Can silver be uses as payment?

jeff of pa

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Expecting Store Owners & Cab Drivers To take his word or test & Weigh on the Value of his Junk Silver

Jul 19, 2024 WEST PLAINS•
On this day I tried to buy coffee with silver. although I tried several times she would not let me show her anything about silver or how the law had changed the cab driver was also not as receptive to receiving silver as payment although silver is sound money and the green stuff is depreciating. I would wager a silver coin that the next time I catch a cab or go to buy a coffee that the chances would be better that they would accept the currency.I know most of you silver and gold guys out there are going to do what you can to hold on to the metal but to make this whole thing really work for the people is you got to put that money that metal in circulation. Normalize real money people. thank you and happy trails

imo this guys a bit of an ass !
Telling Business People & their workers to "Educate themselves"
when he's the one who needs an Education :unhappysmiley:

Even if True that Tax People Must accept Gold & Silver at Melt Value.
Even Gold & Silver Buyers Only need to Offer What they want :coffee2:

The coins in Stores are Only worth Face Value.

back in my smoking days I paid for a Pack of Smokes with freshly Dug
Merks & Roosies. because I Was Short over a dollar on the Price. But I Paid the price on the Coins 10 cents each. (That was another story :laughing9:)

Besides These days with all the Chinese Counterfeits, he may have had lead.
a Storeowner & Cab Driver would not be expected to "Educate themselves" on
Testing & Weighing !

Hate may be too Strong of a Word for My feelings on Him, But I Do Feel he's an ASS !

If somebody is going around paying for things in silver, I want to be next in line and have my total be $1.01 or something, so I can tell the clerk "Yeah, you can give me the change that guy just left, I don't mind."

If i were in line behind him i would have traded him out some cash for it.

BUT... he is too much of the type i cannot stand ... and i would have told him to move along to the next prospective youtube video idea to try for hits for the lookie at me video that no one really cares about.

Since your noodle already seems scrambled... beat it.... scram with your scam.

Maybe I missed something, but I think the guy in the video is wrong. Missouri did not pass such a law. There were several relevant bills that were introduced (SB735, SB835, HB1867, HB 1955, ad HB2257), but none of them passed both houses and none became law. Therefore the existing Missouri law remains unchanged:

408.010. Silver a legal tender. — The silver coins of the United States are hereby declared a legal tender, at their par value, fixed by the laws of the United States, and shall be receivable in payment of all debts, public or private, hereafter contracted in the state of Missouri; provided, however, that no person shall have the right to pay, upon any one debt, dimes and half dimes to an amount exceeding ten dollars, or of twenty and twenty-five cent pieces exceeding twenty dollars.

So yeah, he could pay in silver if he wanted to, but the silver is only good for face value. That's been the law since 1939.

Maybe I missed something, but I think the guy in the video is wrong. Missouri did not pass such a law. There were several relevant bills that were introduced (SB735, SB835, HB1867, HB 1955, ad HB2257), but none of them passed both houses and none became law. Therefore the existing Missouri law remains unchanged:

So yeah, he could pay in silver if he wanted to, but the silver is only good for face value. That's been the law since 1939.
Like i thought...
Noodle is scrambled. heh

Yeah well...... i would only paid him MAX.... 80% melt... my "surcharge" so to speak for the convenience. :) (hey everyone hits me with em)
And he would have had to wait while i sip my hot Latte and sigh with delight as i slowly calculate his EXCHANGE RATE and fees / loss.

#1. Surcharge on the surcharging.
#2. Exchange rate / handling fee
#3. Convenience fee. (will waive the convenience fee if convenient to do so.)
#4. On the spot Mobile exchange always runs more than standard exchange so that is part of the convenience fee that is not waived.
#5. Testing fees
#6. Looping / magnification fees(s)
#7. Storage Fee
#8. My end exchange fee
#9. Hourly fee... rounded to hour if past the beginning of the hour of course
And finally .... yes... finally... i know i know...... i am better than most.....
Having to deal with and being an arse fee.

When i am done he wont be able to buy the empty cup for the drink he wanted.

Play stupid games... win stupid prizes.

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