowed to use -- even numbers ... without being able to talk about those "other numbers".at all ... now of course any sane person would say that is crazy.... wouldn't they?

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a history teacher taking her class to the battlefield to educate them about the civil war battle without being able to talk about the "rebels" or showing any rebel artifacts (like the flag) ...would be like a math teacher teaching math while only being allowed to use -- even numbers ... without being able to talk about those "other numbers".at all ... now of course any sane person would say that is crazy.... wouldn't they?

Somehow they would have math activists march across America and anyone who used the odd number would be prosecuted, fined and if you couldn't pay serve jail time at tax payer expense because it adds up correctly in their minds.
How did you guys like our Whitehouse dressed so vividly in rainbow colors?
Why is this mess being shoved in our face? If this isn't nearing the end times I don't know what is. People applauding a man who wants to be a woman and saying "she is so courageous". Our cops being rounded up like common thieves because they're doing their job while trying to handle uncontrollable and disrespectful people. Riots over no account street scum who are made out as little angels while police are made out as racist demons. Racist leaders are given access to the oval office while owing millions in taxes. Rioting in the name of someone people don't even know acting like it's for justice but really for a new pair of air jordans. Healthcare that's about as affordable as a new Lamborghini shoved down American's throats. Gay marriage now acceptable but saying you don't like it instantly brands you a bigot. Pot smoking is ok but you can't worship Jesus openly.
And people are shocked when someone goes off the deep end and kills people?!

The best and what we should do it fight back against the very groups of people that abuse this historical emblem and use it as their own.

Its obscene what the progressive party is doing. If you ask most people what that party stands for or what its done for them they stand with their mouths agape with a slight amount of drool.
This is all about sucking up to the black voter and the funniest thing is the Democrat party is who used the stars and bars for the majority of it's existence but now because they need that black vote lets condemn our history and sweep it under the rug before anyone remembers the truth.
Most of these intolerant jackasses think the civil war is over slavery and no clue that it was over unjust taxation on cotton and other southern products or how about the fact that Africans sold their own people into slavery they themselves had each other as slaves no no no let's not talk about that, let's not speak facts how dare we utter the truth and if we do we are racists. Don't dare use your brain just your mouth and let it spew lies and discourse to the nation. Nothing but freaking sheep easily led to their own slaughter by the wolves they vote in. Morons

Unfortunate that the carpetbaggers made it impossible for a former (African American born into slavery) Speaker of the House to vote in a general election after they forced inequality on his ethnic group............we all suffer from some degree of "generational conditioning"...........

But, the swastika can fly where "freedom of speech and expression" wins the day..............

History is history........let the truth hurt if it must....................

There is history that must be heard by all so it can show that it was not and is not so one sided however this history is not wanted by those who's nature it is to divide and point blame. We have the first black president and yet this is the worst divide in racial equality in my 44 years. I am a student of history and find all of it, the glorious times and times of utter horror, to be worthy of note and should be for all.
Ignorance is not bliss it is what it is, the lacking of knowledge. If this nation's people make the choice to be ignorant, to not educate themselves and relegate themselves to that of sheep to be led around by those who would use them rather than embrace them as equals then they deserve what comes. There are people, smart people but with malicious intent who have designs on making our country into a weak spineless nation for their own nefarious reasons and they do not worry about the common man only what can be gained. What better way to disarm an opponent than to have them fight amongst themselves, to divide from within.
I am by no means a conspiracy nut, I don't believe the twin towers were brought down by our own government yada yada yada but I do believe we have a leftist party that seeks to undermine the common good we have in this country and they are using touchy areas to open old wounds for their personal gain.
Old Hillary jumped on the confederate flag bandwagon so quick she should have split her jump suit pants and broke a hip.
We have blacks in office now where 50+ years ago only whites stood yet they still complain.
How much more blood needs to be spilled before the insatiable appetite for destruction is stopped by us, us the common man with a backbone and moral fiber?
Stepping down from my soapbox now.

If this nation's people make the choice to be ignorant, to not educate themselves and relegate themselves to that of sheep to be led around by those who would use them rather than embrace them as equals then they deserve what comes. There are people, smart people but with malicious intent who have designs on making our country into a weak spineless nation for their own nefarious reasons and they do not worry about the common man only what can be gained. What better way to disarm an opponent than to have them fight amongst themselves, to divide from within.

