check this out this is a craigs list add in phx


I have often left a place scratching my head and wondering if the target was only a few inches deeper :D :wink: ;D

I enjoyed all the comments. I'm the guy that posted Craig's List with the Treasure Hunt. I didn't post it to raise money just to raise the level of discussion on a treasure story that is only rivaled by the Lost Dutchman. My partner and I have been successful in our attempts to decipher and understand the Stone Tablets. We are very aware that it is going to be difficult to get a permit to dig this treasure but we do know where to dig. The cost of an expedition into the wilderness will cost about $10,000. Yeah that’s right. The luxury accommodations will include WATER and food for five days, all the camera equipment an a vidiographer to record everything and animals to pack the load, GPR and its professional operator along with two other pieces of equipment. There might be some left over but I am sure the permit process will consume it.
Here is my point.
In order to properly assess the available theories about the Stone Tablets (there is no evidence of any kind that Peraltas had any thing to do with the maps or the Jesuits or that the map leads to gold), we will first eliminate the They’re Fake Theorists and focus on the more serious attempts to decipher the maps. Here’s one.
Most of the serious work has been published or is on-line, even though there are a few serious unpublished potential solutions. These are good.,41448.0.html these are just a few.

After a great deal of research it is noted that all the available works have one common shortcoming: they lack validation.
By validation I mean they do not interpret the clues as they appear. There hasn’t been any proof offered as to the credibility of the tablets as maps based upon their markings. At any given point on the Stone Tablets the corresponding clues must be visible. If they are not you’re on the wrong trail. To date no one has successfully started at the beginning and followed the Maps to anywhere or found anything.
This will soon change.

goldbugpr said:
I enjoyed all the comments. I'm the guy that posted Craig's List with the Treasure Hunt. I didn't post it to raise money just to raise the level of discussion on a treasure story that is only rivaled by the Lost Dutchman. My partner and I have been successful in our attempts to decipher and understand the Stone Tablets. We are very aware that it is going to be difficult to get a permit to dig this treasure but we do know where to dig. The cost of an expedition into the wilderness will cost about $10,000. Yeah that’s right. The luxury accommodations will include WATER and food for five days, all the camera equipment an a vidiographer to record everything and animals to pack the load, GPR and its professional operator along with two other pieces of equipment. There might be some left over but I am sure the permit process will consume it.
Here is my point.
In order to properly assess the available theories about the Stone Tablets (there is no evidence of any kind that Peraltas had any thing to do with the maps or the Jesuits or that the map leads to gold), we will first eliminate the They’re Fake Theorists and focus on the more serious attempts to decipher the maps. Here’s one.
Most of the serious work has been published or is on-line, even though there are a few serious unpublished potential solutions. These are good.,41448.0.html these are just a few.

After a great deal of research it is noted that all the available works have one common shortcoming: they lack validation.
By validation I mean they do not interpret the clues as they appear. There hasn’t been any proof offered as to the credibility of the tablets as maps based upon their markings. At any given point on the Stone Tablets the corresponding clues must be visible. If they are not you’re on the wrong trail. To date no one has successfully started at the beginning and followed the Maps to anywhere or found anything.
This will soon change.

Correct me if im wrong !!! But to me it sounded like the opening bid of $25,000 is to FUND the whole trip and any and all fee's associated with it ?? :icon_scratch:

Then you say : "I didn't post it to raise money just to raise the level of discussion"

Level of Discussion WHERE Didnt know craigslist had a forum for Treasure Hunting Im SOoooo confused :tard:

Well. I myself hope to see phil on CNN one day. Good luck Phil !! :thumbsup:

We do have a 2 cent position available.
It involves not leaving a trace of man nor beast behind.


I must respectfully disagree with this comment:

"To date no one has successfully started at the beginning andfollowed the Maps to anywhere...."

I put the Stone Map Trail on a topo around forty years ago, and have followed it from start to finish. Remembering that I laid out the map four decades ago, around five years ago I found this at the end of the trail:


Probably just a coincidence, but if you have something that shows the entire trail, I would like to see it.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:

I must respectfully disagree with this comment:

"To date no one has successfully started at the beginning and followed the Maps to anywhere...."

I put the Stone Map Trail on a topo around forty years ago, and have followed it from start to finish. Remembering that I laid out the map four decades ago, around five years ago I found this at the end of the trail:

Probably just a coincidence, but if you have something that shows the entire trail, I would like to see it.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

WOW..........Now that is the first time i have ever seen anything on TN with a CLEAR picture of anything pertaining to the stone maps !!!!
Good Job Joe

Mesabuddy I love that cartoon strip! :thumbsup: ;D :D :wink:


Many thanks, but there are a number of people here who have posted better pictures. The picture below is the, very old, trail that leads right to the heart. The trail is in the exact location that I laid it out four decades ago. I had never been into the canyon before I put the trail on my map. It starts in West Boulder, curves to the east and over a small saddle. It continues down the other side and takes you right into the heart. The heart can only be seen in that shape looking from the north. The heart is to the right of the cactus, and just behind the brush.


Take care,


Roy and Randy ,
I'm glad you liked it !!! , I often lay awake at night wondering how many times I should have dug a bit more :D :icon_jokercolor:
CJ , in your refferal to viewing your heart , are you saying that you need to view from the north , looking to the south ? , in your picture , is that looking south ? , if that is the case I would have to do a double Hmmmmm.........................., that would make perfect sense and fits a great number of ways certain monuments are meant to be viewed :wink:
Best regards everyone ,


You have to be north of the formation to see it as a heart. You would be looking south. As you walk along the trail, it looks like a big blob of rock. :icon_study: I looked that up, and it's the technical term. :D

Just below the heart as viewed in the picture, you can see the beginning of some darker vegetation. That is the start of a huge natural triangle. In the middle of that triangle is a large magnetite (or magnesite) ??? outcropping. To get to it, you have to get on your hands and knees and fight your way through the brush.

