Cache Marker? Grave? What is it?

Guys, Reveille (I think it may be the 6th or more now?) lives better than you and I ever will. One cadet in the Corp. is assigned to take care of him. He is loved, groomed regularly, fed the best food, cherished, taken home for the holidays and then buried with full military honors at the end of his life. The previous ones(all Collies but one I think) were buried at Kyle Field, Texas A&M's football stadium. When the stadium was renovated a few years ago and new additions were added, it was discovered that they would block the sun from shining on the Reveille grave sites. The contractor was then ordered to fix the plans so that the sun would continue to hit the graves. At the University of Texas, the mascots(BEVO the Longhorn steer)used to be barbequed and eaten at the end of the Thanksgiving Texas-Texas A&M game. That was in the early years. Now he goes back to the trailer and back to the pasture to eat grass and wait for the next game...

Reveille is not happy unless he have girlfriends.

For those that are still in suspense, I have not had time to go back to the site yet nor have I decided how I am going to proceed. I am 98 percent sure this is not a grave. I also do not think it is the top of a park bench since there are no marks indicating it. My most recent idea? Maybe it is the lid to something and the bottom portion is under the ground somewhere nearby. It would have been easy to miss with the detector since I was discriminating out iron. The site is very trashy. Just to help people envision the site a little better, there is an old cistern about 30 yards away, there were three brick buildings of some sort all around it, and the community cemetery is over a mile away so I don't think the block was carried away. I will update as soon as I have more info. That is, unless I find a great amount of treasure, and then you won't hear from me anymore, haha. Any new thoughts?

And Sam, reveille has always been a female. Unless she has been spayed. Yet another mystery.

Knights of the Golden Circle

For those that are still in suspense, I have not had time to go back to the site yet nor have I decided how I am going to proceed. I am 98 percent sure this is not a grave. I also do not think it is the top of a park bench since there are no marks indicating it. My most recent idea? Maybe it is the lid to something and the bottom portion is under the ground somewhere nearby. It would have been easy to miss with the detector since I was discriminating out iron. The site is very trashy. Just to help people envision the site a little better, there is an old cistern about 30 yards away, there were three brick buildings of some sort all around it, and the community cemetery is over a mile away so I don't think the block was carried away. I will update as soon as I have more info. That is, unless I find a great amount of treasure, and then you won't hear from me anymore, haha. Any new thoughts?

Dude, you better hurry because now I know that the world will end on December 21. An aggie FRESHMAN won the Heisman. And now I am confessing that in 1981 I went to grad school at Texas A&M, but don't tell anybody. My girlfriend and I were both T.A.'s, me in History, her in Geology. She dumped me for her officemate, I transfered to Texas Tech and when I got to Lubbock(AKA the ends of the earth), I wished I had remained in College Station. Funny thing, she hated UT of course and especially the city of Austin. She got a PhD in Oceanography, but never used it. He got a job in Austin and she has lived there for the past 25 years. I see her sometimes, she still hates it, weighs 250 or so, and I just thank the stars for my good luck. Gig Em...

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here is my perspective on what you may have found. It could very well be something to do with treasure see the slab looks grave related but obviously not from a grave. You have a backward N possibly signifying north then the fact there is a grave yard with a person with these same initials to me its classic KGC I would go to the grave then pace off the grave marker walking north looking for any clues. Id bet my last dollar its symbolism on that stone you found.

slimjim1987- You say that J.A.W. is buried in a nearby graveyard. How old was he on Nov 2 1927, when he scratched his initials in the concrete? I'm curious.

Kinda dought it is a KGC cache as the date is 1927 way after all the secrecty of the KGC. Unless they poured concrete on the cache or marker to remember where it was ???? shortribs rwdmo

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