My oldest grand-daughter is of mixed ethnic heritage. I have taken it upon myself to educate her on the heritage that she has not been taught. When she learned of Rep. Rainey (and others), she became angry and demanded to know "WHY" she was not taught any of this particular history in school.............
I have never wanted to imprint my values within her, but felt it was necessary for her (and all my grandkids that I teach) to think for themselves................

My family is mixed, we are German,came over just prior to 1900, and the other half is either black foot Indian or Cherokee Indian depending upon my father or mother's side but both parents are German and Indian decent. We have never owned a slave and because of being German immigrant and Indian decent our families were not rich monetarily however we were and are rich in other ways such as family and our family history.
My wife is technically from Transylvania but is Hungarian by document and we have taken the time to teach our daughters their history and for them to be proud of who they are. We all should be proud of who we are as far as where we come from.
I have family members although distant members that are black or I should say mixed and I do not have a problem with it at all. I just stated im mixed German and Indian so why would I care, why should anyone care about the color of skin.
I'm a Christian first and foremost and my Heavenly Father made us all equal and it's only man and his evil ways that turns something beautiful that God made into ugliness.
History is something that needs to be cherished even if it is ugly. Learn from mistakes, if you hide them like these nut jobs want to do then you cannot learn from them.
People make things so hard for themselves. It's so much easier to point the finger at someone else, blame them for how they are but that is a fleeting moment because at some point that person isn't going to have anyone left to point at and then what? People need to stop with all the finger pointing and just put their big girl panties on and do the right thing and do it for themselves. Enough with " oh im so offended" I need a million bucks to take away the pain of seeing a confederate flag. Some white man called me the"n" word I need a billion and he needs to go to jail nevermind the fact my best friend just called me an "n" or that I listen to rap music with that word in it. Enough is enough. Again not racist but prejudice against stupid people.

The best and what we should do it fight back against the very groups of people that abuse this historical emblem and use it as their own.
I am already doing this. I have become quite vocal, and I refuse to play this politically correct bs....

If I suddenly disappear look for me in Gitmo in a cage...

I am already doing this. I have become quite vocal, and I refuse to play this politically correct bs....

If I suddenly disappear look for me in Gitmo in a cage...

T.H. If you happen to see a linebacker sized German looking guy walking down the halls of gitmo while you're there it means I ran out of ammo and they caught me.

T.H. If you happen to see a linebacker sized German looking guy walking down the halls of gitmo while you're there it means I ran out of ammo and they caught me.

We can share a bowl of gruel......

and the commies in cuba , win.... they now have access to America and still remain commies .... yippie ... in the last few weeks /// marriage has been redefined , the whitehouse lit up in the gay flag colors , the commies now have a "embassy' in the USA , the rebel flag is being called a "symbol" of hate rather than a "honorable" part of history and is being barred just about everywhere ... by the new liberal 5 to 4 margin in the supreme court ..many other "wonderful ' things can be expected to occur before this president leaves office trust me... dear lord --forgive my country --its being ran buy morons and fools...

This may sound and feel like new trouble but it was told to us. We stand up for our conservative nature and moral values. I feel it safe to assume most of us are God fearing and God loving Christians and we were told this type of trash would happen and we were told what would happen to us if we chose to stand up against such filth.
Matthew 24:9
Then they will hand you over for persecution and will kill you. You will be hated by all nations because of my name.
Majority of liberals etc have no moral values or ethics its all about the moment, what feels good, what looks good all about me me me. On the opposite side of these people there stand we, hated and ridiculed

Please remember this is not the politics section, posts need be generic and non political when addressing issues..

One possible test of being racial or isolationist in a flags presence today would be who is aided by approaching it with a need of assistance from a threat,or relief from persecution.
Were a race or type of class among all races refused normal rights or civility under it, or on it's users land then there is a potential conflict.
A souvenir is a physical ,tangible item to remember through association.
Like other items argued about they have no life of their own.
No one chased me back north for being in Rebel territory on any visits, or took away my inherent rights.
But I don't want the nation to forget, nor should it, that 650,000 plus had a big problem with it to the point of dying over it.
Families, neighbors, strangers. Flags were involved but only represented designs.
Conflict had another source beyond a weave of fiber, and still does.