Take care,


Many thanks Joe ! , I am liking those pictures :thumbsup:
Regards ,

cactusjumper said:

You have to be north of the formation to see it as a heart. You would be looking south. As you walk along the trail, it looks like a big blob of rock. :icon_study: I looked that up, and it's the technical term. :D

Just below the heart as viewed in the picture, you can see the beginning of some darker vegetation. That is the start of a huge natural triangle. In the middle of that triangle is a large magnetite (or magnesite) ??? outcropping. To get to it, you have to get on your hands and knees and fight your way through the brush.

Take care,



In the section highlighted in bold above from your quote - does that mean you aren't certain if it's an iron/magnetic outcropping or a magnesium outcropping?

HOLA amigos,

Mesabuddy wrote:
I often lay awake at night wondering how many times I should have dug a bit more

As they say "Boy Howdy" I empathize with this statement. Another habit I see treasure hunters do all too often is to rely on those electronic "gauges" that come equipped on many makes/models of detectors, when the accuracy of these gauges has never proven to be 100%. So the unfortunate treasure hunter, seeing his gauge say "tinfoil" or "aluminum can" often simply doesn't bother to dig, when the gauge might well be WRONG. I have personally tested several models and found the accuracy running right around 50%, even on one of the most expensive detectors made, and as a result NEVER trust or believe what a gauge says, not about what it is detecting nor about the depth. Yes you will dig up more cans, tinfoil etc but would you rather just pass over a $20 gold piece or silver dollar because your gee-whiz identifier gauge says it is a "beer can"? They are THAT capable of making mistakes amigos.

***(I also hereby invite any and all manufacturers to provide me with any model they wish to try to prove my statement wrong too, and give my word to test it with absolute fairness under field conditions and will return any such models to the manufacturer as soon as the tests are concluded. So, any White's or Minelab sales representatives here reading this? Contact me by PM or email if you are interested..)

Cactusjumper wrote:
it looks like a big blob of rock. I looked that up, and it's the technical term.

Con-sarn it amigo but there you go, using those danged high-fa-loot-in TECHNICAL terms again! :o ::) ;D :D :tongue3: :thumbsup: Now I will have to go find my geological dictionary/glossary of technical terms again, dag-nab it! :icon_scratch: :icon_study: :tard: :tongue3:

By the way I also like the photos amigo, even with my poor far-sightedness there is no BLUR in them.

Not to answer for our amigo Joe here, I am adding two images for our readers who have no idea what is being discussed when the words "magnetite" and "magnesite" are used - first magnetite

and magnesite
both from Wiki


I took a piece of the ore to a friend of mine, who finds gold mines for a living, and he told me what it was. Been a few years ago, and.......Too embarrassed to ask my friend again. :-[

From Roy's pictures, I would guess it's magnesite. Here is a picture of the site:


Take care,


HOLA amigos,

Joe - you are probably correct, if only for the reason that magnetite is fairly magnetic, while magnesite is not. I think you would have noticed it being magnetic and that would be easily remembered IMHO. A large piece of magnetite is popularly known as "lodestone" and would look like this:

Magnesite is usually softer than your pocketknife, it should scratch pretty easily. More info is online (for any curious readers here)

I think that is quite an interesting mineral to be found in the Superstitions, carbonates are often good "indicator" minerals IMHO plus magnesite has commercial values and often occurs with a key rock type - quartz...!!! :sign13:

(I did not pull all of this out of memory, had to look it up online as my best geology books are not available.)


MACHAKA - well I had to go look that one up, and it sounds like it would be good! :thumbsup: :tongue3:

Hey Phil !

Count me in. THANKS for the EXCELLENT verification info you have sent me. I'm looking forward to the trip in. These jokers on here truly believe that NO Treasure Trove permits are being issued? I'm sitting on 3 right now. With proper verification, etc ( the purpose of your proposed trip ! )---you WILL get your permit to DIG. They ( our so called government ) just discourage people by stating that there will NOT be any permits issued, but believe me: with proper documentation & the GPR pictures & a copy of your book---we can get your RARE permit ! Hang in there. Arm-chair "treasure hunters" like to keep other people down to their level. I'm betting that of the 7,000+ readers of my twice monthly FREE Newsletter for "Treasure Hunters" that less than half even OWN a detector & less than Half of those ever venture out for TREASURE ( most hunt for pennies in the Park )---that is GREAT, but don't be taking "advice" or B.S. from THEM ! It is impossible to soar with the Eagles, if you mingle with Turkeys ! As a whole I've found that most of the people on this forum are positive thinkers, but there are about 20 that are very negative. I'll send you THE LIST !
I'll send this thread & posts to MY current list of Investors & you WILL get your required money. AFTER you have made your discovery & Recovery---please do NOT post any info on this Forum---OK ?


AFTER you have made your discovery & Recovery---please do NOT post any info on this Forum---OK ?

Truer words couldn't be spoken as far as treasure hunting goes!! It's a very difficult thing to not let your excitement, ego and "see, I told you" spirit get the best of you, but I would hazard a guess that some of the greatest treasures that have ever been found on this earth are still unknown about simply because the finder decided the best choice was to keep quiet.

A public forum is the LAST PLACE ON EARTH one should ever share a truly substantial find. A few coins and jewelry here and there is one thing, but there's no advantage at all in showing photos of caches or even bigger things you may have found.

Good luck to you both.

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