Well, I didnt watch the videos and i dont plan to....i have seen more than enough calabash videos to last my lifetime. But when a guy starts off with saying that "the AT max doesnt perform well in iron in the All metal mode"....That statement alone tells me one of two things, either #1 Thsi guy is grasping at straws to find a way to put down this machine....or #2 This guy dont really know alot about detecting. Anyone using any machine in a Threshold based all metal mode to hunt any substantial amount of trash, iron or not, does not understand the purpose of this mode. All metal mode is designed to provide maximum depth and power out of a detector. If there is a large amount of iron trash in the area, depth is probably not your problem! I have owned an AT Gold long enough that i have hundreds of hours on it(not just a few, then post a video)....and i can tell you after doing extensive comparisons in HOT VA soil; that the AT GOLD holds its own against most any VLF machine out there at IDing good targets at depth. At the time of my testing there were no Equinox's or Anfibios, but i did test Etracs, Explorers and even a couple Noktas/Makros. The problem is when the soil is mostly red clay at a certain depth everything turns into a nail. The places i typically hunt for civil war relics are either camps or battle sites. Thick square nails are not usually a problem at these sites as they are at old home sites. Disc mode is pretty well useless at these areas because if the target is deep enough to be old its probably not gonna sound or read as a good target. This is where the AT gold really shined and became one of my favorites. You could take this detector and run it in all metal and just listen for those softer, deeper signals; then when you hit one scan across it being sure you are centered, now watch those ID numbers. If they stay at around 30-35 or higher it is worth digging....if the stay in the 30's but jump to the 60's you've probably got a deep 3-ringer that the minelabs could not even see. For "my style" of relic hunting Minelab does make a great machine; its called a GPX. Those who are most influenced by these rediculous videos are those new to the hobby. Anyone with years of experience under their belt knows that an air test is a total waste of time, as is using dug-up square nails for a test. Once a nail has been disturbed from its 100 year old resting place it will never look the same to a detector. Also, buried targets in a test garden are not the answer to a head to head comparison either. You can't make a good representation of a 150 year old target in just a few years....My point being that the only way to really compare two detectors is to carry both with you in the real world. Then you have to check every signal using both machines....not many people do this by themselves. I usually had a second person to help out while comparing two machines. But at the end of the day what is best for you might not be for me. The Equinox i beleive might just be the new king of the Beach, The Deus i still beleive is king of the iron....and for my style of relic hunting i'll keep my Tejon....and the AT gold aint bad either.