Captain Thomas Beale Sr.

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If we say this is the only eyewitness for beale in that area at that time and go from there. i think we may have firm ground to start with. The letters that Beale sent to Morriss could say what Beale wanted to without them being truth, yet in some way a clue to morriss that only call him Thomas Beale not TJB.

1. 1820 is the only time someone knows of him to be there in VA.
2. C2 can be just front story for what is truly going on in the rest of the cipher.
3. if you think the story in the Beale Papers to be 100 % truth think again.
4. There is more going on here than that of a few tons of gold and silver.

The letters from Beale do seem to give out info on a lot of things going on if you look at them in the correct manner 250-300 miles north of Santa Fe is a long way to hunt for food. December 1817 to 1819 Nov for the first trip back to VA is only about 12 months of mining if the hunting party was gone for a month or two. Seems more like they just were getting the gold from from a supply already mined. May to December 1817 to get to Santa Fe and then to be in VA for Nov 1819.

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Seems more like they just were getting the gold from a supply already mined.

I think you're on the right track. And I also think that once all of the initial investigations into the various elements are done that you're going to arrive at the conclusion that the only possible source of the wealth described in the pamphlet had to of come from a different source all together. There's just too many game ending factors that come into play in the whole mining notion throughout the period in question.

...and still, Laf, this does not establish if this Thomas Beale , or the other Thomas Beales of this period, is the Thomas Beale of the Beale Papers, or if the name Thomas Beale was only used as a literary character in a dime novel.
Then there is that lack of evidence that anything written in the Beale Papers ever happened.

That is what I am working on. I am working on Captain Thomas Beale and the Register of will Thomas Beale as two people. As you can see this name signature is close to the one from fincastle VA. I need a signature from Captain Thomas Beale at this time to verify they are two people and not just one.

At the time of the yellow fever outbreak they would put the bodies on the front road with a name tag on them and then record the name in the newspaper. So whatever the tag said that was the name they used for the person who died in the newspaper for that week. That week of Sep 10th 160+ people died!

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I think you're on the right track. And I also think that once all of the initial investigations into the various elements are done that you're going to arrive at the conclusion that the only possible source of the wealth described in the pamphlet had to of come from a different source all together. There's just too many game ending factors that come into play in the whole mining notion throughout the period in question.

I never fully believed that they were mining the gold and I never fully believed that they were hunting. But with REME, it create more questions than answers. How can we research REME. I would have to talk to his family there in Colorado.

You have to start with what you are given and move forward from that point without building a bridge over the reality sinkhole. JLP

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I never fully believed that they were mining the gold and I never fully believed that they were hunting. But with REME, it create more questions than answers. How can we research REME. I would have to talk to his family there in Colorado.

You have to start with what you are given and move forward from that point without building a bridge over the reality sinkhole. JLP
(More on The Beale Mystery)

... I recently spoke to Gene Marshall and while he still leans toward the manuscript as being a forgery he also noted that there are some strange predictions in the manuscript that turned out to be accurate. So the authenticity of the manuscript is still being debated today. Also noted was this, "forgery or not, the accuracy of the information within appears to be reliable."
If the Lafitte memoirs are a forgery, how can the information within be considered reliable?

If the Lafitte memoirs are a forgery, how can the information within be considered reliable?

Seems, without any actual first hand research of that publication, it's history, or the information offered within, that you have concluded them to actually be forgeries. That's your opinion, which is fine with me. However, I'm certain that there are several noted experts who like to know how you were able to arrive at said conclusion when they have still been unable to conclusively do so themselves despite countless efforts? Maybe you can get this community of experts all on board the same ship. I mean, you are ECS so I'm sure it will only take one or two phone calls. :thumbsup:

If you actually read the entire article then you would realize that nobody is asking you to believe a thing. It's just been put out there for those who may wish to pursue it further. Obviously, you would never do that, so don't continue to allow it to get so deeply under your skin and simply live with your conclusion that it's all just fiction. :thumbsup: You may be right, you may be wrong. If you're right, "good for you" and if you're wrong, well, don't blame others, that's all on you.

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If the Lafitte memoirs are a forgery, how can the information within be considered reliable?

There are 4 feet of documents by Jean at this library. Are you saying all is a forgery or just the Memoirs?
If the Memoirs what part chapter and page?

There are 4 feet of documents by Jean at this library. Are you saying all is a forgery or just the Memoirs?
If the Memoirs what part chapter and page?

