If we say this is the only eyewitness for beale in that area at that time and go from there. i think we may have firm ground to start with. The letters that Beale sent to Morriss could say what Beale wanted to without them being truth, yet in some way a clue to morriss that only call him Thomas Beale not TJB.
1. 1820 is the only time someone knows of him to be there in VA.
2. C2 can be just front story for what is truly going on in the rest of the cipher.
3. if you think the story in the Beale Papers to be 100 % truth think again.
4. There is more going on here than that of a few tons of gold and silver.
The letters from Beale do seem to give out info on a lot of things going on if you look at them in the correct manner 250-300 miles north of Santa Fe is a long way to hunt for food. December 1817 to 1819 Nov for the first trip back to VA is only about 12 months of mining if the hunting party was gone for a month or two. Seems more like they just were getting the gold from from a supply already mined. May to December 1817 to get to Santa Fe and then to be in VA for Nov 1819.
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