California Approve Equipment Help


Jr. Member
Feb 4, 2013
Camino, Ca
Detector(s) used
3"Highbanker/Dredge Combo, Gold Buddy Mini Highbanker, Keene A52 Sluice Box and a Garett AT Gold Detector
Primary Interest:
Hello everyone asking more question. I would like to buy a Keene Highbanking combo/dredge but I was told buy someone that it would be Illegal for me to own this type of machine because there is no dredging allowed in California and you can't even have the suction hose in your car. Why can't I just keep the suction hose at home and just run it as a power sluice concentrator and if they ever did lift the dreding ban I would already have one
NOT SURE ON WHICH SET TO GET I have read that you need a 8' sluice then I have read you don't

177203 Combo & Dredge 8 Feet x 20 Inches P185 - GX200 Honda 50 ft. NH2 FVA25E 20 feet 228 lbs. 338 lbs.
177203 Combo & Dredge 8 Feet x 20 Inches P185 - GX200 Honda 50 ft. NH2 FVA25E 20 feet 228 lbs. 338 lbs.

Gravel Hog said:
I find your title a bit humorous. "California Approved Equipment" .... is there such a thing? :BangHead: :laughing7:

That's funny or not its really a sad thing that its tru gravel hog

That's funny... Diane sent me a reply today to my anti Diane attack letter that I sent to her...
Check it out...

Dear Reed:

Thank you for contacting me to share your opposition to my assault weapons legislation. I respect your opinion on this important issue and welcome the opportunity to provide my point of view.

Mass shootings are a serious problem in our country, and I have watched this problem get worse and worse over the 40 years I have been in public life. From the 1966 shooting rampage at the University of Texas that killed 14 people and wounded 32 others, to the Newtown massacre that killed 20 children and 6 school teachers and faculty, I have seen more and more of these killings. I have had families tell me that they no longer feel safe in a mall, in a movie theater, in their business, and in other public places, because these deadly weapons are so readily available. These assault weapons too often fall into the hands of grievance killers, juveniles, gangs, and the deranged.

I recognize that the Second Amendment provides an individual right to bear arms, but I do not believe that right is unlimited or that it precludes taking action to prevent mass shootings. Indeed, in the same Supreme Court decision that recognized the individual right to bear arms, District of Columbia v. Heller, the Court also held that this right, like other constitutional rights, is not unlimited. That is why assault weapons bans have consistently been upheld in the courts, both before and after the Heller decision. I believe regulation of these weapons is appropriate.

Once again, thank you for your letter Although we may disagree, I appreciate hearing from you and will be mindful of your thoughts as the debate on this issue continues. If you have any additional comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
P.S. ¬¬ And I really enjoyed the wonderful picture of me ¬¬

(Oh, ok... I added that part in for her... lol Reed).

13218921-nazi-and-ussr-flags (1).jpg

So what percentage of killings take place with assault style weapons? Somewhere around 2% and what are most of the killings done with ? Handguns actually to be more specific revolvers, so why are they going after the rifles? Dosn't even make sense, GUNS don't kill, people kill. Seems the govt. wants us to arm ourselves look at how many gun shops sold out of guns and ammo right now. If the govt. did want to reduce arms it could but it is like reverse psychology going on. Ever wonder why the govt is stockpiling ammo to be more specific 9mm and 40cal hollow point ammo to the tune of billions of rounds at social security buildings and post offices, maybe they know something we dont. Arm yourselves and be safe!! check online for yourself and ask yourself why....Why Is Homeland Security Buying 450 Million Rounds of Hollow Point Bullets? | Video | Not claiming conspiracy , could be all kinds of reasons..? interesting for sure though.

........also how many of these mass shooting were in Calif....where we already have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation!They want to continue to let the illegal aliens in too.....when do they think they wll start abiding by any law?The whole thing just makes me sick,it should not even be a topic of discussion,yet it is because of the simple fact a society that can not protect itself is further at the mercy of those(Feinstein)who want to control everything we do."Feinstein",really needs to look back in her families history and see how Hitler began his rein.....she obviously has not,or didnt learn from her peoples mistakes....or did learn.....and wants to be the "New",Hitler

I've seen machinists make 30 rd box magazines for the M1A. A powerful, semi automatic, .308 rifle. Assault weapons ban compliant and Cali legal as long as you can't remove the muzzle brake. And the shootings im hearing about are being perpetrated with 10 round magazines. Theyre cheaper, and reloading a semi auto is quick and easy. Cool huh?

Back on topic, and correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't actually used one, but I believe if you don't run the pump into a suction nozzle it works just like a highbanker. So if you leave the illegal parts at home you're safe. They can say it's illegal to own a dredge, but it can't be illegal to own a piece of hose and a bent piece of pipe. It's not a dredge unless it's assembled or there is intent to assemble.

I've seen machinists make 30 rd box magazines for the M1A. A powerful, semi automatic, .308 rifle. Assault weapons ban compliant and Cali legal as long as you can't remove the muzzle brake. And the shootings im hearing about are being perpetrated with 10 round magazines. Theyre cheaper, and reloading a semi auto is quick and easy. Cool huh?

Back on topic, and correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't actually used one, but I believe if you don't run the pump into a suction nozzle it works just like a highbanker. So if you leave the illegal parts at home you're safe. They can say it's illegal to own a dredge, but it can't be illegal to own a piece of hose and a bent piece of pipe. It's not a dredge unless it's assembled or there is intent to assemble.
Speaking of back on topic, his question was ¬¬ NOT SURE ON WHICH SET TO GET I have read that you need a 8' sluice then I have read you don't

177203 Combo & Dredge 8 Feet x 20 Inches P185 - GX200 Honda 50 ft. NH2 FVA25E 20 feet 228 lbs. 338 lbs.
177203 Combo & Dredge 8 Feet x 20 Inches P185 - GX200 Honda 50 ft. NH2 FVA25E 20 feet 228 lbs. 338 lbs.
And the answer was not a Keene, call Spencer and buy a South Yuba where you get tons more for your money. Watch the video, everything you see is legal on your land.

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