Some history: Manufacture began in 1896. Active ingredients: phenolpthalein and cascara. Cascara Sagrada is a tree native to British Columbia, and its bark was long used by Native Americans as a laxative. By 1877 the Parke-Davis Company was marketing its preparations of cascara to the masses. Cascara was so popular the trees became overharvested during the 1900s. In 1999, Cascara made up more than 20% of the laxative market, and was found in more drug preparations than any other natural product in North America.
There were two varieties of this token: One has both sides looking like yours; but the other side reads "Heads I win".
The other variety shows a cherub sitting on the pot and the legend reads: "Tails you Lose; all going out--nothing coming in'." Which variety do you have?