I fully understand your meaning. During these troubled times people are looking at these tangible items as if they are the root cause for their problems or that they are being used as a deliberate attack upon their person which if time were taken for thought they would or should easily see that the general lee charger, aunt Jemima syrup, uncle Ben 's rice etc are by no means a personal affront to anyone.
Racism is on both sides yet the jokes made by black comedians against white people is deemed ok as if because of past transgressions the white is to sit and take the hurtful comments but if a white were to do the same an immediate brand of racist is applied. The comedian who played Kramer on Seinfeld said the "n" word and immediately called racist and lost his career yet blacks make comments about white men that we are all a bunch of nasally sounding nerdy type momma's boys who tremble with fear at the mere sight of a black man. That we can't satisfy our wives and that our wives would run away with a black man after a free minutes of bliss. I've watched black comedians and its pretty standard for them to bust on the white man a lot.
I see this as racist and needs to be stopped but nothing is done because of past issues.
I don't owe anyone a darn thong, my family never owned anyone, harmed anyone in a racial way and I know one major thing I certainly am not afraid of anyone because of color, I don't look nor sound like some nasally nerdy mommas boy and I don't go around stepping on people for personal gain.
I think its high time that both sides play fair, no more hate speech from either side.
Would be nice but people wont let things heal.

This post was about the battle flag at Chickamauga battlefield. Not guns and not religion Chickamauga was the first dedicated national battlefield ever and the second largest behind Gettysburg. 34,000 deaths is a lot of history. It just boggles my mind to think they can ban the historical flag at a national battlefield. I think it is a knee jerk reaction to the recent deaths. History is history after all.
I am curious if it has been banned at all National Battle Fields?

This post was about the battle flag at Chickamauga battlefield. Not guns and not religion Chickamauga was the first dedicated national battlefield ever and the second largest behind Gettysburg. 34,000 deaths is a lot of history. It just boggles my mind to think they can ban the historical flag at a national battlefield. I think it is a knee jerk reaction to the recent deaths. History is history after all.
I am curious if it has been banned at all National Battle Fields?

Actually at Gettysburg its been removed. Was on the news the other day. Has me baffled as to how anyone is to learn a thing if you keep removing parts of history. We all know the left doesn't care because its their plan to remove things that don't fit in their idea of utopia.

Somehow they would have math activists march across America and anyone who used the odd number would be prosecuted, fined and if you couldn't pay serve jail time at tax payer expense because it adds up correctly in their minds.
How did you guys like our Whitehouse dressed so vividly in rainbow colors?
Why is this mess being shoved in our face? If this isn't nearing the end times I don't know what is. People applauding a man who wants to be a woman and saying "she is so courageous". Our cops being rounded up like common thieves because they're doing their job while trying to handle uncontrollable and disrespectful people. Riots over no account street scum who are made out as little angels while police are made out as racist demons. Racist leaders are given access to the oval office while owing millions in taxes. Rioting in the name of someone people don't even know acting like it's for justice but really for a new pair of air jordans. Healthcare that's about as affordable as a new Lamborghini shoved down American's throats. Gay marriage now acceptable but saying you don't like it instantly brands you a bigot. Pot smoking is ok but you can't worship Jesus openly.
And people are shocked when someone goes off the deep end and kills people?!

Couldn't agree more. Something big is gonna go down in this country soon. Maybe even another civil war one day.

Going to extremes in two different directions bad morals - wise and politically correct-wise. They are connected don't you see

I have this mental picture of everyone giving up their flag and not showing one in public. I just happen to come from a state where six(6) flags ruled over us. One was the flag of the Confederacy. Like we will remove that? Never happen. Too many flags, too much history and two many conservatives running the state. Flag makers are gonna get rich over this. Best advice for those demonstrators---Get off welfare, get a life and most of all, get a job...

Haha! right on, Austin...

Isn't it completely disgusting that the majority of our young Texans nowadays thinks that "Six Flags Over Texas" is just an amusement park in Arlington, and have no idea of the historical intent?


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