Garbage begats Garbage. Stupidity follows Stupidity. This country was formed, after a WAR, to be free. Responsible but free. Fair taxation, Fair government, Fair rules, Fair sharing and it is the responsibility of "The People" to keep the whole thing running not Just the Government being in charge as that is what caused "The War" in the first place, an unjust government ruling people who stopped being involved in the government. Not exactly what happened way back then but it still figured in and it certainly figures in today with all the 'handouts' for nothing given that folks want/expect. It will be a long hard fight to bring this country back to what it should be and it will take all of us being involved to re-create the freedoms our founders dreamed of and fought for.......................63bkpkr

our socalled "representatives" want to be placed/veiwed as though they are on a immoveable pedestal! they ARENT! the bills brought before these "representatives" are written by people OTHER than the people we voted for or got elected because they are good liers! and they arent part of these "representatives" representatives or office worker!YES these bills are written by people that had a vested interest in what goes in them and they make loopholes that benifit them. you really didnt think our socalled "representatives" would write this kind of c*#p would you???

The Sierra Fund, helped fight and paid to get dredgers out of the water, are now extorting money from the government under the guise of mercury remediation. Just remember.....

:sadsmiley: Our government has been too large, had their hands in our pockets, and our lives, in too many ways for too long. Makes me sad.

Suction Dredging

One of my other priorities this session was banning suction dredging in Washington’s critical habitat areas. This mining technique uses gas-powered machines that vacuum up sediment, allowing miners to separate the gold and metals from the remaining gravel. Unfortunately, wild salmon and steelhead spawning grounds are also caught by the vacuum. I highly encourage you to read an article written by a 36th district constituent Dr. Kim McDonald, Cascadia Wild Lands,explaining the harmful process of suction dredging on our fish and streams. Oregon and California have placed a moratorium on suction dredging as they examine the harm being done to wild salmon and steelhead runs. Idaho has banned suction dredging in rivers and streams where wild fish runs are at risk. We’re the one remaining state in the Pacific Northwest’s lower 48 states that allows suction dredging and we do not monitor compliance with the minimal regulations on the books. We have received dozens of e-mails from people throughout Washington who support this bill. Even though it did not gain a hearing in its House committee, I will be carefully working this issue during interim in preparation for next session.

Thank you for taking the time to read this legislative update! I’ve been hearing from many of you about a wide variety of issues, and I greatly appreciate your advocacy. Please don’t hesitate to call my office at (360) 786-7860 or e-mail me at [email protected] if something’s on your mind. Your voice in Olympia, Gael Kim M. propaganda site below for Washington State legislature to stop placer mining.

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It is common to have lobbying groups to author laws and then reps "sponsor" them. The game is played that way. Lobbying groups are made up of citizen groups (illogical insane or not). The problem is the process has been corrupted by federal and corporate money.

BillTrack50 - track state bills, voting records, bill sponsors and legislature < ----- you can e-mail Ms Pavley i'm sure she would love to hear from you all, Sierra Fund a lot like CBD do not have any alterial<--ckspl motives do they now ifn you look up SB 1270, as introduced, Pavley. Surface mining operations. (1) Under existing law, the Department of Conservation, under the supervision of the Director of Conservation, is comprised of various entities, including the State Mining and Geology Board, and the work of the department is divided into divisions including the California Geological Survey and the Office of Mine Reclamation. Existing law requires the board to nominate, and the director to appoint, the State Geologist to advise the director regarding technical, scientific, and engineering issues, including the scientific quality of the products and activities of the California Geological Survey, and requires the State Geologist to meet specific qualifications. This bill would instead require an unspecified individual or entity to appoint the State Geologist and would make that individual responsible for the management of the California Geological Survey. The bill would change the qualifications for that person. more anti-mining types in Gubermut trust just what the green machine wants The Sierra Fund, a regional nonprofit based in Nevada City, is the sponsor of this bill. “This bill helps to improve the ability of the state and local governments to enforce mining reclamation – a crucial issue in the historic Gold Country where huge 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century mining operations left behind a toxic legacy that has yet to be cleaned up,” noted CEO Elizabeth “Izzy” Martin. <--- here is we could say something about the ban (SB670 wiggens) before they got rid of the milk-runs for mercury, or why dizzy izzy insist on using a dredge on the combie at tax payer expense, remember i vote too yuk yuk, elections are coming up how many on this site will continue to vote for this woman

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I would vote to tar and feather her and any other carpetbagging politicians, or green parasites.

This from the Sierra Fund
Lead adversely affects numerous body systems and causes health impairment anddisease that arise after periods of exposure as short as days. The frequency andseverity of medical symptoms increases with the concentration of lead in the blood.Common symptoms of acute lead poisoning are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting,stomach cramps, constipation, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, moodiness, headache, <------------- It's how i feel reading this garbage​
The Sierra Fund Recreational Trails and Abandoned Mines Assessment Page 8​
joint or muscle aches, anemia, and decreased sexual drive. Acute health poisoning​
from uncontrolled occupational exposures has resulted in fatalities

Your up next fisherman and hunters, you don't have us to clean up your lead shot and sinkers

i AGREE, Dredging saves the environment, and as fullpan mentioned how many tons of lead is in our waterways?

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