carved rock ? HELP PLEASE


Aug 29, 2005
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Golden Thread


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That was the first thought that came to me as well, the way the top of the head is split looks like one of the asian temple type buildings. It is definately a sweet find. I think your sis should get it as well, from your comments, it seems like the brother is only concerned about the financial aspect.


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Thanks for the omniglot spot- will take me forever but i think i will find something there - will let ya'll know. THANK YOU!!

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Only one tribe had a written language and it was developed in the 1800s.Cherokee by Sequoya. It has some symbols that favor that...I suspect you may have a religious item that is in Greek...maybe part of a rosary??? wag :) tailfeathers

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My first impression is Chinese or Oriental as well. ?However, the writing dosen't go along with the Chinese idea. ?To tell you the truth, that writing looks more Magikal or Paganish? ?Very interesting... I'd really like to know what it is.

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Hi - so far i think it looks like cherokee - check out this site kinda looks like my dude?? AC385 gave me this really cool link - omniglot but they don't have magilcal or paganish listed as languages. will have to look into that later -- you guys are great ! the most help i have had bar none!! i really appreciate it!!!!!

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Is there more writing on the side we cannot see? If there is, could you send another picture? It might help solve this mystery. Do not give up.

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there isn't any more writing on the sides - just the 7 letters that you can see. The only thing else is that above the guy's head there is a 5 point star on the edge of the rock. I can't give up - this thing is in my blood. Thanks for the help! the cherokee language has the "s" with the line through it but no triangle. bye4now

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Good, you have found the main character within the Cherokee language. I would encourage you to look further into that. Are there any other symbols that resemble what you have on the rock? Just because you cannot find the triangle don't give up on that language.
Sometimes with nomadic languages such as the indians, you have variations from the common writings, so I am willing to bet that you are on the right track.
Good luck!

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I also think you are on the right track. What about the rock. Is it indigenous to the NW Nebraska area, or from somewhere else? Try to find out what type of rock or mineral it is. Use all clues.

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Many people couldn't read or write back then could it be some ones mark, you know how they signed their name for debts or receipt of payment. Cladius.

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Maybe this is just a difference in opinion with everyone, looks like it, ;) but that's not a bad thing, right? My first impression was it could be the top off of a bottle of some type of hard liquor, the part that is usually glues to a cork part that stoppers the bottle. First thing tat came to mind for me when I saw it a few days ago. ??? ;D

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Bingo--I think Terry got it. It's a handle for a bow drill for starting a fire. The face is blowing or whistling. I think he's blowing to start the tinder on fire. To make fire would be extremely important. What the star and letters mean I don't know. You might try writing to this magazine of primitive skills. It is called Wilderness Way.
Terry In Florida said:

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Hello again - thanks for the links - will look at them and forward pictures to tribes and other links - you guys have been a great help i truely appreciate it - went to clean up my dad's place this weekend - lots of work so tired but will get back to work on this in the am. - thanks again !!

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if this was found west of the mississippi the triangle may mean tee-pee or home in cherokee sign.......gldhntr.........P>S> give it to your sister ..................

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HI - just an update - PONDMN gave me a link to treasure hunters university a man named "hawkeye" well he called me and said he didn't know what the rock was but that he would like to publish the pictures in his magazine. Pretty cool I think - are there any draw backs to having an item published?? Anyways, I said I would keep you updated and that is it so far ... Bye and Thanks!!

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cool....get it published along with a phone number and you may find out exactly what it is.......

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