CBSs Bob Schieffer again :) Am I regaining faith in establishment reporting?


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Golden Thread
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
Deep, the problem is you can't shortchange sheep. They have no idea they are being shortchanged so it has no effect on them. As long as they hear blah, blah, blah and get fed for free, they will follow. This administration should be tumbling like a house of cards but as long as they hear blah, blah, blah, they believe.

The "sheep" are official called ObamaSheep packerbacker.

The worst gunrunner in this country is Holder and the sheep just don't see it. No problem with Benghazi, no problem with the IRS, no problem with phone tapping, no problem with anything as long as we hear blah, blah, blah and get the freebies. There are a lot of folks out there now that feel like chumps because they work for a living and take pride in self-reliance. It's gonna get worse because more will say the hell with it and join the flock.

The "sheep" are official called ObamaSheep packerbacker.

I call them "party sheep". Every political party has folks who eat, sleep and believe everything "their party" has to say. These folks are mostly looking to be spoon fed vs thinking for themselves. My guess is that they like a sense of belonging to a larger group and the beliefs that come along with the group. All sides have them folks - dems, repubs, greens, etc, etc.

them: Let's try to ban sodas over 16 ounces
me: Let's not

them: Let's raise age to buy cigarettes to 21
me: Then who will buy the 18-year old soldiers their cigarettes if they want them?

them: Let's ban barrel shrouds (whatever they are)
me: Why, it won't make the gun any less deadly

them: Let's extend unemployment benefits
me: Let's create some jobs

them: If someone is trying to rape you, blow a whistle or wet your pants
me: Shoot the *******

them: If someone comes into the classroom with a gun, try to find some scissors
me: Shoot the *******

them: If you want to walk around campus by yourself, stay in the "Safe Zone"
me: If it's unsafe to walk freely anywhere in this country, carry a gun

them: gun free zones make them safer
me: no they don't

I could go on and on forever but, if thinking folks should be a little more responsible for their well being and government officials should have a little knowledge about what they are voting on, makes me a "party sheep" then so be it. Actually I don't vote for a particular party, I'm an Independent and I vote for the candidate that thinks similar to my thinking. It's just a coincidence that the Conservatives usually get my vote although in California I'm better off spitting into the wind.

Excellent post Packer !!!

The worst gunrunner in this country is Holder and the sheep just don't see it. No problem with Benghazi, no problem with the IRS, no problem with phone tapping, no problem with anything as long as we hear blah, blah, blah and get the freebies. There are a lot of folks out there now that feel like chumps because they work for a living and take pride in self-reliance. It's gonna get worse because more will say the hell with it and join the flock.

I thought the worst gun runners were Ollie north and Ronnie ?? Moving a lot more than some rifles if I remember correctly?

I thought the worst gun runners were Ollie north and Ronnie ?? Moving a lot more than some rifles if I remember correctly?

Ollie North has been a featured speaker at past NRA conventions. A convicted felon for selling arms to our country's worst enemy.

I call them "party sheep". Every political party has folks who eat, sleep and believe everything "their party" has to say. These folks are mostly looking to be spoon fed vs thinking for themselves. My guess is that they like a sense of belonging to a larger group and the beliefs that come along with the group. All sides have them folks - dems, repubs, greens, etc, etc.

Great point.

The thing that sticks out about it is that this old construct will NEVER change anything.

So why keep doing it?

Perhaps the most recent gunrunners are Holder, and Ollie, but my Dutch ancester's ran guns to the Mohawk Indians in the 1650's, the French in the 1730's and the French and English in the 1750's! As long as someone needs a commodity, someone will provide that product. Are modern times so much different from historical times? I'm not sure, but history does repeat itself, and there is always someone to fill every void, some legally, and some not so!

By the way, MY ancestors were successful enough in the Hudson Valley of NY in the fur trade business, that some still live on the original land! Hopefully that gives a little insight as to where I come from, ans where I hope I'm headed! Happy Memorial Day, and lets not forget why this day exists!

And lets not forget that Ollie took the 5th!!

As I would

And you would be within your full constitutional god given rights to do so.

To question someone's right to invoke the fifth is to question everything this country was founded on and is a direct insult to all those who fought and died to defend our rights. Something to consider on this day.

Ollie North was a small fish........................... we have the IRS, and the justice dept. along with hillary doing things to conservatives.....

Only a few could support the things that are happening in this country the last few years.......... socialist arise!!!

Ollie North was a small fish........................... we have the IRS, and the justice dept. along with hillary doing things to conservatives.....

Only a few could support the things that are happening in this country the last few years.......... socialist arise!!!

Well I guess it slipped your mind that Iran contra went all the way up to Reagan. Now he didnt need the fifth because he "couldn't recollect" when questioned by congress. We also had poindexter taking the fifth along with Ollie.

Another administration, another scandal - what's new. Oh that's right, this is Obama ... yes I know that obama was written about in the book of revelations as he shall bring about the end of the entire world. Sinners repent the beast has arisen!!

yes I know that obama was written about in the book of revelations as he shall bring about the end of the entire world. Sinners repent the beast has arisen!!

Oh crap, so that's it - why didn't someone tell me?

Oh crap, so that's it - why didn't someone tell me?

Many of the folks on this site have been trying to tell us!! But we've had our heads in the sand. Repent, repent!! The end is near!!

There are times you must covertly sleep with the enemy to further a just cause and then there are those that will sleep with anyone and throw you under the bus to further their personal cause. And these days we also have just plain dysfunctional leadership!

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