California dredging loophole?

Just for those that dont know F&G and especially Stopher are NOT our friends,for all intents and purpose they are the ENEMY....especially Rat Faced Stopher!!!!!

Also,what somebody at F&G tlls you to a question does not protect you from anything in the field!!!!!!!!I would not trust em if they told me it was 2013,thats not somebody that answers phones know answers to laws.If you want to know an answer to something not clear,confer with an attorney.The lawbook is also written in a way that one law can be interpreted differently warden to warden,and at the end of the day,unless you have a good attorney the Judge will side with the Warden

Very Very Very True!!!! Speaking of enemies they read all the forums and most certainly read the foolish new 49ers fun fun club web site. There is a long list of them.

The point I was trying to make is we should have kept this hush-hush quiet amongst ourselves and used it to get by as long as we can until things started coming back around, if ever.

But posting it on a web page and making it sound like the best thing since peanut butter won't accomplish anything but more BS for the rest of us.

We all should realize the promotion of the "good news" this so called new break through method as well as the "fantastic" Oregon dredging was only one mans way of keeping his income flowing during a dredge ban that he caused himself.

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I understand your point about "hush-hush" now. I really think there should be a standardized warning to keep certain conversations off of a public forum, what
do you think? Actually, there is a subject about mercury that I can't bring up here because I know it will aid our opponents if public - what to do?

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Does Dave McCraken publicly use this on his properties or is he just throwing some stupid people a bone and waiting to see what happens.. Truth is I wouldn't trust blm ect. ect. ect or gpaa, new 49rs ect ect with my wife let alone my wallet..

Gravel by stating this should have been kept quiet implies you think the idea has merit. If, as you state, 'enemies' are moitoring selected websites, then they saw this long before I posted it. It's only information. Information is power. Ideas tossed around lead to solutions. Some of these solutions will work for some, some not. By keeping them sequestered they will work for few.

I stated Dave has his detractors. He also has quite a few supporters. I really don't have first hand experience with him to decide which camp I'm in. I do know he enables many to prospect who otherwise wouldn't be able to. He also has fundraisers to aid in the legal battle California prospectors face, donating his own gold in support. If someone else does more on the legal front they are keeping it a secret.

With the speed of information we enjoy there are few secrets anymore.

In truth,if it didnt happen already,it would be a matter of time before somebody would be seen or cited for doing this anyway

In truth,if it didnt happen already,it would be a matter of time before somebody would be seen or cited for doing this anyway

Yep, and in the mass numbers of club members directed to try it, that would be easily seen roadside on the Klamath, it won't take long for it to happen regardless. Your Right.

It should have never ever been made public anywhere on the world wide web. Club Web Sites & Forums all included.

Might as well have just ran right to CDFG and told them to fix it right from the start (pretty much what happened).

Keep making the same mistakes over and over and over..... Mistakes from the same group of miners.... Deny it, look away, and make some more.... that is the pattern I see.


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haven't any you had friends you hung out with somewhere back in the day when ya was knee-high-you know the kind,
"Hey, why don't ya jump, come-on double dare ya"
thats what them fools are tryingon everybody else
(a) Definitions.(1) Suction dredging. For purposes of Section 228 and228.5, the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment (i.e.suction dredging) is defined as the use of a motorizedsuction system to vacuum material from the bottom of ariver, stream or lake and to return all or some portion ofthat material to the same river, stream or lake for theextraction of minerals. A person is suction dredging asdefined when all of the following components are operatingtogether:(A) A hose which vacuums sediment from a river, streamor lake; and(B) A motorized pump; and​
(C) A sluice box.

problem is this in the moratorium (so long as gravel and earthern materials are not vacuumed with a motorized system from the river or stream.)
so who regulates this?
since California feels it's above fed law go ahaed jump


I understand your point about "hush-hush" now. I really think there should be a standardized warning to keep certain conversations off of a public forum, what
do you think? some of us have tried to warn people of saying to much on the net, or even saying anything at all of their intensions/locations only to be BLASTED from some know-it-all that cant understand what theyve read. the best way is to just not put it on the net at all! even these gold tv shows are feeling the heat from some that are watching it and then going out and citing them!

Here is a warning to those guility, stop making personal attacks on other members. If anyone has an issue with a post, object in a respectful manner, not by calling members stupid, and any of other names in the posts I deleted..................If it continues there will time outs issued......If there is an issue hit report post, do not reply to insult with an insult, if it continues some will end up not being able to post for awhile.....

If anyone is not aware of our rules there is hot link in my signature.............

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Here's what I'm thinking about Dave Mack and about this mining situation.

NO SENSE HIDING SOMEONES GONNA GET CAUGHT EVENTUALLY, Bring out the ideas make them public because they need to be discussed and they need to be in court and the laws need to be decided to whether we're going to continue to be harassed for every single thing we do, guys are being cited for every thing under the sun, changing the course of a creek, digging holes, turbidity, suction mining, you name it there citing us for anything they can and its petty B.S . either take away our right to mine completely and leave us the hell alone, leave things the way they were pre moratorium , they need to quit adding more regulations and policy's there unnecessary and illegal, the more cases in court we have the more people will know about the illegal activity california government is doing.

I feel this is the endfor us in california, soon oregon soon other states this nation is going in another direction and it's not gonna be a free nation much longer, its a politcally ran nation and it will self destruct, implode on itself, because politicians are running things and the people who vote for those politicians want what they're promising, HANDOUTS, LAND LOCKS, ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL...

I just read an article Dave wrote about this government and he is DEAD ON, read the article deny it haters but thats EXACTLY whats going on here in california and across this country.

You guys who keep saying HIDE, telling us we're idiots for not hiding, I have absolutely "0" respect for you as men, your not men, give me a time out i'll take my punishment for saying what i think, this is one miner whos not hiding and who's going to fight till i get my teeth kicked down my throat if need be and i'll damn well die for my freedom and my rights as an American citizen...........

You know i just made a decision i won't be back till after my March hearing, I'm on a self timeout so there :headbang: SEEYUH

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