Can you identify this mineral?


Hero Member
Oct 15, 2020
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Golden Thread
Dayton Ohio
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

I’m an Ohio prospector. Everything of value here was once part of Canada and was kindly deposited here by glaciers. That being said it’s a real hodge podge of stuff. Anywho I often find the small iridescent blue flakes in my pans in pretty high amounts. I’m sorry the pictures don’t do it much justice, I figured I’d ask here in the off chance someone recognizes it.

Iridescent gunmetal gray / blue
Breaks in flat planes though thick chunks, not thin like mica
Very heavy, one of the last things to wash out.
Non magnetic

Thoughts? Galena? Maybe calco? Thanks gents!


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might be good to find someone with an XRF scanner or get an assay to see what it is,
some history of a mystery metal, could be a Tellurium or critical mineral.

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I posted this before and now again................Take it to your local State collage to their Geology department and have them check it out for you! I've done this and the people I talked to get a kick out of doing this.

I posted this before and now again................Take it to your local State collage to their Geology department and have them check it out for you! I've done this and the people I talked to get a kick out of doing this.

That’s a good idea. I live in a collage town, I wander if they have a geology department....

I was out running my high banker yesterday’s and found a pencil eraser sized flake of something bright silver, clearly metal. Looks natural. Oh how many mysteries I’ll dig up out of my local creeks.

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