Capitana crew finds over 350 gold coins on 1715 Fleet Anniversary ..

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Kool Thanks I found the exact location with some old fashioned detective work

Treasure vero Beach

Does anyone need a good Diver to search the vero beach area. I have been blessed with uncanny luck in finding things and have been diving since 1984 x owner of Baja Dive in Cabo San Lucas Mx:skullflag:

Does anyone need a good Diver to search the vero beach area. I have been blessed with uncanny luck in finding things and have been diving since 1984 x owner of Baja Dive in Cabo San Lucas Mx:skullflag:
There was one of the salvage boats needed a good diver earlier this year...not sure if they found or still have the diver needed.

Hey, How is Steffi doing?

There was one of the salvage boats needed a good diver earlier this year...not sure if they found or still have the diver needed.

Thanks Red for that extremely valuable info.

Wow, And I live on that beach and only find change. I saw two boats that close working south island all summer? Half way to the power plant.

This find was made between Wabasso Beach and the Turtle Trail beach access.
The picture of the area at Sebastian Inlet is, of course, N of Vero Beach proper about 15 miles.
I hope that helps. :)

Sounds like close to the treasure museum?

I think the gold was down something like 3-4 ft or 4-6 ft, it's been a while since learning about the details. But is was in so close, perhaps you may have stood over all the gold goodies without knowing it.

We were looking for a full time diver to work on shares and have been lucky enough to have a full crew all summer. We will be working every day this fall that we can as well. Financial participation will get you aboard most treasure boats a lot faster than having 2000 dives.
BTW---What is most useful on a shallow water treasure hunt is a really good metal detectorist that can dive or wants to learn how. This is NOT technical diving. If you can pass an open water certification and dive safely, get along with the captain and crew, get on and off the boat AND FIND STUFF WITH A DETECTOR you don't need to be Lloyd Bridges or Jacques Cousteau.

And yes...Capitana's anniversary find was shallow and close in to the beach. Exactly where is no real secret, but I think what is being missed is that those 350+ coins are gone. It was cleaned up as well as it can be without building a cofferdam, excavating every bit of sand and running it through a screen. A veritable herd of the most experienced underwater metal detectorists on the planet has scoured that area and pronounced it clear of coins.
The next big find will be somewhere...but it won't be right there.
There is lots and lots more treasure left on the 1715 Fleet and I believe a good bit of that is under the beach.

Random thought---has anyone ever compiled a map of notable beach finds?

I know where Mike Maguire found the 2 gold jewelry boxes worth over 1/4 million dollars>I know because it was me that did the research and told him where to go and look.Both were found without a MD.

For the record.
The photograph in the first thread was taken by me. It shows the Capitana and the gentleman and I who witnessed the 350 coin find.
That's my detector and my scoop in the foreground.

Subsequent to the find several people including people on this forum showed up at the beach and said they didn't believe the find.
I convinced them that it did and then they showed up with their detectors all over the beach.

Now those same people show up on the internet as experts and the guy who actually found the coins is chastised.

It's a Bizarro world on the internet. I and my friends have had some good finds on the beach and we don't share our spots.

We were looking for a full time diver to work on shares and have been lucky enough to have a full crew all summer. We will be working every day this fall that we can as well. Financial participation will get you aboard most treasure boats a lot faster than having 2000 dives.
BTW---What is most useful on a shallow water treasure hunt is a really good metal detectorist that can dive or wants to learn how. This is NOT technical diving. If you can pass an open water certification and dive safely, get along with the captain and crew, get on and off the boat AND FIND STUFF WITH A DETECTOR you don't need to be Lloyd Bridges or Jacques Cousteau.

And yes...Capitana's anniversary find was shallow and close in to the beach. Exactly where is no real secret, but I think what is being missed is that those 350+ coins are gone. It was cleaned up as well as it can be without building a cofferdam, excavating every bit of sand and running it through a screen. A veritable herd of the most experienced underwater metal detectorists on the planet has scoured that area and pronounced it clear of coins.
The next big find will be somewhere...but it won't be right there.
There is lots and lots more treasure left on the 1715 Fleet and I believe a good bit of that is under the beach.

Random thought---has anyone ever compiled a map of notable beach finds?
I don't know about the beach, but I had a map another TN member gave me of the lease (now somewhere in my old computer). It had gold finds marked, silver, cannons, etc. I'm thinking the deep edge of the lease was only 15 ft deep. It sounds interesting, diving on a boat, hope we see some more wonderful finds. I still can remember the part of lease the past finds were plentiful. I'm sure a lot might be waiting if moving up from the cannons.

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From what I can remember, the map shows places where gold often found with a little silver, was found in close to the beach. Random finds seem to be back and forth in the area between the deep edge and the shoreline. Especially, the area about 1/3 from shore to a distance 2/3 out. Certain spots the trails went in close, maybe washed up on the beach. I would think that going out from know places gold was in close, a good starting point. That is, going out from shore to the 1/3 out distance point.

Here is an updated online pdf with maps w/gps good directions, photos, landmark gps, past and potential finds of beach sites. lease boundry maps, regulations or restrictions, and probably anything else you need to know. Allow enough time for page to load.

This is an excellent website with loads of good information. I contacted Lee Wiese by email and asked if the latitude coordinates for the lease areas shown in the article were still accurate. He said they were not. So if you are a beach detector, don’t rely on this for determining where you can or can’t detect in the water.

He had a note on the page to check other sources for the gps on leases, because they may not be entirely correct. Somebody must have the gps right, it is public knowledge. I know it works the the same way on claim posts on western gold fields, you better make sure first.

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He had a note on the page to check other sources for the gps on leases, because they may not be entirely correct. Somebody must have the gps right, it is public knowledge. I know it works the the same way on claim posts on western gold fields, you better make sure first.

I contacted the state regarding latitude coordinates of the leases along the Treasure coast. I wanted this info so that I would know where I could beach detect in the water and where I could not. They sent me 3 color pdf's showing leases and lease holders from Cocoa to Jensen, but no coordinates. I responded that I would like the latitude information as well. Margaret Swain of the State General Councils Office responded, "The information that you are requesting, a document that shows the GPS latitude of the north end and south end of the leases shown in the previous public records request response, is protected information. These protections are pursuant to section 267.135, Florida Statutes."
This may be correct, but how are we to know where to stay out of the water if we don't know exactly where the leases start and stop? Makes it difficult. Also, the 3 pdf's do not coincide exactly with mdhtalk.

I contacted the state regarding latitude coordinates of the leases along the Treasure coast. I wanted this info so that I would know where I could beach detect in the water and where I could not. They sent me 3 color pdf's showing leases and lease holders from Cocoa to Jensen, but no coordinates. I responded that I would like the latitude information as well. Margaret Swain of the State General Councils Office responded, "The information that you are requesting, a document that shows the GPS latitude of the north end and south end of the leases shown in the previous public records request response, is protected information. These protections are pursuant to section 267.135, Florida Statutes."
This may be correct, but how are we to know where to stay out of the water if we don't know exactly where the leases start and stop? Makes it difficult. Also, the 3 pdf's do not coincide exactly with mdhtalk.

Here isFlorida Statute 267.135: "[FONT=&quot]267.135 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Location of archaeological sites.—[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Any information identifying the location of an archaeological site held by the Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a) of Art. I of the State Constitution, if the Division of Historical Resources finds that disclosure of such information will create a substantial risk of harm, theft, or destruction at such site.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]History.—s. 1, ch. 2001-162; s. 1, ch. 2006-106."[/FONT]

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