Chebarkulsky meteorite ,Uralsk a forum


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Well, hopefully someone who has recovered some material over there exports legally before this becomes an issue.

High, korruptions officials, show high interest to Tchebarkul to peas, as to means of capital investments.
Respectively, fair laws are adopted not.

The law, about an absolute prohibition of use of Metallo-detectors in the territory of Russia, individuals prepares for consideration.

Corruption - our general trouble.:icon_scratch:

High, korruptions officials, show high interest to Tchebarkul to peas, as to means of capital investments.
Respectively, fair laws are adopted not.

The law, about an absolute prohibition of use of Metallo-detectors in the territory of Russia, individuals prepares for consideration.

Corruption - our general trouble.:icon_scratch:

We have corruption rampant over here too, trust me. But more with drugs and cash, or stolen goods like electronics. Not with meteorite falls. When there is a new fall, the TV and media glorify the money aspect, but I'm fairly certain the police don't really care. Moreso scientists and universities that want some for study.

Attention! Dear participants, this site is created only for automation of preparation and delivery of sets of documents for search of meteoric substance.

Not advertizing, demands check.

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Thanks to magnetic shooting in the lake Tchebarkul, it is possible to make the assumption that some large fragments of a space body at the bottom lie.

YEKATERINBURG. Scientists URFA made the card of the module of a magnetic field in a place of falling of a meteorite on the lake Tchebarkul in Chelyabinsk region, - reported API in the higher education institution press service. The card is made on the basis of data processing of magnetic shooting in the lake.

Staff of research laboratory of a quantum magnetometry carried out works on February 28. For measurements the high-precision magnetometers MMPOS were used. Were during the day taken readings of a magnetic field from the area of 60 by 100 meters. Measurements on 6 thousand points located at distance in one meter from each other were as a result received. As researchers report, work was given hardly as it was conducted in severe conditions: at a frost in 20 degrees and flaws of 20 meters per second.

"The preliminary analysis showed existence of several anomalies of a magnetic field which can be connected with existence of large splinters of a meteorite. Now works on interpretation of the obtained data are carried out. On the card it is visible that, most likely, the meteorite when falling broke up, and at the bottom it lies not in the form of small splinters or one large, and in the form of large fragments", - the employee of laboratory told URFA Evgeny Narkhov

Further the card of anomalies of a magnetic field will allow scientists to establish the possible locations of large fragments of a meteorite.

According to the member of the committee on meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Victor Grokhovskogo, the size of the space body which has fallen in the lake made 60 cm in length, its weight — about 100 kg.

Let's remind that earlier near the lake Tchebarkul scientists URFA collected substance and confirmed its meteoric origin.

Let's add, now in laboratories of university researches of splinters of a meteorite proceed. The complex of heatphysical characteristics of substance is already defined, the first ranges of ferriferous minerals and a quantitative ratio оливина, pyroxenes, троилита and metal iron in this meteorite are defined. Besides, an unusual variety of inclusions of nikelisty iron is revealed, and in one of fragments of a meteorite large inclusion of native copper is revealed.

Independent examination, chemical composition of Chebarkulsky substance.
It is received from an authoritative source.


Andrey, just wanted to say thanks again for posting the photos and information. You are very generous with your time.

On March 14, 2013 in Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of a name of V.I.Vernadsky (GEOHI of the Russian Academy of Sciences) there took place a press conference of Committee on meteorites of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The chairman of committee on meteorites, the director of GEOHI of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences Eric Mikhaylovich Galimov and his colleagues presented results of studying of a meteorite Chelyabinsk.


Yes, some larger fragments are being found. There are probably many larger fragments, considering it is estimated that around 1,000 KG probably made it to the ground.

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