I'll even go a step further and speak from personal experience in explaining that there are also certain documents in existence that one would never even know existed should they step on the wrong toes or not kiss the right butt. I have a very low tolerance of this sort of hierarchy thing which is why Tat generally produces better results then I do with this sort of thing. Folks have to understand that some people have staked their reputations on certain claims and this is something that is fervently defended at times, right or wrong. So sometimes there definitely exist a condition of hierarchy that determines what you may or may not gain access to and even as to how that information is to be interpreted. :thumbsup:

In other words, there is often a HUGE difference in the ease of accessing materials that are a matter of public record and those that are not, such as those that may exist in private collections, and even some of the more sensitive, often elusive ones, in public collections.

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There are 4 feet of documents by Jean at this library. Are you saying all is a forgery or just the Memoirs? ...
I am quoting the stated findings of the Lafitte experts at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center concerning the memoirs presented as "authentic" by forger John Laflin/Lafitte/Nafsinger/Matsjka.
If you need to ask them, I'll provide the phone number, because as Bigscoop noted, I am ECS. 8-)

I noticed that you have now included Jackson, Coles, Clay, Witcher, and Chief Justice Marshall in your Lafitte/ Bonapartist/ Adams- Onis/ French connexion of the covert conspiracy of moving large amounts of wealth to Bedford county.
It will be entertaining on how you will include a minister, Revolutionary WAR heroes, and a Chief Justice into this framework. :happy1: :rocks: :toothy1:

I noticed that you have now included Jackson, Coles, Clay, Witcher, and Chief Justice Marshall in your Lafitte/ Bonapartist/ Adams- Onis/ French connexion of the covert conspiracy of moving large amounts of wealth to Bedford county.
It will be entertaining on how you will include a minister, Revolutionary WAR heroes, and a Chief Justice into this framework. :happy1: :rocks: :toothy1:

Does this mean that you'll actually, personally, conduct the years of required research to know how? Does this mean that you'll actually speak to human beings and personally weed through all of those paper collections in order to form your own opinions? Good. I hope so. Maybe then you'll understand some of what is being referenced, and why. Until you do you'll never be able to grasp what is being referenced, or why. :thumbsup:

PS: "Jackson, Coles, Clay, Witcher, and Chief Justice Marshal...." are you sure you've dialed in on all the right people? Could be you have, could be you don't. As I recall you thought you had the right Mr. Hall as well, and lately you even propose a different Mr. Sherman. Internet resources, I presume. You are is entertaining. :laughing7:

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I am quoting the stated findings of the Lafitte experts at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center concerning the memoirs presented as "authentic" by forger John Laflin/Lafitte/Nafsinger/Matsjka.
If you need to ask them, I'll provide the phone number, because as Bigscoop noted, I am ECS. 8-)

You have been there and seen this document ?
Jean 1.webp

I am quoting the stated findings of the Lafitte experts at the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center concerning the memoirs presented as "authentic" by forger John Laflin/Lafitte/Nafsinger/Matsjka.
If you need to ask them, I'll provide the phone number, because as Bigscoop noted, I am ECS. 8-)

Very interesting time lines!


... "Jackson, Coles, Clay, Witcher, and Chief Justice Marshal...." are you sure you've dialed in on all the right people? Could be you have, could be you don't. As I recall you thought you had the right Mr. Hall as well...
Are you sure?
Your recall is a little, I mentioned that Judge Dominick Augustin Hall WOULD NOT have been one of the distributors mentioned, as he sentenced 20 of Lafitte's men to hang after the Le Brave incident, and issued a warrant for Lafitte.
Next time when attacking the messenger, make sure that you comprehend the message.

Are you sure?
Your recall is a little, I mentioned that Judge Dominick Augustin Hall WOULD NOT have been one of the distributors mentioned, as he sentenced 20 of Lafitte's men to hang after the Le Brave incident, and issued a warrant for Lafitte.
Next time when attacking the messenger, make sure that you comprehend the message.

I'm sure. :thumbsup:
Let me ask you something, have you ever been curious if there might not be reason for the author's use of the version of the DOI that he used in the pamphlet? A few years ago I grew curious about this, also grew curious if there might not be other reasons behind some of these variations. Just a drifting thought I'm passing along.

I'm sure. :thumbsup:
Let me ask you something, have you ever been curious if there might not be reason for the author's use of the version of the DOI that he used in the pamphlet? A few years ago I grew curious about this, also grew curious if there might not be other reasons behind some of these variations. Just a drifting thought I'm passing along.
HA! There were/are SO many copies of the DOI "out there"! Ask Dr. Stephen M. Matyas, Jr.; a DOI Collection.

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