Can you wire a Bilge Pump to outlet?


Full Member
Sep 30, 2014
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Placerville, CA
Detector(s) used
Gold Hog Raptor Highbanker, Fisher Gold Bug 2, Fisher F70, Bazooka 36" Sniper, Gold Cube, Gold Vac Pac, Pans & Pans
Primary Interest:
I am sick of bringing batteries to my claim and they keep dying just after maybe a hour of use, so I must be draining them...

Was thinking just to take my 1100 watt 20 pound generator down to my claim so I could just run my 3700GPH bilge pump to the outlet on my generator.. Question is can this be done as the pump only has the positive and negative wire?

I already have a plug, just don't know if this can be done, and would the black(negative) wire go to the neutral spot in the plug or would it go to ground??

Sorry guys I know this does not have GOLD in the topic, but just wondering if anyone else has ever done anything like this??

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kiss principal


Yep with KISS Principal... "Keep It Simple, Stupid", "Keep Short and Simple", "Keep It Simple and Straightforward", "Keep It Stupid Simple"

Don't think I need to take a course in basic electronics's... I was asking a simple question and got the advice without someone being negative, not all of us have electronic's background so give me a break, are not allowed to ask stupid questions here and there? That is how we learn... Before I asked I googled for an hour and could not find what I was looking for....

Anyhow my problem is solved I got my semi trash pump to work last night, however will keep others advice on here for backup...

Also the batteries I have been using were brand new $40 riding lawn mower batteries everstart, most I could get out of them is about 30-45mins running time then they would die....

I wasn't being negative, just trying to help you understand the difference between ac electricity and dc power. Because you were going to try plugging it into an ac generator, the link explains the difference between batteries and house electricity. Read the link and it explains the difference and will help you see the answer to your question for yourself :)

I wasn't being negative, just trying to help you understand the difference between ac electricity and dc power. Because you were going to try plugging it into an ac generator, the link explains the difference between batteries and house electricity. Read the link and it explains the difference and will help you see the answer to your question for yourself :)

I was not going to plug anything in, That is why I came on here and asked first before I even did anything... But anyhow I will keep these ideas for my backup, as now my gas pump is running and i'm loving it..

Thanks AZViper, Good info!

Jvan. Harbor freight has a black friday sale for a solar set up,3 panels, 45watt total power, with a charge controller,and 3 lites,$140.
Although they are amphoris cells,, and not the best cells like mono or poly crystaline, they work good.
There are youtube videos of these being used quite a lot..
If you need any solar help pm me. I install solor systems.
And an electrician.

I am also a solar guy and a high and low voltage electrician. The solar option is a good way to go and is what I would do if I was in ops position. My company has 7 fields finished or almost finished in North Carolina rite now. I'm running one of the crews pre fabbing the combiner boxes and pulling wire strings along with other things for these fields. I have worked on a few closer to home also. I may be heading out to my own field soon as I had some dr appointments that have kept me close to home. I prefer working with substations and line work but solar has taught me a lot and it keeps the company I work for busy and we have hired a high number of workers in that area which in turn helps their local economy. Pm me sometime and maybe we can talk about some ideas as I still have a lot to learn about renewables. I've been doing substation and line work so long that I think I don't like the change but very happy to be working.

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I was not going to plug anything in, That is why I came on here and asked first before I even did anything... But anyhow I will keep these ideas for my backup, as now my gas pump is running and i'm loving it..

Thanks AZViper, Good info!

That's good but I think the solar option would be the way to go in my opinion and would be cheaper in the long run. Good luck and I hope you find your fortune or at least have fun trying. Also would like to add if you need any electrical advice you can pm me also I'm always glad to help anyone with electrical problems.

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Sry, jvan with my comment! I thought you were making a joke because you were tired of dragging batteries to your claim. I read it wrong.

Sry, jvan with my comment! I thought you were making a joke because you were tired of dragging batteries to your claim. I read it wrong.

No need to be sorry, was not saying anything about your comment.. lol...


The trash pump is by far the cheapest to get water flowing down your new highbanker plus Gold Hog mats need lots of water. I have a pump that deliver nearly 9000GPH through my trommel and 5 foot of Gold Hog mats.


If you ever want to be silent while in the field you do have an option to go solar without batteries, the expense of batteries, and weight of the batteries.

You would need two 220 watt solar panels and a DSP 200 Linear Current Booster Controller 12 VDC. A pump controller (linear current booster) is used for pv-direct applications when no batteries are used. The Dankoff DSP 200 uses MPPT technology to deliver the maximum power from the solar array to the pump. This allows the pump to deliver a greater volume of water throughout the day. The extra current helps increase the pump's performance in low light conditions and during start up. The controller also limits the voltage to the pump which protects it from over-speed and damage. The DSP 200 requires an ATO/ATC type fuse. It comes with a 10 amp fuse but you would need a 20 amp fuse. The maximum output for a 12 volt pump is 20 amps. But this is not cheap nor as portable as what you have now, but its silent.

