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I have often left a place scratching my head and wondering if the target was only a few inches deeper

goldbugpr said:I enjoyed all the comments. I'm the guy that posted Craig's List with the Treasure Hunt. I didn't post it to raise money just to raise the level of discussion on a treasure story that is only rivaled by the Lost Dutchman. My partner and I have been successful in our attempts to decipher and understand the Stone Tablets. We are very aware that it is going to be difficult to get a permit to dig this treasure but we do know where to dig. The cost of an expedition into the wilderness will cost about $10,000. Yeah that’s right. The luxury accommodations will include WATER and food for five days, all the camera equipment an a vidiographer to record everything and animals to pack the load, GPR and its professional operator along with two other pieces of equipment. There might be some left over but I am sure the permit process will consume it.
Here is my point.
In order to properly assess the available theories about the Stone Tablets (there is no evidence of any kind that Peraltas had any thing to do with the maps or the Jesuits or that the map leads to gold), we will first eliminate the They’re Fake Theorists and focus on the more serious attempts to decipher the maps. Here’s one.
Most of the serious work has been published or is on-line, even though there are a few serious unpublished potential solutions. These are good.,41448.0.html these are just a few.
After a great deal of research it is noted that all the available works have one common shortcoming: they lack validation.
By validation I mean they do not interpret the clues as they appear. There hasn’t been any proof offered as to the credibility of the tablets as maps based upon their markings. At any given point on the Stone Tablets the corresponding clues must be visible. If they are not you’re on the wrong trail. To date no one has successfully started at the beginning and followed the Maps to anywhere or found anything.
This will soon change.
cactusjumper said:Phil,
I must respectfully disagree with this comment:
"To date no one has successfully started at the beginning and followed the Maps to anywhere...."
I put the Stone Map Trail on a topo around forty years ago, and have followed it from start to finish. Remembering that I laid out the map four decades ago, around five years ago I found this at the end of the trail:
Probably just a coincidence, but if you have something that shows the entire trail, I would like to see it.
Good luck,
Joe Ribaudo
cactusjumper said:M.B.,
You have to be north of the formation to see it as a heart. You would be looking south. As you walk along the trail, it looks like a big blob of rock.I looked that up, and it's the technical term.
Just below the heart as viewed in the picture, you can see the beginning of some darker vegetation. That is the start of a huge natural triangle. In the middle of that triangle is a large magnetite (or magnesite)outcropping. To get to it, you have to get on your hands and knees and fight your way through the brush.
Take care,
I often lay awake at night wondering how many times I should have dug a bit more
it looks like a big blob of rock. I looked that up, and it's the technical term.
AFTER you have made your discovery & Recovery---please do NOT post any info on this Forum---OK ?