Seems I’ve committed some faux pas. Let me take another whack at setting the record straight as to what’s going on and what is and isn’t going on with the current investigation into the Stone Maps.
There are 3 groups of people who follow the Stone Maps story. Those that believe 100% in the authenticity of the maps and their traditional discovery story. Those that 100% believe it’s a total and complete hoax. And; what I believe is the wide majority opinion, that there are bits of truth and bits of fantasy woven into a real story.
There is a current investigation into the life and history of Travis Tomlinson and his role in the Stone Maps history. The lead of that group is persona non grata to some folks. So; we will just leave that part lay. I play a small role in this investigation and will be happy to answer questions when I can, and to be a go between to direct you further when appropriate. Most of you know who to contact and where, and don’t need me to direct you. Your input is welcome. Some information is open and available, other information is not. I hope you understand and respect the difference and understand why some constraints are necessary.
The reason your input is wanted and welcome is twofold. Many of you have spent a life time researching and following the Stone Map trail. You are a resource and data bank of information to complete the story. You also represent a well experienced base to test the accuracy or fallacy of new found artifacts and leads. Who better? None, I’d say.
But; back to the research project. To fully understand the Stone Maps, their history and the involvement of Travis Tomlinson you have to understand the man. You have to get into his head and mind set. You need to understand fully his ancestry, his youth, his family relationships and interactions, parts of his troubled youth and his role as husband, father, son, grandson, son-in law, etc., etc.., all of it. You have to put yourself into his shoes and see the world of the Southern and Western United States in post-World War II. Only then will you have a window into understanding what drove the man. It will give you an advantage in gleaning truth from the Stone Maps, Challenge for Superstition Gold, and the events that followed the death of Travis Tomlinson.
Who better to give you that insight than those among us today that shared their lives with Travis and Aileen, and their daughter, Janie and her family? Travis’ family and friends have a wealth of information to provide insight into the man and what made him tick. They also have first-hand information to share with you concerning what they know of the Stones from their personal interaction with them.
Some of that information will support long held beliefs of the Stone’s history and origin. Some will challenge those beliefs to their very core. Are we, as a group of enthusiasts, up to challenge of having some of our previous thoughts vindicated and others dashed? Some are, and you are to be congratulated. It appears that others are not and wish to cast doubt and accusations of bad faith in every direction. That’s a waste of time and resources.
Some of those doing so are good minded researches who have much to bring to the table of knowledge. The hand of friendship and working together to a common goal of truth has been extended. Extended time and again. Far better to work together in harmony and mutual respect than to work to disparage and disrupt.
As to the controversy of Clarence Mitchell and his (actually Grace’s) July 1968 letter to the McGee’s. In the long run, I don’t think it really matters. We know Clarence Mitchell purchased the Stones from Aileen. Don’t think anyone disputes that. Where the controversy comes is Joe’s recollection of “the man” who visited the family farm to develop a relationship with them to help negotiate with Aileen over the purchase. We (collective group) feel 95% certain that was Clarence Mitchell. There is a 5% chance it was someone else. Joe, being a young teenager at the time doesn’t recall a name, but it does recall features of the man and his purpose for being there. That’s the story he is relating to you. If we (research group) are wrong it does little to change the outcome other than add the interesting possibility of a go-between purchaser.
NEWS ALERT…………We have access to a never before seen document to substantiate what we believe. We have access to the Purchase Contract drawn between Aileen, as seller and Clarence O. Mitchell as purchaser and the explicit requirement of secrecy of the Tomlinson family identity. I’m sure Mitchell did feel a moral obligation to Aileen but here we find there was also a LEGAL obligation to conceal that information…….from everyone, forever.
The interview with Joe that troubles some was done at a time when there was ZERO monetary incentive for Joe to embellish the story. The “story” at that time was only about Challenge for Superstition Gold. The rights to which belonged to the persona non grata. Further, Joe’s mother, who has given the name of the visitor as Clarence Mitchell has ZERO monetary interest in anything. Not then, not now.
As to what some believe are revelations as to Phil and his role……….Trust me; the investigation has a vast knowledge of Phil, his role and that of his descendants. He’s not new news to this story. You have been looking at his picture, as shown the ground map photo and others, for six months.
The folks who bring you first-hand knowledge have no obligation to share. When they do, its up to you to accept it gracefully and accept it as a gift. You are under no obligation to accept it blindly. Eye witness accounts vary depending on what was important to the beholder at the time. By all means use your own good judgment and analysis. Its up to you and your good judgment to determine with whom you find truth and genuine accounts. Its also up to you to determine who is motivated by ill intentions, jealousy and all other manner of disparaging acts. Choose wisely.