A pair of Sanyo 220 watt panels will set you back about $800.00 and the Dankoff DSP 200 another $250.00. Oh and just so you know the panels are 62.2" x 31.4"x 1.8" and weigh 35.3 pounds each. So this is not a portable rig but a silent rig.

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I was not going to plug anything in, That is why I came on here and asked first before I even did anything... But anyhow I will keep these ideas for my backup, as now my gas pump is running and i'm loving it..

Thanks AZViper, Good info!

Well the title of your thread says "Can you wire a bilge pump to an outlet?" Sounds a awful lot like you were planning on plugging it in. Reed offered you some solid advice.....

Well the title of your thread says "Can you wire a bilge pump to an outlet?" Sounds a awful lot like you were planning on plugging it in. Reed offered you some solid advice.....
And your offering no advice but assuming you know what I was thinking... Asked a simple question, and your post it pointless if you read the other posts.....

Some of the old timers on here were correct on here when they told me ignore some ******** on here, So I will just do that....

Rdg Sluicer is dead on. Your contemplated question of was is it possible and was based on your lack of simple understanding of electricity not electronics. Reed was right to offer the suggestion to you that you might extend your basic knowledge of A/C vs D/C if you did not understand the concept as it might come in handy in the future. You may now have that knowledge and that is good if you do. Rdg Sluicer's suggestion to you, although not directly stated was that Reed's advise was sound. Both of these men have great knowledge and are helpful as are most people here. We all give what we can give here in the way that we can and If the style or words don't quite suit you maybe you should check on who is being the real *******.

Rdg Sluicer is dead on. Your contemplated question of was is it possible and was based on your lack of simple understanding of electricity not electronics. Reed was right to offer the suggestion to you that you might extend your basic knowledge of A/C vs D/C if you did not understand the concept as it might come in handy in the future. You may now have that knowledge and that is good if you do. Rdg Sluicer's suggestion to you, although not directly stated was that Reed's advise was sound. Both of these men have great knowledge and are helpful as are most people here. We all give what we can give here in the way that we can and If the style or words don't quite suit you maybe you should check on who is being the real *******.

Maybe you should stop commenting on my threads, if you don't like what I say then don't comment.. You saw how others such as Claydiggins, AZViper and many others gave good advice without being insulting.. Some of you act like we should all know everything you already know.... Didn't your mother ever teach you if you do not have anything nice to say do not say anything at all?

Mod if you see this could you please close this for comments, as everything was already solved on the first page..

I liked what you said so I did comment. Good luck with your mining op.


For the most part everyone who has commented to your thread has offered you sound advice. I don't believe anyone was being negative. Had you hooked up your pump to AC you would have ruined it. You did the correct thing in asking, but in a public forum your going to get replies from every direction, good or bad. Whether you want to use the information Reed mentioned is up to you, but you as a person would benefit knowing the difference between AC and DC because you will come in contact with both throughout your life, hopefully non hazard contact.

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plugging it into my gen dc outlet is what I was talking about, but as I said many many many posts back I got my gas pump working so I do not need to even talk about this.. Clay and a few others told me what I was looking for.... So it needs to be dropped simple is that...

Jvan, I know one thing from this thread, the next time you ask for advice you most likely will not get a reply due to your tone and wording. Yes we all understand you have your trash pump working, yet you continue to feed your fire with negative post when myself and everyone else extend a helping hand.

Jvan, I know one thing from this thread, the next time you ask for advice you most likely will not get a reply due to your tone and wording. Yes we all understand you have your trash pump working, yet you continue to feed your fire with negative post when myself and everyone else extend a helping hand.
AZViper, I never said anything about you what so ever, You have been very helpful. I said something about one person and then one other started making insulting comments.. To me it comes down to respect and do not like being disrespected just because some on here think everyone should know everything that they know... Simple as that..... Plus said drop it more then once, so really who is feeding the fire......

plugging it into my gen dc outlet is what I was talking about, but as I said many many many posts back I got my gas pump working so I do not need to even talk about this.. Clay and a few others told me what I was looking for.... So it needs to be dropped simple is that

Oh! it does have a DC outlet why didn't ya say so. Problem solved plug it in and away ya go...

as far as feedback on a post I just take what works for me and leave the rest,
some may post overly simplified answers on one post when not enough information is given
but sometime down the road they may be the one that can help with real world experience.

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Oh! it does have a DC outlet why didn't ya say so. Problem solved plug it in and away ya go...
Yeah I got my gas pump working but other problem & why I was asking is the plug on the gen is shaped kinda like a V and I don't have a plug like that so that is what through me off... Anyhow thanks winners58! :)

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